[MOD] Darkest Dawn - 2 new classes and more

you’re merge is broken.

Let’s see. I took notes somewhere.


Decorated Soldier: Movied to rank 9
Military Conditioning: Moved to rank 6

Reason: Class feels very “complete”, just a bit too strong. And I wanted to distribute the passives a bit better. And finally, this gives a reason to reach rank 9 skills other than an exclusive skill.


Added skills: Olexra’s Barrier, Refrigerate

Found this unused dev skill, loved it. It creates a debuffing, cold-damage-dealing frost wall that blocks enemies, but not the player.
The modifier gives it an “on death” detonation that deals damage and debuffs all resists, which Arcanist was lacking.


Removed skills: Bloody Pox, Fevered Rage, Wasting, Black Death

Added skill: Collect Blood, Sacrificial Stab, Carnage, Eldritch Awakening, Entropic Bolt

Bloody Pox was more gimmick than useful tool, and I felt the skill mechanic would suit the necromancer better (see their “The Rot” skill).
The “Collect Blood” line of skills is an attack replacer that rewards mixing weapon attacks and spellcasting, but also work s with just weapon attacks.

“Entropic Bolt” is a modifier for Doombolt that adds fire damage, cooldown reduction, and a bit more. Supports Occultist casters that don’t rely on “Eye of Dreeg”.


Frenetic Throw:

  • Removed -% crit damage
  • Added +25% projectile speed

Frenetic Throw’s -crit damage was silly and lead to critical attacks frequently dealing lower damage than regular hits. The projectile speed bonus is a bit gimmicky, but why not.


Added skills: Ulzuin’s Retribution

Ulzuin’s Chosen:

  • Renamed to “Artillery”
  • Moved to skill tier 8
  • Nerfed damage bonuses
  • Increased cooldown reduction chance

I liked the idea behind Ulzuin’s Chosen, but it wasn’t good enough to be rank 9.
The new Ulzuin’s Retribution is an exclusive skill that triggers a secondary fire AoE spell whenever you kill an enemy, in addition to mainstream exclusive skill bonuses like damage, resists etc.


Added skills: Fulgurbugs

Fulgurbugs is a transmuter for “Devouring Swarm” that lets it debuff elemental resistances, in exchange for total damage dealt. I felt like giving the bugs a use that relates to the whole lightning-theme that Shaman seems to be about to a large extent.

Did a quick test, seemed fine. Then again, I don’t know what exactly to expect. What is broken?

there are no new classes and no extra spawns, so everything?

Same here. Your normal mod is working, but not with Grimmest (the optional one) no new classes and overhaul on other classes.

Only thing that I can find that worked on the merged version is Ulzuin’s Chosen rename to Artillery. And the UI on the class selection screen was out of alignment.

to overhaul classes 1-6 you have to do one of two things

  1. overwrite grimdawn\database\database.arz -> save game safe. wont mess up your hcar

  2. make a mod that reassigns class 1-6 to teh same classes but with differnet file naemes for everything. otherwise it will pull it from database.arz (why they chose to do this is odd) and if you do this. you WILL break every saved game that wasnt made with your mod

Is this what Grimmest is supposed to look like?

If so, it’s working on my end. I’ll go check the files on the nexus and re-upload the merged version; maybe something got corrupted on the way.

The spawns seemed fine for Grimmest in what I tested to get to level two. If they’re broken further in I don’t know. But it’s your skill edits and two new classes that are non-existent.

Could you zip up and upload the files you got from the nexus somewhere and send me a link?

Rebuilt Grimmest version just for good measure, made a new char and tested until level 3, still working.

Could anyone with problems test this one?

Your dropbox still not work like the download from nexus mod. No new classes.

Glad to hear that because your classes are cool and they are something that modders would like to merge with their mods :wink:

The rebuilt version through the dropbox linked worked for me. Which means I’m going to give the Illusionist a shot for a bit :slight_smile:

Ugh, you’re just trying to make me lose a weekend building a truly badass Witchblade, aren’t you?


NexusMods doesn’t allow a click on the Downloads button. Kindly check.

Hi, would love to play necromancer without grimmest, but the Nexus Mod registration isn’t working for me. Any chance you could put the non-grimmest version in your dropbox?

Thank you.

Still waiting for fix with this mod and grimmest together. The Grimmest V2 isn’t working either. No classes AND even though it has Grimmest, there’s no Grimmest. ANNNNDDDDDD the name of folder is “grimmest” lol I have to keep in mind that this folder is this mod with Grimmest.

It should work fine. When you download it you need to click in the folder after unzipping it and copy the DarkestDawn - Grimmest folder. When I downloaded it the directory was

Downloads --> Grimmest --> Grimmest --> DarkestDawn - Grimmest

Man. I feel like an idiot now. Thank you for clarify this pathway because I load the mod by the folder “grimmest” which leads to “DarkestDawn - Grimmest” that is just a folder so it didn’t load the database and resources. Now I’ve fixed it by skipped “grimmest” and go to “DarkestDawn - Grimmest” and put in mods then I see “DarkestDawn - Grimmest” instead of “grimmest”

Don’t feel like an idiot. I did the same thing when I tried to load up a mod for the first time. Took me a bit to realize what was going on. Glad you got it fixed :slight_smile: