Does this mean if you dual wield with cadence while running WPSs, even though cadence can override a potential WPS, you’re still more likely to trigger a WPS than you are if you arent dual wielding (while using cadence)?
As if Reaver’s Claw cadence wasn’t strong enough already.
@Ceno Some dude on reddit a while back claimed that ranged inquis WPS (chilling & storm spread) reset cadence in the manner you described (AQC + Execution). Think rifle WPS animations are long enough to workaround the cooldown? (Gonna test it eventually myself, but thought I’d ask anyway)
On topic: I would like to see a Mythic relic AA replacer, but it would have to be considerably weaker than Ultimate rank skills, as well as the ones gotten from full set bonuses (RahZin, Belgo). I’m not sure there’s much room for strengthening there.
Random shower thought: It’d be interesting IMO to have a ‘baby cadence’ or something like that instead of a savagery clone, but it seems like the latter is easier.