[Mod] Central GD-Zenith Thread

Argh, it was my only way to reduce resistances… It’s gonna hurt :s


Recommended listening to get you in the mood for the mastery.

Fixed that for ya.

gimme now plix plox

And the Necrotic has released with Zenith v0.5!

Previous first-post content:

[spoiler]Hotfix v0.4B

  • Harshly reduced, but did not remove, the granted flat damage on Engine of War.
  • Engine of War now grants a chance to apply a stun through % Weapon Damage attacks. The chance and duration of the stun scale with rank.


  • Health Regen granted by mastery investment increased by 1 per rank, for 50 more health regen at 50/50.
  • % Total Retaliation Damage granted by mastery investment increased by 2 per rank, for 100 more % Total Retaliation Damage at 50/50.

End Hotfix v0.4B

Hotfix v0.4A

  • Enabled Staves on more skills, particularly in the Outrider and Terror Knight masteries.
  • Cleaned up unnecessary data on existing skills to save space.
  • Removed unnecessary text files to save space.
  • Split existing text files into subcategories to make things clearer.

End Hotfix v0.4A

Zenith v0.4 - Release!

  • Riftstalker mastery released!
  • That’s it!

Remember when I said the Necrotic would be next? Yeah…that was a bit of a lie…

Instead, the Riftstalker, the crowd-favorite mastery of a modding-poll taken not too long ago, has finally been completed!

I wonder if any notable people voted for the Riftstalker in that poll…

Seems not.

Before I release the Riftstalker to everyone, there is a slight warning I want to make…

The Riftstalker is fully capable of exploiting engine mechanics. Why? Because it features the power of teleportation. While I haven’t experienced it myself, I am told by several individuals with reasonable certainty that misuse of teleportation can break quest objectives and in so doing ruin a character’s progression. So then why on Cairn am I releasing such a great power to players?

Namely, because I think it’s cool. Sure, I’m giving you a power which you can limitlessly exploit. But you don’t have to. The intent of the power is to let you zip around a battlefield to reposition yourself, maybe dodging a powerful attack coming your way. The strength of the power would allow you to go out-of-bounds, skipping vast swaths of the map and content of the game. I don’t imagine that would be particularly fun, so I wouldn’t recommend it, but you can certainly do it. I’m not going to be the one to control how you play Zenith; Zenith is all about pushing the limits of Grim Dawn’s gameplay to their absolute maximum. So I won’t prevent you from breaking your character, or skipping content X, Y, or Z. Having said that, know this: I also won’t balance around your doing so either, and I won’t design the world of Zenith to be skipped. Abuse teleportation at your own peril, or sparingly utilize it to your empowerment. The choice is yours.

With that out of the way, let’s see the mastery, huh?

While originally used as scouts, more dangerous times call for more dangerous entities. Therein, the Riftstalker is an assassin like no other. There is nowhere you can run that they cannot reach. No number of guards, no legions of men-at-arms, could ever protect you from a Riftstalker’s assault. And yet, their assault is not of the usual variety, either. The Riftstalker features no solid means of combative expertise; it is, ultimately, a caster of a sort, but one made for getting into an opponent’s face. Compared to the glass-cannon that is the Elementalist, a Riftstalker is a slippery fellow that does not have nearly the same damage output. Can you rely on your wit and skill alone to stop the cataclysmic plans of the Aetherials in Zenith?

As the saying goes, if you can’t beat them, join them. The Necrotic, however, can beat them for sure, by stealing their lifeforce and conjoining it with his or her own. Such power will be yours, with the next release of Zenith.[/spoiler]

…And back to work.

The class menu of the new version v0.5 is not displayed correctly. :confused:

Are you using any sort of UI scaling?

on the mastery selection screen, the image for Necrotic is missing

I’m sorry for upsetting you. Something was wrong in my GD files.
When reinstalling the game, the menu was displayed correctly.

Edit: In our community, new Necrotic has a reputation of being very tough.

If you load vanilla, or any other mod, then try to load a different mod, things can get screwy. Always reload GD when changing mods or vanilla.

Thank you for the advice. However, I always reload the game, when changing something to GD. I even rebooted my PC. Moreover, I also carried out erasing all MOD and putting in only Zenith. Nevertheless, this phenomenon occurred. After all, I reinstalled the game and I don’t know what was wrong.

Edit: My PC freezes suddenly these days, or a file sometimes disappears from HDD. Probably, it is a sign for which HDD breaks.

I can imagine that. I will do my best to mitigate that as I can as I get more and more feedback on it. I intended the Necrotic (and the Riftstalker) to be low-damage high-utility sorts of masteries, but obviously they need sufficient damage to be able to clear content without dealing so much that their innate utility makes them overpowered. Buffing either one is something I am very open to, however.

Any sorts of feedback for Necrotic, such as X skill is too weak at Y skill level and Z character level, I would love to receive.

Thanks, as ever, Matougi. :slight_smile:

Hey Ceno. I have been playing Necrotic for awhile now and looks like Malice and Defender of Death are waaaaay overpowered skills now. Basically I just need to stay put and everything dies cos Malice and I take no damage cos Defender of Death absorbs all. Could you check those and see your self what it is like. Otherwise I just love Necrotic consept. Excellent work :slight_smile:

OH MY GOD. Thanks a lot for this information.

I can’t speak for Malice, but for Defender of Death, in the early game I had just three points in it, and barely took any damage from any normal enemies until the last act in Normal. Wayyy too strong in the early game. I’d recommend moving the skill up a few tiers, maybe to 25 or 32, in addition to some scaling changes. Moving it up a few tiers will stop it from being accessible at such a low level.

I dislike the way Claws of the Beast work. I’d like to hold shift and click behind the enemies to cast it, but instead I have to click on the enemies. It sucks when I miss the enemy and do a normal attack instead, cause now I have to wait for that animation to finish before I can try to can Claws again. This makes the skill feel clunky.

Reaper’s Glare feels, quite simply, great.

Remember, this feedback is only for early game stuff (Normal dif), and was played from the Grimarillion.

Also, your Elementalist has a typo on the skill description for Elemental Armoring. It says “You conjurations cannot always…” ‘You’ should be ‘your’.

Report from Nexus thread:

Terror Knight Soldier of madness aura is causing a lot of screen hiccups (mini freezes) in multiplayer in 60.4. It is making multiplayer unplayable right now.

Edit: Reverted back to 60.3. Hiccups are still there with Soldier of Madness. it gets extremely bad with Phantom falcons -res aura. Just have to play without SoM aura activated until a fix .

Guessing this is similar to GQ’s banner skill causing lag due to possible excessive “calculations?”

Yeah, once I saw what it was like with the Battle Standard from GQ’s Offense and having had the same thing with Soldier of Madness (but only once it gets the +all skills) that was what lead me to the conclusion that buffs with all skills make the engine sad. It’s not a big deal for Soldier of Madness in single player since it’s always up, though it does make changing areas with rifts slower as it does it all over again. I imagine in multiplayer it would be just as frustrating as Battle Standard, since it effectively turns you into a walking one.

Thanks for the feedback, everyone! I’m stuck in traffic at the moment (riding shotgun, so no worries) but when I get home tonight I’ll take a look at all of those skills. Truth be told, I playtested Necrotic in Elite, which may be why I hadn’t found Defender of Death so strong. I like the idea of bumping it up some skill tiers.

I had thought I already removed the +skills from SoM, but if that isn’t the case I’ll be sure to do so now.

I’ll also be sure to look at Claws’ targeting. Funny story…it had a ton of targeting issues in playtesting so when I finally got it to work I kinda just shoved it out into the wild in a public release. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well it’s still in DAIL at least, though I thought the latest version had the latest of the other mods.

[60.4 11/20/2016]
Update - Zenith 0.5


Aaaaaaand it’s always possible some derp made it’s way in on my part :smiley: