[Mod] Central GD-Zenith Thread

Of course, I know that. However, there are also those who want to play with single mastery, or the players who feels shortage with the selected mastery.
The person in whom I received the question played with the Champion plus Dream, and had said that skill assignable moreover was insufficient.

Bro, you do realize that that would take you a shitload of time to do on your own, unless your boy here learns a programming language or two(currently studying Java, but will delve into C++ later as well).

Yes. I have already put out a minimum estimation of 2 years required to finish the mod.

So I finally got the PSEditor working on my end…

…which means I can start doing awesome shit for my skills. Yay!

Feel free to write a tutorial once you master it. :smiley:

I may well do a video guide at some point.

We have a few tutorials available for the PS Editor.


pictures are missing but there’s a shitton of info.

and then we have this one:


and I could have sworn I saw another too.

In light of this, Zenith is officially getting custom FX to much of its existing skills, along with those coming with the Necrotic, in the next release. Here’s a look at the new ‘Evocation of Terror’ FX (my apologies for shitty compression quality):

Subject to being refined a little bit…

Soon. ™

This is really frkin cool. I have no clue how modding fx works.

It seems to be fearful! “This skill must be channeled to maintain its effect.”
What does this mean? Isn’t it the usual active skill?

It looks to be a life drain beam, like AAR but … necromancer style. Considering it has no AOE or pierce on the tooltip, that’s pretty much the only assumption to make.

Ah I see, surely it’s like an Aether Ray. But it’s strange that there is no energy cost.

I don’t add energy costs to skills until the very last stage of development. Makes testing easier.

But yes, it’s an AAR-like. It also pierces.

No cost for testing? Now I’ve got it.

Does it pierce the enemies 100%? The complaints that many people have about AAR are being unable to move while casting the skill, and another is not piercing through enemies. It will be fantastic if these are possible. :slight_smile:

The pierce does happen 100% of the time, yes. However it cannot be cast while moving.

I’m also pretty sure that, with modifiers, this ray skill has among the top area-of-effect potential in the game. You’ll just have to wait and see what I mean by that. :wink:

Edit: Although I guess I can give you one more teaser…first modifier for “Reaper’s Glare”

chain lightning

Thank you for the additional information.
It’s very interesting modifiers. I wuold like to try early. :smiley:

Elementalist is in my opinion overpowerd - and not a little!
Stormcaller + thunderclap is clearing EVERYTHING in a two player grimmest hardcore game, we stopped playing with the hero who had Elementalist mastery as it simply was very boring running through.

The skill Rupture has a 33% chance to reduce elemental resis by 100% - WTF!
I used that skill a while, sometimes heroes went down by two hits primal strike + the resist reduce from rupture.
Also the elemental dmg boni are way to strong and easy to get.
Citadel of ice - even IF you come in a hairy situation you can become invincible as you can cast this skill all time - no cooldown!?

That is the impression me and a mate who play grimmest hardcore have - and we stopped using the mastery completely.

This isn’t really as strong as it seems. It’s a multiplicative reduction, so at best it just takes enemies to 0% resists unless you have other resist reduction effects that take them into the negative. That + the fact that it’s radius of application is fairly small and you often need to kite enemies into it makes me feel as though it’s fairly ok. I feel as though if you want to waste time doing that rather than just outright whacking stuff, that’s a fine sacrifice for a fine reward.

Any in particular? My gut feels that this is part of the discrepancy between Zenith and the main game, but I’m open to input regardless.

I think I’ll increase the energy cost of the skill. That’s meant to be the main limiter of the skill’s usage, rather than some arbitrary cooldown that can be mitigated with gear (or the Riftstalker mastery…) anyways. And while you can technically leech back some Energy via Refuel, you probably won’t get enough to permanently sustain CoI, especially not against bosses.

I’ll take a look into Stormcaller but it’s already been fairly heavily nerfed since it’s original version and I haven’t received any comments on it for a while.

You get resi reduce very easily in this game.

  • devotion
  • items
  • skills

I saw other skills/devotions which reduce for like 10/20/30/40%. But when you have one skill that reduces 100% from start with a 33 (!!) chance it is so easy to get to at least -150 and more.
Whenever i played my Elements keeper it got boring because primal strike (and stormcaller - but even without that) + rupture just mowed down everything easily.

Elemental dmg from Elementalist:

  • Flameblade
  • Elemental flow
  • Rider of storm
    (2 of those also give OA)
    That is just huge.

Good to hear you will nerve Citadel…