[Mod] Central GD-Zenith Thread

All of which are being built from the ground up in Zenith.

What u want to say? Sorry i am somewhat not up to pace today…

TL;DR Zenith is a total conversion mod completely redoing the game, featuring a new campaign, new quests, new enemies, etc. It’s not merely a mastery mod, even though the 5 (or 6) masteries are the only thing presently available to the public.

I understand.
So in the total conversion reduced resi will not be as easy to get?

That’s the plan.

In general reduced resists will primarily come from mastery skills, as that’s a far more significant investment in character development than something like Devotion or itemization. Still, it does run the risk of shoehorning characters into particular builds, so I do still intend to keep an eye on reduced resists and remain open to reducing any/all of them, even Elementalist’s Rupture.

Ok, i understand.

From the DAIL 57 Version:
The Chain Lightning Level 1 version should be increased to 2 targets (by shifting the number of targets by one) or the damage should be increased by 1.5-2 to keep up with fireball and auto attacks. Also it would gather the feeling of “chain”-lightning a little bit better.

This is just a minor thing as it is not really important for later on and especially as the tooltip for the second level clearly shows how well it increases w.r.t #targets and damage itself, therefore it becomes quickly clear that further investment is worth it.

The following are the typical comments sent to our Wiki.

  • While playing Grimarillion, I often pick up the item which raises the skills of vanilla and Grim Quest. However, the item which raises the skills of Zenith does not appear at all. Would you improve this?
  • The skills of a two-handed ranged weapon are satisfactory. On the other hand, all the skills of the dual-wielding ranged weapons are too low, so it’s hard to use them as main skill. I would like to play like crazy with two pistols (in Outrider).

[1.] Grimarillion is (was?) working on a solution for this, but I don’t think it’s my place to discuss that without consulting with the rest of the team. On the other hand, Zenith will have its own items, as I have repeatedly said in the past, they just haven’t been implemented yet.

In the meantime, +X to all skills should benefit Zenith masteries.

[2.] I’ll look into it. I suspect this is primarily the fault of pistols being so comparatively slow in relation to other weapon types, which, again, I can solve when I get to implementing items.

Thank you for your reply. I wrote your answer to Wiki for them.
Incidentally, they who expressed comment are the ardent players which already reached the goal of Ul Grimmest (Grimarillion) with two or more characters. :slight_smile:


I play a Purifier (Elementalist+Outrider) and my game crashed 2 times in a row when I used Citadel of Ice.

Maybe it’s a coincidence, but my game rarely crash (once every 20-30h I would say) and here, it was twice in less than one hour and each time was when the screen was full of foes, lightning and then I cast Citadel of Ice


If you say V4 released, I expected a download link

and rightfully so :wink:


When will the next update be available ?


I’m working on sorting out a weird modding-related oddity with Crate (specifically Zantai). That’s holding up one of the Necrotic’s skills from being fully fleshed out. Otherwise I still have two-four more skills to implement (depending on how ‘dense’ I want Necrotic to be), then have to make skill icons for each skill. Following that, I’m planning on doing a bit of rebalancing here and there (Terror Knight in particular is going to be marginally redone, as it has too much overlap with the Necrotic).

When all that’s done, the update will be published. I don’t want to give an ETA though. Life’s too finicky for that.


The outrider shield skills are really nice, but is it me or wearing shield avoid being able of using any other range skill of the mastery: one line is for dual wield and the other one for two handed :frowning:

Sacrifice you make for the defensiveness of a shield: less offensiveness.


Just wanted to remind ya 'bout Battery :stuck_out_tongue:

P.S: Lotsa love :* from the Bulgarian community!

[DAIL 58.2]: Elementalist Breath Fire needs a huge nerf of damage. The level 1 version does 30% weapon damage 110-156 Fire damage and almost 500 fire damage over 2 seconds. It currently one shots almost everything at level 16 without even the slightest change of surviving.

I would keep the weapon damage as is and reduce the fire damage to 50% (somewhere at 50-75) and the fire damage over time to 25% (somewhere at 100-150).

I am not sure which mods introduces the problem but I thought I let you know as well even if it is not related to the Elementalist itself: Ice Surge stops working when you equip a staff or a spear (likely from GrimQuest?)

Thanks everyone for the balance feedback I’ve been getting. Here’re the patchnotes for the next release (not done yet). Some figures may be subject to change, and I still have stuff to work on (Terror Knight adjustments still need to be done). Just finished the Necrotic’s skill design today, leaving only the art for the mastery to work on. Hype hype hype… :smiley:

  • Added the devastingly evil Necrotic mastery to the mod!
  • Added unique FX to many existing skills. More will follow with subsequent updates.
  • Renamed Outrider’s ‘Cadence’ skill to ‘Marksman’ (so as to remove confusion with the Soldier’s Cadence skill)
  • Elementalist - Rupture: % Chance of Elemental Resist Reduction reduced from 33% to a scaling %, reaching 25% at 22/12.
  • Elementalist - Breath Fire: Minimum Fire Damage reduced by 60%. Maximum Fire Damage reduced by 20%. Now features a 40% chance of 66% Crit Damage (at all ranks) to help endgame scaling.
  • Elementalist - Exhumation: Reduced Burn Damage by 33%.
  • Elementalist - Ice Surge: Increased range from 16 to 20 meters.
  • Elementalist - Citadel of Ice: Energy Cost increased by 25%.
  • Elementalist - Sprite: Radius increased from 2 meters to 3.5 meters. Cooldown reduced from 25 seconds to 20 seconds.
  • Elementalist - Chain Lightning: Increased maximum Lightning Damage by 15%.
  • Outrider - Kick: Added 80% Weapon Damage (all ranks).
  • Champion - Battery: Is now a default attack modifier (e.g., Fire Strike, Savagery). Works with all weapons.
  • Riftstalker - Korvoranian Tactics: %Chance of % Crit Damage reduced to 15%, from 25%. Energy cost/second doubled.