Mod - Combat Overhaul

The mod community thrives when there is creative diversity. I’ll be looking forward to your next project so don’t be gone too long.:stuck_out_tongue:

Is there a way to have only the no requirements for gear?
That is the only part of this mods i am interested.

Thanks for your kind words boss man. :slight_smile:

If you’re still interested, I’ll make this for you.

This looks fantastic. I’m sorry to see you abandon the project, but fully understand your reasoning. I’m looking forward to the last update you release.

i did see someone asking this but did not see the response for it sooo… would it be possible to get the mode as it is? without the wait for the new one? :eek:

It is possible, in fact, it will be a WAY less time consuming task with not having to relink files now. The reason I stopped updating the mod in the first place was due to our buddies at Crate frequently releasing updates and patches, which is not a bad thing, but can be so tedious for me to maintain when dozens and dozens of files are modified and added. I began to get overwhelmed as I wanted to keep stats all up to date with the devs; this was my goal and problem in one.

I wanted to, as when the game is complete, get the mod done in a big session that wouldn’t need much revision due to patches. There was an announcement not too long ago regarding an additional expansion. Part of me was excited, and the other was like, “dang, now I got more work to do”, but I know in the end, the more content the better in the long run. I don’t want to wait any longer, but I also don’t want to dig a tunnel knowing the increased maintenance to keep it from collapsing will hit later on. I want to avoid this.

But I guess what you wanted to hear… or read, rather: yes, it is possible to get the mod without waiting. My concern, though, is how it will be delivered to allow me to easily follow Crate from patch to patch without the compulsive burden that is the desire to ‘keep up’. The obvious answer would be to simply not, and instead, only follow major/significant patches until the game is complete. I’ll see what I can come up with, if anything.

On a very good note, I indeed, have kept my word about continuing to work on the project; I have a page size of new features and ideas that I’m very excited to implement. I even have a temporary placeholder for the new mod’s name and plan for a video showcase to show off the features.

i know there were more words than this, but selective mind did the thing again :stuck_out_tongue:

on a serious note, i looked at the last post date and thought that the project is abandoned, so im glad that its still working.

so could you post a link to the mod for “current” version of the game? or the previous or something, the one thats “not broken because of Crate updates”

I wouldn’t say it’s broken, but outdated (items/stats). Even some of the ground floors are replaced with a missing texture overlay because I made the mod main campaign compatible. You know what, though, I’ll just update the mod to the current build including Ashes of Malmouth (hopefully I don’t get any problems with this). I think I know how I want to pump the outdates out now. I’ll start working on it as well as making a new mod page. Just give me some time :slight_smile:

all the time you need is yours :smiley: i will patiently wait :smiley:

I’m almost done with redoing the entire mod from scratch, yet there is much left to do! Multiplayer mode should be fixed to allow fresh chars to progress with this release as well. The mod will include 2 versions to support players with and without the Ashes of Malmouth expansion. The new mod will be featured under a new name and thread.

your dedication is enviable! :smiley:

cant wait to try it out :slight_smile:

P.S. dont forget to drop a redirection link here :smiley: just in case :smiley: