[Mod Compilation] [DAIL]

Plase halp

Can someone go through my change log and make me a feature list - separate the mod specific stuff from the DAIL specific stuff please.

I will make an npc with your name somewhere in the game as reward!


Latest STABLE version is 0050 HOTFIX1


Github repo https://github.com/davoodinator/XADAIL


To the modders whos content I am merging : please post or pm a donation link at your leisure and I will include it in the following link (github page)
4 people have provided PayPal links so far
Use this guide if you canā€™t figure out how setup paypal links
and send me the ā€œemail donationā€ link.

video i found that is pretty good
@2:42 that email link button? i need the email link

Grimmer and Grimmest Mod
2015 05 27 - VERSION 0.7 - Thanks to Jiaco for that mod and for the rule bending in the dbr files.

Legendary Cap Remover - affixes only.
2015 05 19 - version 2.1 - Thanks to NateATon for making that mod, excellent work there.

Omega mod
2015 05 30 - VERSION 0.1P - Thanks to Okami29 for his hard work I will keep it updated as he updates things.

Coronus Mastery mod
2015 05 29 - VERSION 1.0 (FINAL) - Thanks to Somerled for the excellent design, great synergies with other masteries

2016 05 29 - Version 4 - Thanks to rorschachrev for the initial release and the update by tt300 for version 3+

Arachnophobia Mod
2016 05 21 - Version 0 - Thanks to Jiaco for that one

NCFF - 4 new masteries mod
2016 05 31 - VERSION 0.22- Thanks to CFTX for hard work creating them!

Grim Dawn: Eternal
2016 06 02 - Version 0.964 - Thanks to PrincessLuna for hard work and creativity, and for upping the ante for CRATEā€™s upcoming Survival game mode

2016 06 02 - Version 0.20 -Thanks to WareBare for his hard work with Dynamically Generated Areas [DGA]. I skipped his mastery and player updates however.

Good-Looking Mod
2016 05 25 - Version 0 - Thanks to Grim Dawg for his hard work on this mod

Grim Legion
2016 05 29 - N/A - Thanks to Mamba, Cyberreefer, Deathbit, Asylum and others who have taught by example.

Cornucopia - The Unofficial Balance Mod
2016 05 29 - 0002 - Thanks to Ceno and Adoomgod for this ongoing project

Frost Knight and Enchanter Masteries
2016-06-09 - Version 1.0 - Thanks to 3Jiou for his mastery creations

Zenith Masteries
2016-06-10 - Version 2 - Thanks to Ceno for the Zenith Masteries (Terror Knight, Elementalist)

Engineer Mastery
2016-06-15 - Version 1.4 - Thanks to Koba0100 for the Engineer Mastery

Sound of the Dawn
2016-06-30 - Credit goes to Gazatus for this music pack

Grim Quest
2016-06-14 - Version 1.1c - Thanks to ASYLUM101 for the Grim Quest Mod (Titan Quest Masteries)

Lost Treastures
2016-07-10 - 0.1 - Credit goes to Okami29 for this mod that adds a few specially spawned monsters and new items + models + gfx

Mods not merged yet but are coming soonā„¢
Stargazer Mastery
2016-06-14 - Version ?? - Thanks to DraonCC for the Stargazer Mastery

Darkest Dawn Masteries
2016-06-14 - Version ?? - Thanks to Kir4 for the Darkest Dawn Masteries (Arch Necromancer and Illusionist)

Arlequin Mastery
2016-06-16 - ??? - Credit goes to Atrosatiro for the Arlequin Mastery

Elwar Mastery
2016-06-20 - ??? - Credit goes to Diacred for the Elwar (and alchemist) Mastery(ies) unfortunately the cap is 30 atm and we are at 30 with elwar

Diablo 1 Re-Visited
2016-07-20 - ??? - Credit goes to 1less1 for this mod that adds a whole other game concept to grim dawn

Extra credits:
Thanks to Kathanious for doing pull requests and contributing to the DAIL project in a very special way.
AngryWeasel for producing this video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhV_wq_G-rE
Lumera Relendra for creating the DAIL steam group
Thanks to Hardy who suggested using spoiler (actually SPOILER2) tags to clean up this post
Thanks to Khalanos for tips on tag colours and sizes
Thanks to TT300 for many UI fixes in this mod and others.
Thanks to kriescher and Arendeth for making my .bat files great again
Thanks to the following people for helping name the 426 combos (atm with 30 masteriesā€¦ will go up significantly if we have more cap haha)
Morrolan Edrien
Space Chefke
Chris Baisan
Oleg Martynov
Trevor Manson
Aaron Barton

andā€¦somewhere in the locked basement, under a desk, behind two boxes and some underneath some dusty maps


The Mission
Incorporate mods, or parts of mods that increase the replay-ability of the game while adding some actual endgame content without making it easier, or breaking main game saves that get transferred over to try it out.

tagline: 1000s of my own edits with 20+ mods merged in for your convenience with alternate files if you donā€™t want certain things.

30 Masteries

Many new Masteries added thanks to generous modders 25 available, 5 are reserved and almost available

i gave the unavailable ones fancy colours just to show that they will release as a group and because i was curious if it would work

Also - I added some components that will increase your + to skills. for all masteries. for now I have included 15; the other 15 I will generate when the masteries are available.

as of 0043+ the component vendors will spawn at a 5% chance from hero kills and will each stock up to 50 items
in X mode the chance to spawn is 25%

Features so far that work

Yes, you can bring your main game saves in and they will work. See below for more details.
Level 100 player level cap
Monsters are uncapped in every area
Masteries go to level 100 ! and have ultimate bonuses that start at level 51 really beefing up until 72 then tapering off to 100.
Sot/Boc can be re-entered now. you just need more skeleton keys.
Iā€™ve tweaked xp and done a number of thingsā€¦ some day (or sooner if someone else does it) I need to really review my changelogs and create a full feature list. separate from what the mods iā€™ve merged doā€¦

Iā€™ve been lurking on discussions on the steam forums and other threads on here. The main negative feedback I see is

ā€œWhat is the point of so many masteries its stupid etc etc, who really needs all of this content i just like having my xyz thing!ā€.

Well its about multiplayer compatibility IMHO. the more we shove together, the less issues we need to face if we use DAIL as a base (just the mastery stuff) for other mods. Then you can play your chars in every mod and not be locked into just one mod. this is specially important for people who play one char for 50 hours but donā€™t feel like starting over just to try another mod out. Not all of us are holy paladins of RNGesus.

And yes I will be adding every single freaking mastery that pops up if crate ups the limit. For the reasons I explained above. the ā€œDAIL - RIFTā€ and ā€œDAIL - Survivalā€ are just examples of how you can integrate DAIL into other peoples mods that have their own world and quests without affecting their design.

Anyways with 0042 onward, MP compatibility should be up quite a bit.

Discord Server (Thanks LordShigan): https://discord.gg/uXVDX9R
Steam Group (Thanks Lumera Relendra): DAIL STEAM

Please help me name 436 hybrid classes + 30 singular classes = 466 total possible Mastery/Combo names. each additional one will increase the total by n+1
0 dupes
0 missing
0 names too long
And many, many silly names.
drop me a line for access to Column D
The spreadsheet:

2nd spreadsheet:
Icons for the skill components! ill do another spreadsheet later with npc designs




Modes(Mods) installed by default (more to come pending permission from modders):
DAIL DAIL changes + Vanilla game.
DAIL - RIFTS DAIL changes + DGA Mod.
DAIL - Survival DAIL changes + Eternal Mod - Your factions will no longer break as of 0040. enjoy the safety.

Now for an explanation of the various install options:
(X) = Hard Mode (increased xp, enemy difficulty, lower enemy population and 10-100% loot quality increase)
(S) = S class mode - prepare for your GPU and CPU to melt. full grimmest everything.
(B) = Medium Grimmest - this is essentially boss script upgrades and x2 heroes with regular other spawns
(NG) = Vanilla Difficulty (No Grimmest)
(A) = Tiny Spiders + S Mode
(AB) = Tiny Spiders + B Mode
(AX) = Tiny Spiders + X Mode
(ANG) = Tiny Spiders + Vanilla Mode
(SX) = Raid Mode. its X mode with S spawns
(ASX) = Tiny Spiders + Raid Mode

REGARDING XP in DAIL and some Warnings

XP per level has been changed again. please see the image to understand.

Basically level>90 is HELL. but you will receive TEN (10) skill points every level after 90 until 100.

Your xp will be reset to the beginning of your current level if you play your DAIL touched character in a non level cap raised mod / main campaign.
You will keep your level, skills and extra affixed gear however.

Please use the word DAIL and the version number if your hosting a game with this compilation.
DAIL 0042 sot boc

Compatibility list
GD -> DAIL -> DAIL 0036+ -> DAIL 0025 - 0035 -> DAIL 0022 - 0024 -> DAIL 0001 - 0022


  1. Run the .exe and choose your option (VANILLA included if you want to revert).
  2. then choose your grim dawn installation folder

STEAM: if you canā€™t find your grim dawn folder it might be under c:(x86)Program Files\Steam\Steamapps\Common\Grim Dawn\Mods
GOG: c:(x86)Program Files\Galaxy\Games\Grim Dawn\Mods
GOG however may be elsewhereā€¦ its more configurable than steam, for installations since there IS NO DRM.



This guide is fully in thanks to this thread by Elfe
and specifically this post by Grim Dawg

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1 Like

Thanks for doing this! Really appreciate it.


0035 - 1:54 AM 6/23/2016
reviewed the 18 build options and fixed the NG versions. i uhh seem to have had them ā€œinvertedā€ kekeke
cleaned up various loose ends. extra scripts and other crap that was sitting around
cleaned up the installer
cleaned up the install dirs and prep dirs quite a bit
moved some more default/template files i created so they can be found / organized more effectively
tag bug in elementalist - fixed
added tt300 to credits for misc fixes to UI and included his skill selection UI fix and now i know how to fix it in the future :smiley:
tweaked the class selection UI A bit more myself even.
dawn of heroes updated to 1.3 unfortunately mage cannot be merged in at this time :~( please crate raise that mastery cap!
updated DGA / rifts to 3.1
cornucopia 1.3 update added affixes and devotions
update coronus to 1.1 with the additional 1.1.1 hotfix to that one broken passive skill
fix weird DAIL0022 text appearingā€¦ freaky time?
merged in and activated engineer mastery 1.0 - I think this calls for a version 35 release :smiley:
extended engineer to 100 levels of mastery
added engineer skill items and skill item merchant - added to fort ikon prison area and line added in OP
screenshot the terrorknight component merchant - uploaded to forums

0034 - 2:11 PM 6/20/2016
crate box click kills enemies - fixed
cftx masteries updated to 0.51
something is up with NG databases - overleveled enemies. is this a thing? - fixed had offsets +100 hehe whups

0033 - 9:18 AM 6/19/2016
Frost Knight mastery goes to 100 now as was intended originally. ultimate stats are there too.
LOTS of tag mis-matches fixed.
fixed more wrongly assigned tags for mastery names
fixed some missing ranger and necro tags
fixed necro / frost knight mis/cross-allocation of skill requirements DISPLAY. was just a tag issue after all
added medal slot for +1 skill items from the various special DAIL npc component vendors scattered through Cairn
review grimmest mod merge. did i mess with the scripts/spawns for bosses? - seems like i used the right scripts. so i dunno. maybe i should release my source kek
fixed nonworking skill merchants (classes 11 and 13)

0032 - 2:22 AM 6/18/2016
major fix of the + skill components
there are now ~2700 components. yesterday was only 800.
now they are fully generative - so should be 0 errors and new masteries will receive the royal treatment with one click of the button :smiley:
no more invalid skills
some of the skill assignments have moved around. sorry about that. they will stay in place now unless the original mastery creator fiddles with adding/removing skills

0031 - 4:10 PM 6/17/2016
fixed more animations fangshi etc
LOTS more tags for mastery combo names
updated NCFF to 0.42
updated chanter/fk to 1.2
fixed eternal mod item merge - nothign to fix. items folder is IDENTICAL to eternal
received no less than 20 complaints about depravities in DAIL. fixed the little f* to be regular sized enjoy the loots. someone poke Jiaco to fix grimm*
transparency for the mastery screen so you dont have to see the black bars.
decrease file size of 0031.zip using teh black arts

0030 - 11:23 AM 6/17/2016
fixed some tag issues with Cenobite Mastery
pre add credit for Arlequin
fixed bug with cenobite mastery switching to soldier - weird. class enumation was improperly named. - note ā€œSkillClassā€ needs the correct capitalization.
some npcs appear They sell + to skill augments. Please enjoy. i have a script. i ran it for the 15 available masteries and will run it for the other 15 when they (are) ready/exist
See the OP for the list of npcs and general area to find them

0029 - 9:38 PM 6/15/2016
fixed major problem with xp
huge tag update
added placeholder for engineer mastery
fixed cornucopia devotion merge - its baack :stuck_out_tongue: and its version 0.2g
fixed some mis-merged stuff with omega
dawn of heroes updated to v1.1
update necromancer, ranger and fangshi to 0.41
merged cenobite into DAILā€¦ 2 slots left !
increased cenobite max mastery level to 100 and added appropriate bonuses
only 2 mastery spots left. where will they go ? :stuck_out_tongue:

0028 - 1:39 AM 6/14/2016
actually fixed the tags for first load of game. forgot to add the NSIS code for it
merged enchanter mastery from 3Jiou
expanded enchanter mastery bar to 100 with appropriate bonuses
updated frost knight mastery
pre-expanded the mastery hybrid tags to the full 426 possible combinations for 30 masteries. go to the OP in GD forums to help out with the naming.
rewards might be in the form of copies of my helper npcs with your forum name or other npcs/things i eventually add to the game.
[b]only 4 more mastery slots left. crate needs to raise the limitā€¦ again hahahaā€¦[b]

0027 - 3:28 AM 6/13/2016
added npc Khalanos and Hardy that will help you with your factions if you are in ikon or homestead
added credit for Khalanos for helping me with the OP
added more tag magic so when you first load GD youll see the correct class name(s)
updated elementalist to 0.3
merged in terror knight
upped mastery limit of terror knight to 100 with appropriate powerups
reserverd spot for Stargazer mastery from DraonCC
pre added credit for titan quest masteries (Asylum101) to save me time later on
pre added credit for darkest dawn masteries (Kir4) to save me time later on
pre added credit for Stargazer mastery mod to DraonCC
checked >50 mastery level on last 3 masteries. they work fine.
fixed tags on elementalist mastery

0026 - 12:12 AM 6/12/2016
updated to RIFT/DGA 0.3
updated omega mod to 0.3
updated eternal/survival to 0.976
re-fixed xp in *NG modes I swear i did! xp per level is the same as before though so it might seem slower starting around level 50
really REALLY cleaned up, and roughed out all 30 masteries. only 6 slots left for more to be placed and 12 of them are not availablet to merge yet. ā€œPHā€ means placeholder and that mastery not available at the moment
mergeds Cenoā€™s Elementalist into DAIL
increased elemenalist mastery cap to 100
general mastery bugfixes - no more double same mastery etc
added mastery ultimate abilities for fangshi, frost knight and elemenalist past mastery level 50. increasing quickly to 72 and tapering off to 100 like the other masteries
added Hardy to credits for helping me sort out the OP

0025 - 1:13 PM 6/10/2016
updated frost knight mastery to v1.1
fixed frost knight mastery in survival/DGA mode - if I broke your save file please send it to me and i will fix it
fixed reversed fangshi image
fixed the outhouse npc new conversation line
merged with Hotfix 1

0024 - 2:22 AM 6/10/2016
the guy at the outhouse offers a free alternative if you want your ā€œchoiceā€ based factions to start at 0 again
fixed NG and ANG for real this time - just needed some script cleanup
merged frost kngiht and set mastery bar to max of 100 (still missing ultimate abilities)
potions stack to 1000 again
laid the groundwork for 30 masteries - i can merge a masteyr in a short amount of time now.
fangshi mastery bar goes to 100 now and fangshi works(still missing ultimate abilities)
installer now automagically finds your steam dir if it exists - otherwise youll have to choose the dir if you are using the GoG version
fangshi and frost knight are upside down for many of the images. im stupid i know ill fix it later.

0023 - 1:09 AM 6/8/2016
merged fangshi mastery in BUT it wont appear. i set everything up as class10 and even the ui buttons to be 50 pixels below coronus. pulling hair out on this one. i even tried shoving it as a hard mod. filling a bug report.
fellow at the outhouse is back
B and AB modes are fixed
sot boc doors are gone again. sorry about that.
unused areas are unlocked again :smiley:
NG modes have regular xp

0022 - 5:58 PM 6/7/2016
fixed default path for installer was \mods\ shoudl have been
fixed arachnophobia for due to all the creature changes :smiley:
merged in eternal 0.973
Merged patch

0021 - 2:00 PM 6/6/2016
NEW NPC check out the npc in front of the outhouse in devils crossingā€¦ he can help you with factionsā€¦
fixed various tags related to mastery combinations
added some tags to maps
fixed disabled grimmest script pack - (NG) option for people who dont want grimmestā€¦ it had the grimmest scripts in it (whoops haha)
updated to latest cornucopia hotfix DEVOTIONS ONLY - not merging skills at this time
updated omega to 0.2
updated eternal mod to .971 - removed the attribute/skill points as rewards. left devotion points in place since there is a cap.
merged in stasher v5
added a few more install options for people who like being swarmed but dont have the star trek holodeck computer they need for full grimmest.

0020 - 10:43 AM 6/02/2016
clean up of installer build scripts so i can quickly generate updates without thinking about it too hard
user reported that DAIL doesnt install the database. it does.
user reported coronus togglebable musically named skills not working as toggles - its an hour long buff. it works not gonna fiddle too much
DGA canā€™t craft essense - i think its fixed now please check 0020
refreshed grimmest just in case will be observing behaviour of two new monsters for 0021
updated to 2.0 DGA - alexei added as developer credit on this mod
updated to eternal mod version 0.964

0019 - 11:02 PM 5/31/2016
re-release as an installer. donā€™t ask how i figured out NSIS. i had to contact aetherials. thanks for the suggestion Mambaā€¦
enjoy it casuls

0019 - 7:30 AM 5/31/2016
xp fixed - no longer weird slow slogs of 3 xp per kill (wups)
fixed good-loooking skel to be a transmog smith again.
updated to necro/ranger v0.22 RIP fangshi can only have 9 masteries i already added coronus :frowning: maybe if crate raises mastery limitā€¦
updated to 0.962 survival mod

0018 - 7:46 AM 5/30/2016
new/updated features
unlocked another hidden area - north of burrwitch screenshot in first post
omega mod updated to 0.1P
survivalmod updated to 0.94

fix stash button placement - thanks cyberreefer for the dbr edits
lots of broken tags removed / fixed
some hybrid classes renamed
readme cleaned up
pet bonuses linked up properly
devotion cap is 59 again
hide the goodlooking skeleton smith from combat
ensured items are properly linked between mods so you can loot up in rifts and use the items in dail / survival
fixed darius event for people who dont want grimmest enabled. oops :smiley:

ā€œiwearbeaniesā€ said there was a problem with ranger dual weilding when he was streaming 0017 on 2015-05-29. i couldnā€™t figure our specifically what the problem is/was

0017 - 10:30 AM 5/29/2016
moved the grimmest and arachnophobia changes into database.arz for convenience switching versions. check the readme for instructions
merged in cornucopia mod v0002 - just the devotion changes. the skill changes were missing some items. maybe will merge later versions
cleaned up some of the 50+ ultimate masteries
cleaned up alot of merged assets
updated survivalmod to 0.891
updated grimmest to 0.7m1
updated coronus to 1.0
updated omega to O
opened up some secret paths - secret path 1 -> old grove -> south bridge in devils crossing
more secret paths (there are many unused areas) ill open laterā€¦ I am not sure if I should do anything with these areas. they seem like well prepped expansion areas ;o
merged in cornucopia mod v0002!

0016d - 8:22 AM 5/28/2016
Hotfix for database.arz -> soldier mastery limit raised to 100 instead of default

0016c - 4:10 PM 5/27/2016
arachnophobia is working now
no more level 250 stuff (hah)
spawns not sparse anymore.
updated grimmest to 0.7

0016 - 10:43 AM 5/27/2016
stasher mod update to v4 - now with transparency!!!
good looking mod merged in !
skills fixed in survival mod - let me know if issues
fixed item levels/affixes in DAIL survival/rift/arachnophobia - let me know if issues
affixes / loot tables for coronus/necro/ranger items. i copied their filesā€¦ i dont know where to go to test hah
grimmest 0.666 proxies injected -proxy pool values left intactā€¦ its actually not bad in 0666
survivalmod updated to 0.81
omega mod updated to N
rift/dga mod updated to v1.3

0015 - 10:31 AM 5/25/2016
potions will stack properly to 1000 now
some ultimate masteries fixed
no more level 1 uber items shoudl appear. affixes should roll more in line with item level now
added 20% mana recovery to food/con pots

0014 - 5:16 PM 5/24/2016
Set potions/ointments to stack to 1000 instead of 100
xp recurved again! sorry :stuck_out_tongue: see image at top of post
10 skills per level (instead of 2) after level 90 to 100 (so total of 100 skill points from 91 to 100 !)
reverted items back to being leveled. garbage was consistantly dropping for high level characters (unacceptable)
updated survival to 0.6

SoT and BoC
*doors have been forcibly removed. giving multiplayer games more uptime
in the event of a lag raid death from the massive amount of spawns.
*the teleports still dont work inside but thats ok. you can set one up just outside and run back in if you die.

Changes that require updating the main game database.arz
->MaxDevotion set to 59 (maximum legitimately possible in maingame atm)
->All masteries go to level 100 now
->your maingame saves STILL wonā€™t be broken with this change

0011 - 2:48 PM 5/23/2016
XP can be curved - monster xp was set to 25% of regular.
Iā€™ve changed monster xp to 80% of regular and Iā€™ve curved the xp using a
math formula so that xp is ā€œvanillaā€ until level 50ish then it ramps up
quickly to 53% extra xp per level by 100
Omega updated to 0.1k
Surival mode updated to 0.41
Removed level restrictions on items and affixes
Rift/Mapping mod from WareBare has been added successfully! As a separate mod since its itā€™s own world.
I toned back the spawns a bit more. shouldā€™nt be any x4 purple bosses anymore.

0010 - 10:20 AM 5/22/2016
fixed the icons so they arenā€™t upside down
cleaned up alot more tags
omegamod update to version J - many bugfixes and new omega bosses added as well as 3 new icons
added a ā€œDAIL - Survivalā€ build as an alternative to leveling and
gearing up if you just want to fight waves of monsters one after another
in the ā€œGrimDawn: Eternalā€ from PrincessLuna (imho it is Princess LUA)

0009 - 10:24 PM 5/21/2016
quick fix for projectiles and other fx

0008 - 1:58 PM 5/21/2016
merged cftx ranger/necro mod
also renamed the arachnophobia mod because if it has a diff name they
wont be able to play with regular DAIL users. its just a graphical thing
so why restrict them?
cleaned up some tags and .tex files
next up: updates on necro, coronus, grimmest dawn, and any release of the rift mod will be incorporated.
maybe some initial research into cornucopiaā€¦ if it breaks vanilla chars . it might be annoying.
dont be shy about suggestions people. the way mods work for GD is annoying so we really do need these compilations ;\

0007 - 12:12 AM 5/21/2016
merged in the tt300 version of stasher mod for all our stashing needs
next up: gonna take another crack at merging the ranger / necro
masteries with coronus now that i know a bit more about .tex/etc
added an arachnophobia version too

0006 - 6:08 PM 5/20/2016
Merged in Coronus Mod
Attempted to merge Necro/Ranger/etc mod - cancelled. after unpacking it.
it was too big and contained too much stuff that seemed redundantly
stored like the base masteries. Needs more analysis
Added mod credits in the loading tips

0005-3:50 PM 5/19/2016
toned down grimmest a bit since i was having issues just wading through
on my rig (i7 5820K with 970x2) so I want to have a challenge but i also
want silky smooth 120 fps. this means iā€™ve also nerfed XP
tremendously. that is ok.
also omega mod added. works 100%

0004-3:13 PM 5/19/2016
I figured out the legendary affix stuff thanks to NateATon. I had to run
a full folder diff to find all the changes. basically the changes are
purely in the lootttable DBR files. the affix files were to increase run
speed only. and there were many global edits to items which i did not
use such as components usable in all slots.
definately level>100 is broken as heck. so i set the max level to 100
for now. maybe its ok. can i increase devotion skill levels? that
could be fun.

0003-9:50 AM 5/19/2016
elfe in http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=38578
is saying that I can go over level 100, so i set the max level back to 200 and will do more testing.
i tried looking at what he suggested, it doest seem like there are limits set. i copied the grimmest stuff
also level>100 seems to break access to the challenge areas. the doors are unresponsive.

also i wonder can i globally edit dbr files or run sql like queries
against them??? ill look into it. as it is the only way to do massive
edits like thisā€¦

0002-2:51 AM 5/19/2016
grimmest worked. yay - but only if i set the cap to level 100ā€¦ thats not soo bad. 15 more levels ;
still need to figure out legendary/epic affixes from NateATonā€™s hard research and work. Thank you again senpai.

0001-2:52 PM 5/18/2016
initial version
not done *affixes will be added to epic and legendary items
done * levels will be uncapped for players and monster scaling
levels are 200 but monsters arenā€™t spawning must merge in grimmest`

i think something is not working right because i notice a big difference in the spawns, enemies variety and champions when using your compilation

i reduced the trash mobs a little from ā€œgrimmestā€ settings. and left the hero spawn increase in place

remember this is derivative nubber stuff so bear with me as i learn from scratch. i started ā€œmoddingā€ (Stealing) at 9 PM last night :smiley:

if you help me figure out what you mean exactly by weird spawns i can look into it. likely you are just seeing alot of heroes and not as insane as grimmest amount of trash. there is still alot of trash though!

Just report something i notice :slight_smile: IĀ“m doing the quest in basement at devil crossing and didnt see much stars at the enemies like in grimmest, and i pass through really easy.

This mod is great ! Thanks for your hard work !

Iā€™ve got a problem, all the thing that I loot begone when I exit to the menu. I have played the mod as custom game with my original female character, she have max level. Did I do something wrong ?

no and you didnt lose anything

im going to add a little guide in the first post with instruction on how to use symlinks

essentially the problem is that the ā€œmain charā€ you copied over got re-saved back in the main char folder and not the mod folder.

ok i posted Grim Dawgā€™s guide in the first post.

you just need to start by deleting the ā€œmain charā€ from your user save folder. i repeat from the user save folder ā€¦ not the main save folder :smiley:

and as to your comment about my hard work. i did not do any hard work. the hard work was done by the modders I credited in the first post :smiley: I am just collecting and curating parts of it together.

im gonna level up some new chars soon once the necro and ranger masteries are sorted out. ill use that as my test case for density. im not looking to re-create the full grimmest experience. i just want more density. not GPU melting density :stuck_out_tongue:

I might make you remove the name Grimmest thenā€¦:smiley:

Thanks, it worked :smiley:

well i definately learned alot from your mod and i used the proxy update you made . the centralized single table for fiddling with density was a genious move on your part.

also it is helping me learn how this all worksā€¦ I was a DBA in a previous life so im quite excited to see a semi-database structure to play with.

I thought you were just compiling the mods in one. I really like the features of the mods you refered and the level raising for the character as well. but if you are adjusting the mods to your own taste you are mistaken people of what they expect to see.

well i am describing what im doing and giving credit for original source.

mod compilations generally start from a specific user wanting a very finite set of changes that doesnā€™t exist in other mod compilations.

you are free to do the exact same thing but include all of grimmest, and all of the legendary uncapper ! iā€™m sure there is alot of people who want that too

Is it just the proxypoolequation that you changed or what?

I do not have any problem here, I hope the smilie indicates not serious, but I never know about these thingsā€¦

yes the proxpool equation.

you linked everything to unlimited and the proxypool equation seems to tie everything together

May you add NNN to the compilation? I like the attributes and skill points change in NNN which makes more builds possible for Grimmest mod. Some builds are impossible due to swarm of mobs plus heroes. The skill points (5 per level up to higher level then reduce by point or so) and attributes (more hp and energy). Itā€™s more fun that way, or least for me. Otherwise, I must be suck at this game and only limited myself to certain succeed builds.

I just looked at NNN


Seems like its a balance adjustment.

all you need to do is depack my compilation and replace all of the files with the files from NNN and then rebuild my compilation and youll be set.

It would however override alot of the changes iā€™ve made and mod pieces iā€™ve chosen so i wont use it for this compilation as id have to do alot of testing to see what it breaks. Likely it will be fully compatible. im not sure :smiley:

Also the big clincher: NNN is 247 megs on nexus. Iā€™m not fiddling with that ;p It seems like its containing alot of the game files unnecessarilyā€¦ that is not my preferred way to package a mod.

stasher added with credit to Rorschachrev and tt300