Mod - Combat Overhaul

Enjoy your vacation, friend. :slight_smile:
Iā€™ve just started a run with the Lite file as a 2H weapon bruiser, and it is very satisfying without being too slow as I felt the eldest version Iā€™d tried was.
Thank you for your work and excellent response to my feedback. I look forward to forging on with my Overhauled GD!

Hi everybody and normalguy, that looks like a hell fun of a mod !

Btw file is hidden on nexus mods and link has expired on ā€¦well ;d, does someone ,either normalguy or a very nice pal, can be able to upload the file again ? thanks in advance.

Uhmm, I see that you removed the dl link for the main post. While the link in 2nd page is dead.

Are you planning to release a new version of the mod anytime soon?

I have been travelling on a global scale on a struggling search for the rarest pepes for what seems a month. I apologize to anyone who thought I was ignoring them. I am doing updates behind the scenes whenever I get the chance and didnā€™t want to bump the thread until I actually had something new and fresh to deliver.

Iā€™ve decided to keep Sonoā€™s request as an official alternative for now to be safe, so I have to keep track of both; couldnā€™t let all those edits go to waste. :wink:

I donā€™t know. I know thatā€™s probably the vague and undesired answer, but Iā€™m always trying to push the mod to the next level with some coolio features and balance changes ā€“ Iā€™m trying to hit that next spark.

Hello normalguy :slight_smile:
can you please tell me which value to edit for getting the gravestone bigger? itā€™s somewhere under actor variables-scale:XXX but i cant find the *.dbr fileā€¦ :DD silly me :slight_smile: thx in advance

In Asset Manager, it should be in +records > +ui > inworld > gravemarker.dbr
Double-click that, then edit the ā€œscaleā€ value. Iā€™m almost sure thatā€™s it. Unless you were giving a very subtle hint where this mod is going, hehe.

Thx :cool:

Hey normalguy,

If you have a newer release in the pipes and you intend to keep the Lite version as an option, could you please add to the ā€˜reductionsā€™ the enemy sound / player footstep sound increase? It is absolutely obnoxious to me, as I usually play in headphones so the sound of rift scourge skittering, my footsteps and armor clinking, and my Occultist raven flaps are like RIGHT in my ears, often louder than every other ambient sound in the area. Either halve the increase, as the others, or just reduce it back to stock? Iā€™ve taken to just playing on mute when Iā€™m on my CombatOverhaul character, which is at best a temporary solution.

Alternately, if this is something I could fix simply myself, could you point me to where I would go about doing that? Iā€™m brand-new at actually interacting with the gameā€™s files but Iā€™m technically inclined so Iā€™m pretty sure I could figure it out with some guidance.

Thanks again for your excellent work on this mod. Iā€™m very interested to complete a playthrough with it but have yet to get past these little annoyances.

Well, Iā€™ve just noticed this modā€¦Iā€™m curious on trying it, unfortunately all the links to download it are broken, or the file was deleted/expired :confused:
Does anyone still have this mod?

does this mod works with other mods ?

Should be working if you know your way around the DBReditor.


I never considered headphones, thanks for putting that out there. Reverted back to vanilla.

Soon :stuck_out_tongue:

What Somerlad said ā€“ if merged correctly, it should work.

Iā€™m going into the games files 1 last time early on tomorrow; I have 1 more thing I want to edit, and I donā€™t even know if itā€™s editable. I will be reuploading back to Nexusmods this time, Thank you Somerlad for offering to host some time ago :slight_smile:

Hey normalguy,

Just started back up with your latest 10- version and Iā€™ve encountered a really hilarious bug: Occasionally when you knock an enemy down their ragdoll wonā€™t actually get up before they start attacking you. Here it is happening twice in the same area:


Not sure whatā€™s to be done about this, but for now Iā€™m content to just laugh it off.
Thank you for your hard work. I look forward to progressing some more with this.

Yeah, Iā€™ve got to see that once or twice just outside of Devilā€™s Crossing with the same type of mob, and I think one other enemy can do it too, but I canā€™t remember whichā€¦ I donā€™t think I can do anything about it. Iā€™m glad that itā€™s not very common :smiley:

Hey normalguy,

Gave your 10- version a try and I find myself hurtinā€™ for a Lite edition. Any chance thatā€™s in the works, or could be?

Thank you for your time and hard work on this excellent mod, as always.

I planned to redo it in attempt to make it better once all the constant updates to the main file seemed solid, and it seems to be there until the next update. I should be clear to start forming a Lite version now. :slight_smile:

Just uploaded a Lite version. Itā€™s not the exact copy as the previous, but donā€™t let that worry you, as you may like this one even more. It follows the key features that I think your taste buds were hurtinā€™ for.

p.s watch out for those ceiling dogs :wink:


I put your mod on my site with files also mirrored on my server:

Can you tell me what exactly is the Lite version?

Hi normalguy,

Elfe pmā€™ed about the mischief i have given to the mod creators. I want to apologize personally from every mod author. I have created the thread below to explain myself and i will be very happy if you let me host your mods.


This mod is now being abandoned. Version will be the last release for this mod. A newer version of this mod will be entirely redone from scratch at a later date. Updating is becoming a hassle for me and I think it would be wise for me to hold off for now. Iā€™m sorry for any inconvenience.