[Mod] Central GD-Zenith Thread

An interesting story (Basin of the Giants) is added, but where will this be planned?

Probably part of his unreleased map - ETA 2 years last I read.

Somewhere around here:

Thank you for answering. It’s wonderful! There are still almost no those who make a tale and map.
It will be a great piece of Zenith when it’s complete. I can’t wait to see it. :smiley:

I don’t know what is more important when it comes to making a custom map in this engine; patience, effort, or hair (when it comes to deal with bugs, lol).


I don’t understand the “Total damage modified by 50%” in the stormcaller skill in elementalist.

Can someone light my candle, plz.

A bit of everything but most importantly: lots and lots of free time.

It’s a +50% damage multiplier. Because I got lazy with adjusting its values precisely.

Just a quick question.

You are writing first “Welcome to Enolis.” However, you are writing it as “Elonis” in the descriptions of Terror Knights and Elementalist classes. Which is right?
And does Elonis (or Enolis) have any special meaning?

Clerical error. Bound to happen eventually, and will probably happen again.

Enolis is correct, and its the name of the region Zenith will be taking place in, whereas vanilla GD is mostly centered on Burrwitch/Homestead. The main kingdom of Zenith is called ‘Vallithell’, and is referenced by ‘Vallithellian’ in a couple classes/skills. This is comparable to the unnamed (?) Imperial kingdom present in vanilla GD.

Terror Knight and Elementalist have been corrected, thanks.

Wow, awesome! Thank you very much!

Do continue to let me know if there’s anything I can do to make the translation process easier. I’m extremely appreciative of your work here; it’s hard for me to evidence that in words alone…

…any interest in having a hero monster named after you? :smiley:

Thanks, there is no portion which worries about translation for the moment in Zenith. :slight_smile:

It’s a very interesting proposal! I’m glad if it’s an impressive monster. :smiley:

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I received the complaint that there was little toggle skill assignable to constellation skill from the people. For example, in the case of a champion, toggle skill assignable to a constellation has only conviction. Could you improve this?

No, I can’t. You cannot assign a Devotion to a skill that has an autoCast skill innately added to it. Most of Champion’s toggles fulfill this criteria. There are spots still remaining in the masteries for more skills, and I can look into something of the sort there, but no guarantees.

It’s all a moot point anyway, really, as I plan on redesigning the vast majority of Devotion for Zenith.

Oooh, Come ON! :cry:

? :eek::confused:

Redesign every single class…

isn’t this idea like… 180 degrees upside-down thing?


Zenith is getting six masteries of its own, a Devotion system of its own, enemies of its own, an itemization system of its own, and a map, lore, and quests of its own. This has always been the plan.

Speaking of lore, I’ve started work on The Necrotic. Have a sampler of its class description:

Ok, I understood. Then, I’ll expect the remaining spots because the Devotions are useless treasure under the present conditions.

On the other hand, GD (and TQ before) are all about combining 2 masteries that synergies each other sometime is to get better offense other times is for better defense, offer a good LMB skill, and in your case, why not considering an other mastery to offer more toggled skills… :wink: