[MOD] Diablo 3 Classes: Patch 5.0 Released

Small update to add new FX:
-Barbarian Whirlwind transmuter (fire) should now give a red spin FX
-1 new cosmetic wing available in 2 colors (white and yellow) at the blacksmith (Angrim or apprentice depending on your choice).They are medal so you can apply it as an illusion to any character later without wasting inventory slot for the potion.


Animated video of the wings


I made a mistake uploading last build version, this one should include the chakram fix and the Witch doctor fetish army: v2.92
Sorry for the inconvenience.

All difficulty unlocked from start. Itā€™s ok?

Disappeared skill name

After v2.9, ā€œShadow Glideā€ became missing from Demon Hunter text, resulting in Tag Not Found. This also affects Grimarillion.

  • tagClassDemonHunterSkillName02B=Shadow Glide

screen shot

D3 2.93

  • Fixed ā€œShadow Glideā€ missing from Demon Hunter tag
  • Added cosmetic animated wings of mercy craftable at the blacksmith
  • Fixed an error in one of the blacksmith recipe that was going to crash the game with the upcoming GD patch
  • Reduced the size and changed the texture of one of the angelic wings


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Just wondering, is it possible to change the text for Rift Travel skill to Town Portal ? , and change the color to blue ? :slight_smile:

thank you for this mod, unfortunately iĀ“ve got a heavy bug with the smith, as soon as i click on the smith the game crashes, seems like there is an issue with the UI from the smith oder missing data?

got the latest version of the mod

Do you have the 2.93 version ?
This was patched in the link two comments above.

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Argh, thank youā€¦ didnt saw the last update, now it works


Would you consider increasing the area of effect-range of Grasp of the Dead? Right now itā€™s very small and not very useful for caster builds. For example itā€™s decent with a tank/melee character that can stay in melee against a boss for a while (the -DA is great). But for a caster/kiter that canā€™t facetank, itā€™s very bad. Iā€™ve been trying to use it from level 70 to 100 now and I always found it very limiting due to the size of the AoE.

If you want to make it useful for casters too, Iā€™d suggest making the AoE larger, but increase the cooldown for example, to balance it out.

Even bonuses like these donā€™t help much, since the aoe-size is critical for a kiter/non-tank caster.

Hi, love the D3 Mod and would love to see more Summoner support for the mod since some people like me love playing Summoners.

Could we have the Mythical Zunimassa set to make the Fetishes to be really permanent instead on being on a 30 sec CD? Same with the Immortal King set for Call of the Ancients?

Is t possible to add Innaā€™s Mantra set for extra Allies for different elements? 10 mystic allies would be cool :X .

What about Companions for Demon Hunters? Could use the Wolf, Spider, Raven(Could call it crow) ,Boar and Bat or have the Embodiment of the Marauder set to add them as granted skill summons?

Could we add the Familiar for the Arcanist? It could be renamed as Wisp. Also really love beam spells and would like to see the addition of Disintegrate, especially with a transmuter for the effect of the Convergence rune and maybe another for the Entropy rune.

Itā€™s already the case I think they have +36000 seconds time to live so itā€™s not exactly permanent but you shouldnā€™t have to recast them in one play session (10 hours or less).

Grimer is working on the next update.

Hello, i found a ā€œtag not foundā€ on epic item and missing texture.

Hello Grimer !
Iā€™m testing a Blessed Hammer build to see if it can be powerfull. Andā€¦ itā€™s pretty poor.
I donā€™t know if you tryied on your side so here is an edited char savegame : _D3Paladin.zip (228.6 KB)
I boosted fire and lightning damages (almost 2000%), cast speed, + skills, and the rest is for the defense.
There are few problems with this skill :

  • it is a spell -> no life leech (so you need good defense)
  • you have to cast it too often so you canā€™t really use a secondary attack skill that could be more damage
  • you have to stop moving to cast hammers

What do you think about this skill ?

Thanks for your time.

Another 'tag not found" item

first of all, thank you for this great mod! iĀ“m having really a great time with it :slight_smile:

is it possible to include the new stash search bar to the greater stash from your mod?

iĀ“ve also encountered a bug with call of the ancientsā€¦ there seems to be a like ~20% chance that my game crashes if the ancients are about to despawn while they are hitting enemies makes this skill pretty useless for me :frowning:

I tried against training dummies but couldnā€™t reproduce this bug, do you have some devotion proc attached to them ?
Also what level is your spell ?
Do you have points in lord Commande ?
They donā€™t have any skill that proc when dying so it seems strange.
@Genoo Can you send me your save file to test if I find this bug.


Call of Ancients and Lord Commande is maxed out and i think it most likely triggers while iĀ“m running toward a new group of monsters, they are about to despawn but yet try to leap to the new group, cant say it for sure as its hard to reproduce

where are my savegames located?
my save folder in the gamedir is empty

thank you

save file are in C:\Users\YourName\Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\save\user

Oh maybe they are despawming while in mid air (leaping animation is interrupted) and that cause the game to crash as there are no pet with a leap animation in the vanilla game.
If thatā€™s the case I will need to remove the leap skill :cry:
EDIT : after testing itā€™s not the leap skill that cause this.