Mastery: The Mesmer (WIP and not available...yet)

The Mesmer

This mod is still a work on progress. The basis of every skill has been finished which is why I feel comfortable announcing it officially now. Before release I still have the following things left to do:

  • Spend some time in the PFX editor making the visuals of skills look better

  • Go through roughly half the skills and tweak/add values to give them some semblance of balance

  • Move skills around to different tiers and locations on the mastery chart

  • Do a quick play test to make sure nothing is broken or too over/under powered

It should be done within a couple weeks.

Now for the details. This class is loosely based on the Guild Wars 2 version of the mesmer with skill ideas taken from both the original and chronomancer spec. Obviously some skills didn’t translate well or at all so of course various things aren’t there and many skills don’t function in the same way. This class primarily focuses on aether and chaos damage, speed, damage reflection, and providing heavy support options. I intend to have this be a completely balanced class that has some powerful abilities with tradeoff sacrifices such as long cooldowns, damage, etc. Here’s a break down of the skills starting from the top of the tree.

Line 1

Phantasmal Warrior: This is the persistent summon offered by the mastery and is based off the phantasm aspect of the mesmer. It scales with pet bonuses. Individually the warrior is fairly weak but unlike occult or shaman summons you can have multiple out at a time.

Phantasmal Leap: A modifier for the warrior. This skill serves as a gap closer.

Illusory Retort: A modifier for the warrior. This gives them increasing damage reflection with each skill level.

Feedback: This is a very large AoE skill with a high cooldown that pulses an AoE damage reflection buff to all who stand within it.

Illusionist: First signature skill. This skill provides some defense and aether damage boosts to the caster as well as a health and damage reflection boost to your pets.


Fragmenting Clone: Loosely based off the F1 shatter skill in GW2. I spent hours pouring over the modding tools but could not find a way to separate the clone summons and the shatters to allow you to shatter at will so I had to make due with what I have here. This skill summons a short duration clone that does very little damage in combat. It distracts enemies and after a set period of time will suicide and shatter for AoE aether damage.

Dazzling Clone: Similar to fragmenting clone but the AoE does significantly less damage and provides a chance to stun.

Perplexing Clone: Summon to dazzling clone but provides a chance to confuse.

The three clones share independent summoning caps. With some planning you can summon clones ahead of a difficult fight for some quick burst damage otherwise their damage is comparable to a standard nuke spell. Once a particular clone hits its summon cap if you attempt to summon one again it will overwrite and existing clone and cause that clone to suicide.

Line 3

Time Well: Loosely based off the chronomancers various well skills. This skill functions somewhat similarly to the occult sigil. It places a symbol on the ground and deals chaos damage with each tick in the AoE.

Warp: This modifier adds aether damage to the mix and provides a small reduction to the offensive and defensive ability of the enemies caught in it.

Dilation: This modifier slows enemies caught within the well by a small amount.

Pandemonium: This modifier provides a very small chance to apply a number of different conditions with each tick to any enemy caught within the well.

Echoes of the Past: Loosely based off the F5 chronomancer skill. Game mechanics don’t allow a replica of that skill though so instead I’ve settled on making this a very high cooldown skill that instantly refreshes the cooldown of all of your other skills.

Line 4

Chaotic Armor: A toggled buff that provides a defensive bonus as well as damage reflection to the caster.

Prismatic Coalescence: A modifier to the armor that increases manage regen and provides a small bonus to all maximum resists.

Temporal Field: Based off the mesmers time warp skill. This skill has a high cooldown similar to feedback but provides a very large AoE that pulses a large increase to total speed to anyone within it for a short period of time.

Chronomancer: The second signature skill. This buff increases chaos damage and provides a small boost to casting speed and skill cooldown reduction.

Line 5

Warp Strike: An attack replacer. I loosely modeled this one and it’s modifier skills off the 1-h sword blurred frenzy skill. It accrues charges like savagery. The base skill does a small amount of flat aether and chaos damage as well as providing a %increase to both types for the short duration that you have charges. It also drastically increases your attack speed and cast speed at the cost of a total damage modifier.

Whirling Frenzy: This adds an AoE to warp strike that increases the number of targets while sacrificing total damage.

Obfuscate: Provides a chance to dodge melee and deflect projectiles while under the effect of the warp strike buff.

Line 6

Diktat: I couldn’t think of any suitable way to replace mantras so I went with this. Functions as sort of a shout with an effect similar to Olexras Flash Freeze. It has a huge AoE, a fair cooldown, does chaos damage, and provides a stun.

Spatial Vortex: A skill modeled after Aether Ray with the mesmer greatsword auto attack in mind. It does chaos damage and less damage than aether ray but will pierce through enemies.

Confounding Visions: A modifier to the vortex that was made with the scepter skill 3 in mind. It adds aether damage to the vortex and provides a very small chance per pulse to confuse an enemy.

Line 7

Nullification field: Similar to arcanists nullification and the gw2 mesmer null field. It has a large aoe and duration than nullification but a higher cooldown.

Phase Shard: Made with the mesmer F4 skill in mind. A short duration invulnerability and damage reflection similar to what we see with arcanist and nightblade.

Blink: A short range teleport with a cooldown that decreases with higher levels.

Resistance: A passive skill that provides resistance to various conditions.

That’s the rundown of the class. I’ll be spending a couple weeks from here tweaking everything and getting it ready then I’ll find a few people to play test it before I release it public. I welcome any and all feedback and recommended changes as this is my first attempt at modding anything.

This looks amazing. Can’t wait to try it out!

Looks awesome!

Love mesmer in gw2, ranger class next!
Timewarp skill? shatter build?

Holy crap the fx on that ray!

*stumbles around blindy

Can’t seem to find the download link to test this baby out.

Sent from my SCH-R950 using Tapatalk

Nor could I find the self casted spammable chain lightning ability :frowning:

Oh well I give up, Looks like Grim Dawn gets shelved until the expansion.

It’s not quite ready for download yet. I just wanted to put it out there for feedback. Will be ready in a week or two.

Looks awesome!

I also use the mesmer as the base of my 3rd mastery
Fortunately I modifierd it to a traditional-eastern-style class to stay away from the similar ideas:p

This looks fantastic.
Waiting for the release.

I’d definitely consider working on further GW2 based masteries once I get this one to a point that I am satisfied with it. Once I release this it’s going to probably take a few balance passes before that happens. I just got back from a mini vacation and am going to go through and work on actual values for skills now. Things might not be very well balanced at first as I am just going to use values based around other skills on existing masteries and tweak them up or down a little depending on how they differ.

It’d be pretty interesting to have a whole mastery replacement mod that uses each GW2 class. Ele probably wouldn’t be first on my list as it’s not a class that I know as well as others. I would probably go with revenant, necro, or engineer next depends on what mood I am in and what other people would be more interested in. It would take a bit of thought to find a good way to work in necro shrouds or revevenant legends. Engineer would probably function a lot like demo but with some differences.

and yes the FX on the ray made me quite happy when I first tested it out. It’s pretty damn trippy looking.

this mastery looks amazing.

please RNGesus tell crate to expand the masteries limits

Holy crap … the stuff people are coming up with for classes already… and its like what… been less then a month or so? O.o

Maybe a year down the line I was planning on making a bunch of new masteries in a modpack (basically stripping out and replacing all the old ones), and something like this was on my to-do list.

If I release such a modpack in the future, would you mind if I included/want me to include your Mesmer? I may tweak it a bit to fit in line with the balance of the other masteries.

No need to answer right now at all, because - again - this won’t be happening for a while.

Good luck on the mod! Looks awesome so far.

The only thing I’d really have to say is to please remember GW1 as well. It has a wealth of skills to draw from, far more than GW2 (yes I’m still a bit bitter). In addition to extra skills to choose from for implementation for shared classes (Warrior, Mesmer, etc.), there’s also the expansion classes. Admittedly the Assassin pretty much became the Thief, and Ritualist’s item skills wouldn’t work (and its spirit/past/legend theme is now used by the Revenant), the Dervish could work quite well along similar lines to the Shaman (caster and 2h weapon lines). Sadly Paragon just wouldn’t translate,

Unfortunately I didn’t play enough GW1 to really know the mesmer or any other class well enough to make a good transition to this game. “A wealth of skills” is not something that is entirely compatible with this game either. Even many of the GW2 skills have been consolidated because it’s much better build progression to have, for example, a single well with modifers rather than 5 different wells. I’ve tried to keep this mastery in line with the existing masteries that have 27-28 skills not including transmuters.

So…sorry to burst your bubble there. I understand your nostalgia but I just can’t make it happen well enough to stay true to GW1 and you’d likely be disappointed in any attempts I would make.

And Ceno…or anyone else that wants to add this to a mod pack once it’s done. By all means go ahead. Just give me credit where credit is due. I’m pretty new to modding but have made every attempt possible to make it easy to merge with other mods.

Sounds like it fits a mesmer perfectly! Well, i dunno honestly, i haven’t played GW2.

How is it done? Is it just a stretched texture? I haven’t looked yet but I know that is how it works for the lightning effects.

Skills like aether ray use a 64x256 texture file.

I made a base straight ray looking texture then I opened up a second copy in gimp and used the IWarp distort filter to swirl it left and right. Then I placed it over the original straight ray and edited out every other wave where it overlaps to make it look like a cool looking spiral around the ray. This is the texture it uses.

Wow, thanks. I mean I have no intentions of doing this any time soon, I’m still working on updating/fixing my TQ mod… til that’s done I won’t be doing anything with this information, but much appreciated and I’m sure others will enjoy that.

Very cool nonetheless, very cool indeed…