[MOD] Diablo 3 Classes: Patch 5.0 Released

negative, in C:\Users\YourName\Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn there´s only a settings folder, no save folder

unfortunately i´ve got now the same crash with my second char, a wild hermit (Barb/Monk) with no Ancients involved… maybe there´s another reason for this crash i´ve never had in vanilla :frowning:

ok so it has nothing to do with the Call of the ancients.
I fear it could be because one of the leap modifier has a celestial skill attached that is used for casting earthquake with the set.
I remember reading that it crashed the game in Grim Dawn Reborn.

Does it crash in specific conditions with you wild hermit (mouse over loot…) ?

maybe, i was looting some green items… have to do more testing :frowning:

looks like it really has to do with some affixes? got another crash/freeze ( have to kill the task ), but i could make a screenshot of the crash-screen


and mouseover was on the necromancer item…

Thanks for the screenshot. The problem is the Zombie Handler’s prefix. However, let us know if it still gets crashes even when Zombie Handler’s rare items weren’t dropped.

thank you for your quick response, so this is a known issue? any workaround so far? will play more and keep you informed if i get another crashes, especially when there are no zombie handler items involved

I just fixed it. It was missing pet bonuses.

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another crash, and as far as i can say there´s no Zombie Handler Item involved, or maybe the game crashed just before the item dropped? i dont know, the odd thing is that it was again exactly as the ancients started to despawn - but you still can see a last weapon throw from them flying

hi, another crash, definitfely no item drop involved since the monsters are all still alive as the crash occured

managed to find my savegame
uploaded it here

and again you can see the last weapon throw, the ancients despawned half a second before, looks like it´s crashing when the weapon throw is still mid-air while they are already despawned ?

Thank you I tested with your save.It turns out if this skill is used by a pet disappearing while the projectile exist, it will freeze the game.
I will try to change te skill template first.

thank you for testing, i think removing the skill would be then the best option, it shouldn´t have too much impact on the ancients overall, they´r still a valuable dps boost and i wouldn´t be afraid anymore to use it :slight_smile:

Hello, been using barbarian in the latest version of grimarillion, I have one point in War cry and one point in inspiring presence, when I use War cry near an enemy I get the inspiring presence buff, but my friend in multiplayer is not being buffed by it. Is this intended? I have attached a copy of my save as well.

Thank you. _Hyjral Kastr.zip (122.2 KB)

I am aware of this.I tried to make it available for allies with another template but it didn’t work.So yes inspiring presence currently only affect the player casting it.

with Grim Dawn patch, the options to switch between Personal Stash and Shared Stash are now gone

just like in the Reign of Terror Mod

Thanks for the quick response. Is there a list of known issues floating around?

In the first post you can see that Grimer write the changes and fixes he is going to make for the next update.Usually when we are aware of an issue we try to fix it if possible.

Is Chakram affected by cast speed or attack speed?

maybe a stupid question, but, topic says 2.9.3 released? is there any link so far? the “old” 2.9 link seems to be offline to?

thanks in advance

yes, there is

thank you for the link, and thank you for the update and all the efforts making this mod

simple question -> should the shared stash buttons be fixed with 2.9.3? if so, it doesn´t work :frowning:

The shared stash will be fixed in the next update (I just sent the fix to Grimer today).