Mistborn Talisman

Death knight has cadence, just want to point that out before someone who disagrees with you gets the chance.

Cadence is not AA replacer of this type. I think it should not even be called that way.

Fleshwarped Strikes with Aether->Physical/Vitality conversion is an option.

Oh! Whoops, my bad!

How does disagreeing with one niche suggestion equate to disliking such a broad concept as diversity?


Yes but this would be a cleaner solution. And you would have a lot more choices in weapons.

I also have DW chaos Warlock. Using Beronath will rob you there of 2x Seal of Void for AoE proc that you absolutely need. It would just be better with an upgraded relic. A lot of builds can be thought of. And relic is the best place for such skill.


What are you using that isnā€™t Rahā€™zin?


Cadance differs a lot from charging AA replacer such as Savagery, Beronath Shardā€¦ That is obvious.

2x Twilight Veil. Pretty strong set up (actualy aether+chaos). That DW physical Cabalist ia strong as well. Just the relic could be endgame as well for better stats.

OKā€¦Rahā€™zin does not consume a weapon slot.

Edit: Iā€™ve run a Physical Cabalist in the past, too. Fleshwarped Strikes + Aether -> Phys conversion.

Does it matter what type it is? Cadence is still an increase to weapon damage dealt over time.

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It can. Cadence wonā€™t stack multiplicatively with WPS. For low WPS masteries (Necro, OK, Shaman, or those that have none like Demo, Arcanist, or Occultist), it matters very little. But itā€™s significant enough for Nightblade and Inquisitor.

Yes but it would not be aether + chaos then. Endgame relic would just open more options. That is obvious. I donā€™t see much point discussing this further.

It is like saying one relic for enabling dual wield melee is enough. Why we have many of them then? Well letā€™s have one more with AA replacer as well.

It seems like every time cadence and WPS come up Iā€™m asking for clarification on the most current understanding of the interaction.

The last I saw it explained

  1. The cadence hit doesnā€™t benefit from wps.
  2. The cadence hit only applies to main hand damage
  3. Thereā€™s an interaction with DW that generates cadence charges faster than the norm
  4. Cadence hit has an invisible internal cooldown.

Maybe itā€™s better off in another topic but my point here is that cadence does interact with WPS, just not in an intuitive or well documented way.


Cadence doesnā€™t have a cooldown. It charges up and, on the third hit, it hits with extra damage.
This third hit overrides any WPS that might have gone off on the third hit.
This is why itā€™s not a good idea to go Cadence with a WPS heavy character.

Welcome to a game engine from 2006. :stuck_out_tongue:

Agreed. Your current understanding is mine as well.

It does have a small, hidden internal cooldown placed many years ago to prevent multi-hit weapon pool skills (Amarastaā€™s Quick Cut) from activating Cadence multiple times in the span of one attack.

Addendum: My understanding is that Cadence itself does not have a cooldown, exactly, but charge generation does. That means going from 1-2 charges, or 2-3 charges (and consequently activating Cadence) sets off an internal timer. However once Cadence is used, there isnā€™t (or shouldnā€™t be?) a timer between 0-1 charges.


I may have to go poking around the game files again if this is easily editable. Curiosity tempts needs towards what monstrosity would result.

Is it true that Cadence hit only applies to main hand weapon? I thought it can apply to either main hand or offhand weapon, but never both simultaneously?

^Randomly uses either weapon, and the other one uses a normal attack or something close to it, if it procs.

Actually, thatā€™s what I had in mind, yes