[MOD] Darkest Dawn - 2 new classes and more

Updated to version 0.9.2, featuring three new skills, as well as a few item tweaks.

See the nexus page for instructions on how to update correctly.

I haven’t checked it out in game, but either that transmuter is strong enough to warrant respeccing into while fighting aetherials or it isn’t and there’s no reason for it to exist. Unless you’re encouraging players to respec when fighting different factions I’d suggest you revisit that one.

The other changes look good though :slight_smile:

After a few levels of playing, i’m lvl 22 so far… i’m finding out Bone Lance is causing me to chug a lot of mana pots

Is it also causing you to kill things fast?

It’s fairly powerful yes so i guess that could explain the high mana cost.

I’m going with a pure Bone Lance build so far

This mod is incredible. I think it’s the best mastery mod i’ve ever seen and I’ve play every single one for Titan quest and tried all of them for Grim Dawn.

The attention to detail for each class, the spacing of the abilities and unique function of each one is all masterful.

The game just isn’t the same without these and everyone should add them to their game. These should have been included with the base game.

Would you please allow Davood to add these to DAIL so that everyone may play these and see how perfect they are compared to any other. I would be ever so grateful. In it’s current state I think this mod is worth adding to DAIL and you should be proud of the work you’ve done.

Thanks for the nice words.

Davood contacted me already, and I’ll allow merging once I’m done with version 1.0. Right now, my srouces aren’t ready for that.

Bumped for update; version 0.9.3 is up at the Nexus page. Featuring eight new skills and various tweaks.



  • Added skill “Clean Cut” (Soldier, rank 3)
    Adds critical damage and % phys resist reduction and some more to Markovian’s Advantage and Zolhan’s Technique
  • Added skill “Tribalism” (Shaman, rank 8)
    Reduces totem skill energy cost and recharge time
  • Added skill “Abaddon” (Occultist, rank 6)
    Spammable piercing chaos/fire/debuff AoE projectile
  • Added skill “Acheron” (Occultist, rank 7)
    Modifier to Abaddon; makes additional projectiles burst from the target, then rain down from the sky.
  • Added skill “Twist and Fade” (Illusionist, rank 9)
    Modifier to Striat’s Blink; adds radius stun and electrocute damage.
  • Added skill “My Reflection” (Illusionist, rank 7)
    Summon skill. Conjures a black humanoid “shadow” that scales with player damage bonuses. The shadow deals a bit of frostburn damage on attack. As the skill is leveled up, it gains various Illusionist skills.
    Skill level 2: Hidden Blade (full line)
    Skill level 4: Sands of Sleep (+ first modifier)
    Skill level 8: Enrage
    Skill level 12: Vanish
    Skill level 16: Standstill
    Skill level 20: Downfall
  • Added skill “Chasing Shadows” (Illusionist, rank 8)
    Modifier for “My Reflection”. Adds a frostburn/slow/energy leech aura.
  • Added skill “The Contract” (Nightblade, rank 9)
    Exclusive skill. Piercing, bleeding, dodge, OA and DA.


  • Aetherial Fracture: Added skill cost reduction

  • Curse of Frailty: Added -%chaos resist

  • Enrage: Reworked completely. It’s a radius-based skill now. Numbers are tweaked, first modifier’s effect is built in.

  • Furious Onslaught: Removed

  • Striat’s Blink: Moved to rank 8

  • Bone Lance: Reduced energy cost

  • Conjure Skeleton Warrior: Replaced weapon damage %. Second and third skeleton warrior may be summoned at lower skill levels.

  • Conjure Skeleton Marksman: Replaced weapon damage %

  • Abyssal Charge: Replaced weapon damage %

  • Zolhan’s Technique: Moved to rank 2

  • Gyrus’s Sphere of Repulsion: Moved to skill tier 7

  • Edited roughly 1723712635 skill descriptions to kill grammar errors and typos

  • Reverted roughly 27635273 skill replacements that are no longer needed, due to engine changes

  • Redid “Retaliation” skill icon

nice ! getting closer to 1.0 :smiley:

Same here.

I don’t like the Necromancer Class that much, feels somehow like a copy of the Necro in D2. (Not that that’s a bad thing per se)

The Illusionist on the other hand is quite ingenious. The name fits the mastery perfectly. I like your concept of indirectly applying damage. It reminds me of the Ghost mastery that was in TQ. I also like the idea of a class that doesn’t fit into the “classic” character system of every other ARPG under the sun.

Can you…let Davood add to DAIL…like…now? >:(

I’m currently playing the illusionist and I like it to a certain part.
I specced for the summoning part at start, but these beast were not getting any agro, so they wouldn’t die, so they didn’t do any real dmg. They often exploded because time run out and then the monsters were allready dead.

Other thing is that I can’t really find any great devotions for illusionists or am I just missing them?

Not really many devotions for illusionist, to be honest. DoTs skills rely on DoT damage aka frostburn and electrolyte which won’t be affected by direct elemental flat damage like cold and lightning. Illusionist has one autoattack with ranged weapon. Two pet summons but I’d skip pet devotion stuff. So I’d get Hydra, Kraken, Hawk, (Falcon if you want too), Tsunami, Blind Sage, Rhowan’s Crown (OP), then all rest of defensive stuff. If you get Arcanist with your illusionist, nukes (optional) would benefit from elemental flat damage so it won’t be wasted getting those devotions I listed above. You can get Iskranov’s Elemental Exchanger then max out Overload and Elemental Balance if you like. Arcanist’s Star Pact has DoT bonuses in there. There are many ways to build illusionist though.

I plan to adjust devotions a bit in the future to support the crowd control parts of Illusionist.

If you done with everything but Devotions then the mod is ready to be merged with DAIL mod as no Devotion changes will be merged into the big mod pack.

Im waiting to play this Necro and Illusionist but I only use DAIL because of other mods.

Interested to see your Necro, the other Necro out is quite good at emulating D2 necro -

Skeles (no mages)
Bone Spear
Can blow up minions (corpse explosion)

But I probably want the Illusionist first. Never played much range in GD; always ends up melee

Thanks for your work

please senpai

dont sweat the sources folder if its too big / messy/ i can reverse engineer all of your stuff np. just need permission :smiley:

I’m not. This is the list of other things I still want done:

  1. Complete item integration
  2. Finish skill trees (there still are like 3 skills missing)
  3. Clean up sources

The last one is a big one.

Just saw this.
Do you have a script or something ready? I planned to write a small and easy “remove files if they’re unchanged”-thing myself, but if you have a tool ready, no need to duplicate work.

i start usually by scrubbing modders files with

“Beyond Compare”. really its better than any script you can write and it works on anyhthing including binary files

comparing to base game folder.

then I compare only the folders that I want against my base mod merge folder. so in your case will be sfx pfx skill ui and whatever is in the source folders.

then afterwards i carefully inspect the item folder differences and try and merge any loot drops you may have added.

finally I manually recreate every single .psd / .tga file from the .tex files with no care as to whether they are reversed or not. except for the profile pictures.

so if you can provide the /source/ folder that would save me a bulk of the manual labour. the rest i dont need :smiley: