[Mod] Central GD-Zenith Thread

At rank 19 Army of None I am getting the normal white ghost enemies summoned along with the normal Army of None soldiers, they are on my side, is there something special about them or is it just a matter of some bug making the graphic not spawn properly or something?

ADctH and life leech from Necrotic mastery needs nerfing like half the life leech and max 10%ADctH your health pretty much never drops when using the rift stalkers weapons damage aura multitask or the champions army of none even with low resists (0-20) against bosses like sentinel alkomas etc, in fact the only thing that can even scratch a Reaper is the mad queen or nemisis

Conquer needs a rethinking, being vitality decay it’s nearly impossible to boost the damage to anything even close to semi useful and even if that wasn’t the case to boost the damage of just the one skill you have to basically have no damage support for the rest of the skills.
So in short the skill is completely worthless

Also the life leech duration on blood siphon should be halved (but keep the damage the same so instead of 100 over 6sec 100 over 3sec)

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I’ll judge the utility of Conquer once Zenith has its items.

As for Blood Siphon, are you using it in Grimarillion with Grimmer&Grimmest, or no? Because it will be far stronger when used against the multitudes of enemies in G&G than it will be against the sparse (but tougher) enemies of Zenith.

I’ll look into Army of None, though, thanks; sounds strange but fixable.

Slight teaser of things to come so that the mod doesn’t seem dead:

No I’m not using G&G I’m using the stand alone masteries from the OP that’s why I’m saying the duration needs to be halved so it’s stronger against the lower mob counts

And I found out the white summons isn’t coming from Army of None ots actually coming from the Divinity proc sorry for the false bug report on Army of None
Are they meant to be coming from Divinity proc though? So maybe it’s still a bug just on a different skill

Looking forward to the quests and maps

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I’ve just noticed a really unusual effect, when having Acid Spray assigned to Banish and Gore procs the Terror from Gore seems to be able to proc Acid Spray, I have seen a number of times Gore proccing from an enemy that is running away and is well and truly out of range for me to hit

Rift Stalker is severely underpowered, I get that it’s supposed to be a crowd control mastery however having 80% of the crowd control skills at the very end of the mastery makes it extremely expensive for such little return considering every other mastery has plenty of crowd control and damage potential at a lot cheaper investment as well. Not to mention Riftstorm is extremely weak for the investment it requires plus having such a high cooldown

The only redeeming thing about Rift Stalker is Multitask, keeping you healed in mobs with ADctH or life leech and deals decent damage against boosses as well, outclasses Sap in every way possible (don’t nerf it though Rift Stalker seriously need it as I said it’s, its only redeeming skill).
Swap is a pretty fun Skill to use (on a Desolator, when enemy is running in fear it canbe fun to Swap with them so that they are running right at you )and with Push the Advantage maxed it can save you against a couple hits even in Ultimate however in the line there is no point putting points in Rout nor putting more then 1 point in base skill as returns are completely and utterly insignificant. Another good thing about swap is you can use it to make some boss fights easier like Elaine or the Almagation, if you take them out of their “home ground” then you no longer have to worry about their pillar attacks.
Riftward is Worth 1 point while the upgrade is worth maxing for some good flat damage for early game and still hold up half decently latter on as well if you convert one damage type to the other.

There will be a sizable rebalancing update coming in the next few days or so. Outrider will be significantly changed and Riftstalker mildly so.

Outrider has nagged me ever since I released it. I endeavored to make a dedicated ranged mastery, but feel as though I was overzealous in that regard. Separating the DW and 2H lines took up a lot of skill real estate for things that essentially performed the same task. However, there never was much of a reason to take Outrider unless you were planning on a) playing a ranged char, and b) playing a cold/acid/vitality char. Sure, Outrider has some useful non-ranged utility skills, but it was a fairly boring mastery otherwise. I hope to rectify that.

The DW line will be deleted, and the now-2H line will support both 2H and DW. In the DW’s previous spot will be some active skills nonrestrictive of weapons type to give the mastery it’s own sort of universal applicability, while staying thematic.

Seen you’re redoing the outrider can you make Auto Turret onto a stationary player scaling pet, as it is now it doesn’t look anything like a torrent and is very awkward to use and doesn’t last long at all this not really feeling it’s purpose of being able to attack without attacking

I don’t think the reduced resists from Smite the upgrade to Banish is working as the broken shield that is the icon for reduced resists is not showing up and neither is the damage the enemy receives increasing

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Loving the necro alot so far, super easy to cleave the way with Claws.

I have noticed a bug with The twinning; I specced into Eye of the guardian but once i applied guardian’s gaze to any skill, the proc from twinning will no longer happen.

I have scorpion sting and that one works fine. The only way to fix it is to refund both eye and twinning. Speccing into eye but not using the gaze will not cause the problem.

Something i’ve also noticed with guardian gaze, if you put it on reapers glare and it procs, the damage is done on you. (real nice)

Was this in singleplayer or multiplayer? If the latter, sounds like desync stuff that I won’t be able to fix. If the former, I’ll see if I can figure out what’s up, but still seems like weird engine oddities that I may not be able to fix either.

Huh? You can apply devotions to those skills?
I can’t, any skill that has a celestial power won’t allow me to assign any devotion to it,not Twinnings, not Swap or Gore or anything like that…

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Necrotic Mastery - Zenith

Reaper’s Glare
Has two bugs. a) Most times it will not turn off even after the energy level reaches +60%. b) You cannot use spears nor magic staves. The character does the motions, but no Glare.

Storm Mastery - Zenith

Psionic Touch
No life leach listed in damage per hit. Not sure if it’s supposed to be there, but from the Psionic Artery buffs, I would assume it would.

I am using - Grimarillion v0.3.5

I am posting in both threads, as I believe that is what they said to do. If I am double posting, please forgive.

BTW, I am loving this character. Thanks for all your work! :slight_smile:

Noticed in MP, went in SP thinking it was indeed a desinc but it kept happening and with testing I figured it was coming from guardians gaze (either on reapers or claw)

Replying to some great feedback I got privately:

Disappointingly empty skill tree and short skill lines.

Emptiness will be fixed with time. Short skill lines will not, as that’s part of the theme of the mastery - short, swift, and to the point.

Riftward doesn’t make sense… it’s something to stay close to, despite all these teleports and the apparent mobility theme of the mastery? I see potential in the skill as a thing to throw into enemy lines just for damage, much like storm totem, without giving bonuses for staying close to.

Riftward is a two part “problem”. The first part of it is that I kind of rushed the mastery as a whole (I made the whole thing in a day, sans skill icons) and Riftward took a lot of effort just to get to work, so when it finally did, I basically left it alone. The second “problem” is that it is an attempt to enable Riftstalker to be used with other less movement-oriented masteries (i.e., all of them). To this degree, I wanted it to function kind of like Wendigo Totem, in that it’s something you hover around. I still tried to make the radius large enough to give you some legroom if you wanted it, though. I think I’ll remove the cooldown from the skill so that if you’re moving around a lot you can still be guaranteed a Riftward wherever you wind up.

A potentially interesting idea: Tether could tether between Riftwards, like Aether Wisps

I don’t really know how viable this is; I only just figured out how Wisps do that a short while ago and Crate’s (limited) documentation on the matter doesn’t make it clear how to use it oneself. I would like to, though.

Teleports should have longer buildup animation.

I’d really, really like to…but I’m not sure I can. I tried to use some casting animations during development, but they seemed to screw with the actual teleport itself and leave you in place.

…I’m assuming you’re referring to player model animations and not PFX; PFX should be doable.

Tether and Void Syphon buffs should use different icons for clarity. Right now they both use the same.

Yes. :smiley: Something-something made-in-a-day.

Warp feels punishing and terrible to use due to the insane energy cost, yet it does not feel worth enough to invest into to lower the energy cost. Maybe if it gave a nice bonus or anything other than being just a warp.

Warp is being removed and replaced with something else. It just feels too clunky to use the way I had intended, and is otherwise merely a means to break quest progression.

Of the Planes needs different/harsh penalty. To stay with the theme, maybe something like a debuf on casting, “Rift Sickness”. Could lower player speed or defenses.

Certainly won’t lower speed, as that goes against the whole mastery. A DA or Armor penalty is viable.

Void Siphon, the buff, should not use the heal sound effect since it does not heal.

Uhm…I’d have to check in-game, but there’s no SFX attached to any of the Riftward stuff.

Why is there % pierce damage on Korvoranian Tactics when there’s no source of pierce damage anywhere in the tree?

…Tether gives you flat Pierce Damage (and a lot of it). :wink: I can add some Pierce here and there, but this is, again, largely a means to make Riftstalker fit in with more masteries.

On the same note, there’s a complete lack of different damage types. It’s all just Aether and Chaos.

I may toss in a little bit of Vitality, Fire, or Lightning here and there, but Aether and Chaos (and Pierce) will be the focus of the overall mastery.

There’s also no “main” skill line that covers most of the mastery bar of a spammable skill that is defining for the class. Everything seems more or less incoherently puzzled together.

Swap has the potential to become a defining skill line to build around, but even so the mastery is lacking a spammable.

(To elaborate, in Soldier you have Cadence and Blade Arc, In Nightblade you have the dual wield line and Phantasmal Blades, in Demo you have Fire Strike, in Occultist you have DEE, in Arcanist you have PRM and in Shaman you have Savagery and Primal Strike)

Swap is intended to serve this purpose, somewhat, albeit with a slight cooldown. Otherwise, yes. And I don’t intend there to be. Riftstalker is intended to be purely a utility-esque caster that happens to have some spells that deal damage.

There’s no penalty for “All As One”, despite it being a transmuter.

The penalty is putting a skill point in it. There’s no penalty for Manifestation, Searing Strike/Might, Might of the Bear, or Corrupted Storm, (all vanilla transmuters) either.

Fleshwarped does not fit the theme AT ALL. Retaliation makes much more sense on tanks. Especially in these ridiculous amonts.

Again, trying to enable usage with other masteries. Every Zenith mastery has some form of Retaliation in it.

I’ll be looking forward to see how you’ll end up filling the three without using modifiers. Endless amounts of passives or buffs would likely make the class too universally good as a secondary for support or, should they synergize and give weak bonuses standalone too bad since it would end up as a point sink, endless amounts of actives would make a bunch of them never to be used, outclassed, or limited by your creativity.

Combined with the high mobility this class should represent (If that is still the theme at all) and your plans to remove its cooldown, it would make for an interesting trap-like system to play around.

I would be sad to see warp go, however you are probably right in it having no place in Grim Dawn the way it works now. It does feel clunky after all, and is potentially game breaking if used wrong. The only feasible alternative I can think of is a low cooldown shadow strike like skill however, otherwise the class would lose its purpose as high mobility.

As you stated the main reason for this masteries existence is to function as a secondary support mastery. Without more damage types it will only support a very limited amount of builds. More on this below, however.

This is a view that I simply do not support and had hoped you would reconsider from the day you put up a poll asking which mastery to work on first. Why would any mastery ever intended to be built purely on utility? That way it is automatically pushed to be forever useless as a primary mastery, only to be used as secondary, drastically decreasing its possibilities to be experimented with. It is ultimately limiting to how interesting it could become.
If we take a look at vanilla, every single mastery present has multiple means to sustain itself as a primary choice of damaging actives along with self-sufficient support through modifiers, passives… what I tend to call a “theme”. The same time, every vanilla mastery brings a lot of utility to be used in combination with other masteries. This has been the main selling point for Grim Dawn’s mastery system since Titan Quest: To allow two masteries to be combined in any fashion; one as primary, the other secondary, and perhaps both to be primary will be more feasible in the future as the expansion will raise the level limit and open up possibilities by granting more skill points.
Your view of treating any mastery as utility focused contradicts that selling point and heavily limits the players choices.

Let me take that back. Here’s what I figured actually bothers me about this transmuter:

The five vanilla transmuters you listed share one important trait: They all are conditional and increase build variety by providing the “utility” I have talked about just above. Manifestation is useless without pets, Searing Strike/Might fulfill one or the other path of 1h meele or 2h meele/ranged (which is a buff to 2h ranged that would otherwise be outclassed by 2x1h ranged as it was the case in earlier builds), Might of the Bear restricts you to using 2h meele and Corrupted Storm is a means to increase build variety by providing synergizing conversion with its own class, much like Tainted Power opens up the path to a chaos Warlock utilizing AAR as single-target.
Your transmuter is probably intended to buff pets, however it is arguably mandatory and not a build-specific choice if you opt for multiplayer, effectively making the toon lose a skill point.

(I am obviously going to extremes saying it would be “mandatory” but you probably get my point.)

I agree that retaliation should be somewhere to be found in more or less any class, however not to such extremes when it is unfitting the theme. Most vanilla classes have some form of retaliation somewhere, however to a much smaller margin and often more as an added bonus rather than a major component to a skill and a main way to buff retaliation damage. It just seems rushed and without second thought, like sadly many other parts of this mastery do.

First and foremost, I apologize it took me so long to download and play Zenith. I’ve been far more busy trying to fix my buggy mess of a mod, and because it’s not careful like yours is, I have to spend at least half the time modding fixing crashes and bugs. Live and learn.

Playing Terror Knight, and I’m impressed by the careful/simple yet deceptive complexity of your skill design. Banish is really cool (and I like the amplified physics, so kudos). It’s simple, but the multi-element of the initial skill opens up possibilities, and true customizing. The modifier Blood Rage is really smart too. It opens up a playing style instead of “SPRAY AND PRAY!!!”, and the downsides are in a really good place. Overall, the nofucktruck vibe is real, and the concept of the mastery is really good.

And this is incredibly immersive. I generally don’t give a shit about it, but this is making me a believer.

Glad to hear! :slight_smile:

With Cornucopia’s next patch coming soon, I’m looking forward to turning my attention in full-swing to the development of LOTS of Zenith content. :slight_smile:

I definitely like it so far. just about to kill Viloth. One thing; I may be spoiled by Insanity’s lack of balance, but I really hate going back to town for potions or general health. And i’m sure there are untouched meals somewhere around here, but let me tell you, I never ever ever liked the constitution system.

This is immersive, relaxing, fun, and challenging, but when games get interrupted by town breaks, so does it break immersion. Again, I’m likely just knowledgeable with how GD works, but my health is always essentially gone. This isn’t a comment directly towards your mod, almost all ARPG’s require too much meta.

But if you have info about how I can avoid townbreaks, I would love to hear it.

Terror Knight concept may or may not become an insanity class, totally unique and original concept of mine, in no way a rip off.

Suit Up can double your maximum Constitution at 8/8.

Blood Siphon, when coupled with its modifier, is a very powerful means of staying alive in the thick of combat.

lol not sure how, but overlooked blood siphon entirely. I swear it wasnt there before lol.

In light of the gratuitous feedback received above, along with a 4-player co-op Grimarillion session I took part in, I’ve outlined some of my plans for how to handle Riftstalker. It’s turning into a decently-sized rework, almost as large as that coming to Outrider. My to-do list for the mastery is below:

Riftstalker - Delete Warp.
Riftstalker - Void Siphon (buff) - add unique UI icon
Riftstalker - Improve Rout damage.
Riftstalker - Merge Excite + Not of this World
Riftstalker - Add ability to convert Aether -> Pierce
Riftstalker - Improve damage of Riftstorm
Riftstalker - Remove weapon requirement from Intangible.
Riftstalker - Improve Multitask initial damage and scaling.
Riftstalker - Give it a single-target skill from rank 1, possibly with modifiers.

It will be sad to see Warp removed, however I think its replacement will prove exceptionally satisfying.

Indeed, you may hardly recognize the mastery when these changes are done.