[Mod] D2 Classes aka Noble Paladin

Saw that one! It said act 1 is done, kinda wonder if that means it’s over after that? Downloaded it anyways though!

Hey, I came over from the Reign of Terror thread about the D2 skills, specifically Barbarian.

I’m no balancing expert at all, in fact I have no idea whatsoever. But what I can say, is that the Dragon Strike from the Assassin tree feels powerful and solid from the first level, and Barbarian should probably have Bash or some other skill in the early levels match Dragon Strike in power, at least so that the player has something to hit with. Furthermore, the masteries are nowhere near as powerful as Claw Mastery found in the Assassin tree, either you should bring down Claw Mastery, or buff Barb masteries to match it a little better.

As for Phoenix Strike, in Diablo 2, you need all the previous skills to be able to put points in Phoenix Strike. Currently you don’t have to, and it makes Phoenix Strike very powerful early on because you can just put all the points spent in the previous skills into PS, as it’s better in every single way than the others.

Just my suggestions!
Also, I actually prefer the D2 classes over the GD ones, they just seem so much easier to figure out and they can be very powerful :smiley:

Hey Denis is it just me or is there no class name for a Ass/Demo build?

Hi. I also follow discussions in the RoT topic. Lately I’m busy with making new items, becase have few feedbacks for skills.
Primarly i take D2 skill parameters and tune it for original GD skills. Ram could rescale or extend it for 60 levels, whithal he use earlier build of D2 classes. I will see what can i do with this skills for next update.
Assassin + Demo must be Sanctuary Sabotuer

i’m sure there are plenty of “names” for such a character :rolleyes:

Ok tkx for the quick reply.

Is there a reason why devotion procs can’t be bind to strafe? I understand some skills are implemented via devotion procs but strafe is not one of them.

Btw, I feel like 20 is way too much points to max out a skill. If I were to buff skills I would just tune down most passives to max out at 10 or 12.

Strafe use different template. When I had been making it, I did not pay attention for devotion asigment. I can change template without skill changes with next build, if I’ll not decide to make it a modifier of Multiple shot.

As you could see D2 classes uses more similar to original GD skill system. If you didn’t like 20lvl skill, contact to Ram

Yeah I like the modifier idea. I don’t know if you realize but multishot and strafe already cost tons of energy, please don’t make them cost more

oh sorry I didn’t realize that

Wanted to thank you for your mod. I am necromancer summoner junkie and love the implementation of the d2 necromancer.

I wanted to say that the scaling of necro skeletons and mages is quite weak, especially in ultimate. Any chance to increase scaling of skills to make skeletons stronger?

Thanks again, you rock!

Thanks for feedback.
Next build that I planned to release nearest weekend already contain fixes for skeletons. Don’t know is it enough, so i will need feedbacks.

Global Balance Iteration “3 and half”

Yandex.Disk or GoogleDrive
Same links as previous version

Various skills changes
Most of all pets tuned up (include skeletons and golems)
New effects for several skills (Thanks to Ram for Bone spirit)
MORE new items: Blunts, daggers, scepters, off-hand and 2H-ranged

Because today is Orthodox Easter, I added Easter Egg :wink:

Thank you for update to necromancer pets. Looks like you significantly increased the health/energy, but no increase in damage correct? Atleast now health is on par with grim dawn necromancer skeletons.

I am running level 55 dual necromancer build, just starting elite with it. I will keep testing necromancer pets as the character progresses.

Also thank you for skeleton and skeleton mage counter on bottom right!!! makes life so much better!

Edit- Golem speed is still way too slow. Even with maxed golem mastery, golem is NEVER in the fight because its always walking behind. Honestly, the golem needs to have to speed to be in the fight even with 1 point in clay golem. Thats how it was in D2. It was weak as hell, but atleast it was in the fight as a tank. I never use the golem the way it is, that whole skill line is not worth it because of how it slow it is. I would get rid of the speed bonus on golem mastery and just make them fast enough to keep up. Because like I said, no point in having speed bonus on a skill if even at maxed speed they can’t keep up.

One last thing I would say is have you ever considered changing the look of the skeletons? If you compare the size of them to GD necromancer, they are actually slightly smaller, even to the naked GD skeleton warriors. I would love for them to be slightly bigger, or have armor =) But thats just my personal taste.

Thanks again you rock!

Thanks, I will work on further improvements.

Have you ever considered changing the skeleton models? To something like this?


Maybe the 2nd one for skeleton warrior, and 3rd one for skeleton mages? As they are now, they are kind of plain looking. It was changed on reign of terror mod.

Do you really want two identical necromancers? I’ll think about it.

Sorry picture not good. Heres a better one.

Theyre very different from grim dawn necromancer, especially pictures 2,3 ,4.

I DO like variety. I would love your summons look more awesome, instead of just regular looking skeletons.

Thank you very much for making this mod; I wish I had the skills and imagination to make something like it. I had a lot of fun with every mastery in Noble Paladin and looking forward to playing Reign of Terror.

I’m glad you like it.

Great work on this mod but I did notice can’t assign skills using a controller.

Adding the following to the skills_mastertable.dbr seems to fix this issue.
