Men and Women Stereotypes in Games

Still sleeping. :innocent:

No, it is like Medea said: It´s kind of boring and a little bit too “obvious” why it is included. Remember Dragon Age? Morrigan…I really like her in-game, but it was quite clear, why a lot of (male) players wanted her in the party. :wink:


Best female character of any game - Glados in portal.

She offers you cake too.

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Hehe, I didn´t play as much as I used to in the past, but there are different examples how women are presented.

Haven´t played Borderlands 3, yet…is Moxxi still there? :wink:

@rhylthar: Only ever played borderlands 1

I guess I wished that there was an equal emphasis on the objectification of men.

Yes…women are sexually objectified, but men? Men are viewed to be disposable.

And the reason for this is evolutionary IMO. If all women were to die, except for one, the human race would be royally screwed. The converse, however, isn’t true. If all men were to die except for one, he could still repopulate the world (and have a bloody good time at it).

Couple that with the biological differences between the sexes (e.g. strength), and it makes sense for men to be more involved in dangerous occupations. If the hunter gatherer tribes which exist in africa today are similar to those of our ancestors (and they should be as they have remained relatively unchanged), it’s men who tend to do things like hunting.

And this mindset still carries on to this day

  • The concept of “women and children first” on a sinking ship
  • The military is a predominantly male organization
  • etc. etc.

If I had to choose? I would rather be made a sexual object, than a disposable one.

Again, I’m not saying that the objectification of either gender is right in any way. In fact, I wish it weren’t so. But just like how the developing human fetus still grows gill pouches, it’s not easy to do away with evolutionary baggage.

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It´s a little bit dangerous ground we are walking right now because it could (what I really don´t want!) get a political dimension.

Read an interesting article a few days ago; it was about the possibility to play a Pen&Paper female character in a (pseudo-)historical setting e. g. Call of Cthulhu 1920´s. What options are presented? And is it okay to “break the rules” and play a female character which would be a real exception for this time period?

The discussion about it was…not funny.

I suppose the ramifications of this aren’t as tangible to most, but if you are like me and hail from a country which practices conscription…

I had to give up 2 years of my life to serve in the military. it was that or lose my citizenship and become a fugitive for “desertion.”

Women on the other hand are exempt from this.

Men in Singapore also have what’s called “re-service” where, up to the age of 45 iirc, they have to take a month off work every year to maintain their combat skills.

Companies are also required by law to pay them during this 1 month hiatus. This often results in men being bypassed for promotions because they effectively do ~10% less work than their female counterpart.

EDIT: The fact that most of the developed world have the luxury to overlook the disposable nature of men, and to get so worked up by the sexual objectification of women is a good thing in that it’s a sign that we, the human race, are becoming more and more peaceful. I.e. the disposable role played by men is becoming more and more redundant.

+1 from me.

But I just wished that more people could be mindful of how this mindset is still very prevalent today. It’s almost hypocritical to just myopically focus on one side of the coin.

May I get a link to the article?

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I could give it to you…but it´s in German. Wouldn´t help really.

Here in Germany (though nobody will say something like that) when a company has to choose between a young female or young male, the male might have better chances. Why? Well, the chance that he chooses to take Parental Leave when becoming a father is much less.

Yes. I agree.

You might have missed my sneaky edit :stuck_out_tongue:

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I agree with you spanks. It’s unfair that men have to do compulsory military service while women do not. Though there are some countries where it’s compulsory for both: Armenia, Cape Verde, Chad, China, Eritrea, Israel, Norway, North Korea, and Sweden.

Switzerland has more women volunteering and the country is considering extending their compulsory military service to women as well. Not sure it would pass a referendum though since a lot of women seem to be against the idea.

Rhylthar - that’s sort of swings and roundabouts. Women often lose out on the job front because of potentially having a child later on, but men lose out because they don’t get the same amount of parental leave then the child arrives.

In Germany men could take the same time of parental leave as women as they want to. A colleague of mine chose to do it.

Before I have to go to work, just two proverbs I have to smile about:

Most of the time, men are thinking only about two things: Eating and Sex. If you don´t care for the later, just make him a sandwich!" :wink:

Men are just childs in an adult body.
My wife took a great picture last year. My father, my son and me, three generations, sitting in front of a model railway, totally fascinated and far far away from real world.

And right now, I am sitting in my “working room”, where I prepare my lessons, correct test/exams, etc. But in reality, it´s my personal “Bat Cave”, with tons of books, Nerd Stuff, Pen&Paper-RPG and, of course, my PC with all my games. Guess who is my little guest very often…:smiley:

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Pretty sure that’s not true. I’ve spoken to many N. koreans about this.

I don’t know if you remember the 2008 FIFA world cup where N. korea made it to the semi finals.

Those lads were told that if they did just that, they would be exempt from National service (i.e. they’ll serve their nation via football).

Them boys were playing for their freedom :rofl:

Which was why we men in singapore were rooting for them, and living vicariously through them.

By far the most egalatarian in terms of military service. Pound for pound, the israelites have the strongest military force in the world. Nothing but respect for them.

Regardless, it doesn’t matter how many countries do/do not enforce conscription in a gender blind manner. My issue was never with conscription, or how women are exempt from it.

Why would I wish something that I view as negative unto someone else?

No. My issue is the failure of many to acknowledge that both men and women are equally objectified, just in different ways.

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Sure. I’m on and off the site here rather randomly. But i’ll answer what questions I can.

Would totally be with you in watching the model railway. :smiley: I love to see the layouts people come up with. We’ve got a really big layout near us which sadly we haven’t visited yet.

@sir_spanksalot yeah, true, but the subject is stereotypes in games so guess we’d better get back to that.

Isn’t it all related though?

Gears of War, battlefield, CoD…disposable men, no sexy women - no one bats an eye.

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Yeah, but as Rhylthar said we’re straying into politics.

Do you see those games as objectifying men though?

Apologies for straying into politics. I have a hard time separating it from these topics :stuck_out_tongue:

Personally, I see objectification everywhere because I do think that there are biological differences between the 2 sexes, and hence there’s a tendency towards these “norms.”

Problem arises when we make these things societal constructs and impose them unto others.

But to answer your question - for sure. I think such games and such notions have very much so influenced society - e.g. the whole “bro alpha male” culture is such an example.

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Some experience from my WoW-Time:
We had a lot of female gamers in our raid group. Now a lot of people will think: “Sure, you need healers.” Wrong, most of them played Damage Dealers (one Tank) and enjoyed the “E-Peen-Statistics”, who made the most damage.

Well, meanwhile…I played my Restoration Druid (Healer). :slight_smile:

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Exactly this. Same concept in dota. Everyone wants to carry/DPS. No one wants to support.

Hehe, after every “First Kill” there was a lot of cheering, how great the damage was, etc.

As the leader of the “Healing Squad” I told the other healers in our chat: “Let them. We all know, why this damage was even possible. Dead people don’t do damage.”

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Yup - common saying in dota:

Carries win fights, supports win games.