[Mod] Central GD-Zenith Thread

I’m going to be sad to see the skill bonus go, going to need to redo all my points again.

Wait, it actually functions? I thought it was completely borked from head to toe.

Back home, going to start looking at stuff. <-should be my job description

Oh it definitely works, it just seems to be the common denominator between Soldier of Madness and Battle Standard for the game lag when you cast it.

Hotfix Alpha v0.5B Released!

Download link in the first post is up-to-date.

How do you guys feel about mazes?

So long as it isn’t the TQ Labyrinth in one of those mods that makes the map/mini map useless - fine.

Act 0 is nearing completion for Zenith. I have one more mini-area to design (cough boss arena cough) and then need only populate it with rudimentary (and definitely not finalized) enemies, and then the exploration of Enolis can begin at last!

Got some more lore for you, too.

Looking for one or two people to test out the first two areas of Zenith. It’s boring work as nothing spawns in them, I’m just looking for pathing irregularities, so you’d essentially just be running around along the edges of the map and seeing if you clip through stuff, and taking screenshots when you do. Also willing to take suggestions about the general art of the world, but note that I’m only one dude who generally sucks at fine details (I’m better with tackling grander projects rather than the fine details of those projects), but I’ll take your feedback into consideration. If interested, send me a PM here on the forums.

P.S.: The world for Zenith is presently not merged with Zenith itself, meaning I wouldn’t recommend using an existing Grimarillion/Zenith character for this as you’d lose all your skillpoints.

Zenith’s first riftgate!

World creation for Act 0 is nearing its end. Then I’ll just need to populate it with enemies and some basic items, and the mod can transition from an open Alpha state to an open Beta state. Hype! :slight_smile:

I’ll definitely play this.

Hi Ceno,
I’m playing Necro… Great work, as always :wink:

Here is some feed back of a common user, hope it might help.

I’m playing reaper glare focus on chaos damage.
++ : The dmg output is great and it is really fun to play with the demand in energy.
++ : The animation and “feeling” of bonds of the broker is really nice

  • : is it normal that the “boulders” of Reign of chaos fall on my head, is it the idea to use it as a kiting tool? If it is the case, the 10% on attack might be a bit low. (And maybe tune a bit down the visual of explosion when the boulder hit the ground, it become really messy)
    – : I don’t know where it comes from but the beam shut off frequently ~1sec after I start shooting, it make the gameplay really clumsy

Unholy Hailfire vs. Leech grenade:
Those two skills look alike… a lot. One is a little bit bigger boom and the other one has a chance to reset CD and give health… No clue which one to choose.

Primordial Transfer seems unbalanced:

  • Great on boss, but useless the rest of the time because the CD is sooo huuuge, you don’t use it on a normal foe which might be deleted in a sec.
    IDEA: Make it “bounce” at the death of the cursed foe, this way, the duration and the buff side of the spell would have a purpose against any kind of foe.

The last tier of the mastery is really meh:

  • There is only 2 skills at the end and both of them are not that awesome to invest 10 skill points in mastery + the skill point in the skill itself:
    To end evil: ~22 skill points to save your life once per 3min lots of other spell give such a result for less than 22 SP and with a much better CD
    Twinning p2: Why not… But 22 SP for some HP regen / Energy regen only when under 60% health…

I hope my feed back is well received. Keep up with good work, for me modders are the reason GD is still alive :wink:

Hey Ceno,

I played around with the Zenith masteries a little bit over the past couple of days. I only played through normal and even then just in a speedrun setting, but I’ll give you the feedback I have:

  • Claws of the Beast I feel like is brokenly good early on. I’m not sure how it performs in Elite and Ultimate, but with max rank in that skill and its modifier you can just absolutely wreck everything on normal. It almost feels like a Devouring Swarm that can shotgun but doesn’t heal you (although Necrotic’s mastery takes care of that so it’s moot).

  • I’m not sure if anything can even be done about this, but teleport lets you bypass blocked paths and also lets you go out of bounds. That just sort of leads to all kinds of crazy and silly stuff. You may be designing your maps to handle this though, I’m not sure. (On the bright side though, adding your teleport to my speedrunner mastery shaved off my times by about a third, so there’s that. :D)

But anyway I’ll be gone from the 20th through the end of the month but I’d be down to test out whatever map stuff you have. I’ll even stream my testing if that’s cool with you. :slight_smile:

…ultimately, though, I’m contemplating removing Warp (the skill in question) or at the very least removing its transmutor and upping its cooldown. I wanted to let people jump around multiple times during a fight, but realistically that’s just too much micromanagement to put into an ARPG, so really all Warp is good for is skipping stuff and maybe avoiding a projectile or something. I’m presently leaning toward the removal of its transmutor and a higher cooldown, that way if you hop out of the map you’re basically stuck there for a while until you can Warp again.

Regarding Claws of the Beast being strong…

GOOD. I thought it was kind of weak in testing. I’m glad it’s at least usable. If it stays broken regardless of level (which I don’t think it will, as I tested it around 50-60 and it felt a little weak) I’ll tone down some values, but otherwise I don’t so much care if a skill can shred early game after a couple levels. Probably matters for speedrunners, though. :wink:

Thanks for the feedback. I may take you up on the offer to test the map, but right now it’s really not in a presentable state and there’s still no enemies/items on it, so it wouldn’t really be stream-worthy. I would just have you look for pathing oddities or areas where you can see outside the world.

I’d be interested if you could post a video of this, but no worries if not. Either way, how high is your cast speed? I’ll look into this, but haven’t been able to reproduce it so far.

It’s cooldown is being harshly reduced. I don’t think I can make it bounce as you describe (though I should be able to make it spread like Bloody Pox if I wanted…which actually does sound interesting). I, too, found it tedious to use in just general play. I wouldn’t expect its CD to remain anywhere higher than 2.5 seconds, if it even has one at all, next patch.

Fair points. I’ll try to think of ways to keep them thematic but also appealing.

All feedback is much appreciated, and yours is no exception. Thank you!

You know the sad part is that I read that giant red text and then completely forgot about it. :o

A Reaper class is ridicolous Army of None + ADctH and life leech from Necrotic and passives when hit means your health pretty much never drops below 100% that’s before taking into the consideration the humongous health regen from chapion mastery and on the off chance something brings you below 60% health the huge health regen from the Twinning pt2

BTW Army of None requires energy cost, probably a huge one considering you can have 6-9 of them up 24/7

That and each soldier from Army of None counts as an individual so DoTs stack

PS don’tuse Ary of None in hardcore without maxed resists, when you come across reflection, you’re going to get fucked up real fast…

Also I love the way you have done the champions passives based on health, it’s a nice unique way of giving the buff and is a really fun flair

Is skill disrupt turning off health regen granted from Champion mastery bar intentionally or a bug?

That would be a good idea I think. Personally I kind of like the idea of raising the cooldown (to 20 or maybe even 30 seconds) and then the transmutor halving the cooldown instead of removing it but increasing the energy cost by quite a bit more than it does now.

Another thing too could be just lowering the number of levels Warp has, since I was looking through the files and at max ultimate rank it only costs 10 energy to cast, which I feel like is insanely cheap for something like this.

Sounds like a bug. Not sure I’d be able to fix that, though…

I think it might be because you made 1 mastery point grant a skill to give dual wield/guns.
Because the life leech and ADctH from Necrotic gets cancelled when hit by skill disrupt as well, pretty sure every stat you’ve added to the mastery bar gets cancelled during disrupt.
Are you able to remove it from mastery bar and just edit the the beginning PC stats to have dual wield/guns without need to invest in anything?

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