[MOD] Diablo 3 Classes: Patch 5.1 Released

Vanilla change? There’s no affixes supporting Divine Mandate on amulets in vanilla as well.

Okay, so looking back through GD patches, they were removed (magic mastery prefix) with patch & ‘redesigned’.

A sad day for many of my builds.

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Hi @Grimer ,

Does the weapon “Mythical Crusader’s Earthshatter” work with Forcewave & it’s modifier Tremor?


The tool tip says the weapon is one handed, that means it won’t work with tremor

With new slots for skill modifiers, now it’s possible, I’ll put on the list of changes for 4.9.

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Thanks Grimer.

I looked back over a previous patch release to see if it was included (May 23 patch release), however, could not see it noted. Thanks for including in the upcoming patch 4.9.


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This is more of a wishlist suggestion than anything, but it would be cool to see:

I wanted to see if you can combine both Witch Doctor’s Zombie Dogs and Occultist’s Hellhound to create a “Dog-centered” pet build, and it looks like it’s possible, but only for Vitality damage:

Is it possible to make some sort of Legendary pet item that benefits both classes and grants pet bonuses? Ideally an item that converts Acid damage to Fire on Zombie Dogs and makes Burning Dogs worthwhile to invest in? I can showcase the above build if people want to see a pack-leader type of pet build, but with the cool amount of combined GD / Diablo 3 cross-over items, I figured it’d be worth asking for some pet items to throw into the mix.


I’ve been hunting monsters with this lovely woman lately, I think you guys are gonna like her.

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Lady Alucard

Unironically this cosmetic set will have the anagram “Caladur, the Sanguinary Count” on its description

Lol, perfect

Well, I have several questions.


Are you planning class-specific weapon? I think as original blood knight uses 1-h spear + offhand, it could be 1-h version of spear-like weapons (implemented as 1h sword) similar to crusader’s weapon but with 10000 spirit requirements + apropriated off-hand only passive skill for removing requirements.

Are you need help with import Diablo Immortal assets?

I thought about the polearms thing, but let’s leave it just as a normal two-hander class (most of his animations work better with 2h anyway). I’m not planning too much unique items for now, no slots available.

The only asset I’d try after FoA is Abomination, just this one.


Thank you continuing this mod as long as you have, its fuckin great.


Woof woof!!!

Yhank u for keeping this mod for as long as u have! And hope u gone keep it up for long time Peace

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Some of the new legendaries coming on Patch 4.9:


Why can’t any 2-handed weapon be turned into a 1-handed weapon, but only the one on the list?

Because they have to be added manually?

OK. Can I get a list of weapons and add a blacksmith to the list for reforging myself?