[MOD] Diablo 3 Classes: Patch 5.1 Released


Yes! Yes! Yes!

Awesome! So it’s possible! What parameter did you change? I tried altering various things in the skill itself (isPetDisplayable = true didn’t do it) but I keep striking out. I also looked for this information online, but I can’t find what I’m doing wrong. :-/

Go to the “Pets” folder… Open one of the “spider_xx” (xx means the corpse spider skill lvl), then select “monster paramaters” and find the option: ShowStatusWidgetWhenPet, set it to true. Ex: If your corpse spiders is 16/16 already, just do it to the Spider_16 and it will display how many spiders queen are alive. :wink:

Btw, sorry for not posting any update to dh or wd, guys. I’m trying to do some good stuff for the mod, and don’t wanna to release small updates every week, just taking time to bring all the new stuff and improvements on a huge update in a couple weeks. Hope u guys are enjoying the old versions still. :slight_smile:

I have a few comments. They are not exactly suggestions, just a “please consider”. I have played a few early game chars, so I don’t/can’t have any balance comments, just some minor nitpicks.

First, will the update break my current char when it gets released?

Also Elemental strike(a mouse attack skill) can’t be bound to devotions, such as falcon swoop. will this be changed? I don’t know the cooldown deal on the devotions, so I don’t know if it would make sense anyway, just wondering.

Leech adds a nice amount of vitality damage, but only the main mouse skill line deals vitality damage.

if I follow “shadow bolts” or “elemental strike”, vitality damage bonus is useless. On the main games classes, there are skills that buff a damage type that only 2 or 3 skills in the class provides it, but they are usually active skills so you can still unlock the passive and get the skills.
This isn’t exactly a complaint, it may be how you balanced it, I don’t know the details.

Death star usually fails when the terrain is relatively higher. It doesn’t take much for it to fail, just the terrain being not perfectly flat is enough :stuck_out_tongue: any chance on making this something like a grenade that explodes on impact?

this is just an example, there are cases where it explodes in my face :confused:

Of course this applies to most of the projectile skills in this game, but they usually contain multiple projectiles so this isn’t as much of a problem. I don’t remember if demolitionists granado or blackwater cocktail does the same thing.

also, any chance on having a skill that unlocks dual wielding pistols? I know there are items with that property, but I’d spend a point or get a skill to ultimate to unlock that property.

Dual wielding should not be in the WD mastery, but for sure in the DH mastery. It just does not fit the original class. Looks like you posted in the wrong of the two threads :slight_smile:

If the DH gets dual wielding I hope it will be in a different manner than the Ranger class in DAIL. I know those are separate mods, but I love it when mods are designed w.r.t to DAIL - solely for the egoistic reason, this is how I play them :slight_smile: And for me GD is all about mastery combination.

I may be in the wrong thread :stuck_out_tongue:

To be fair, Grimer has been using this thread to post DH teasers.

Yes :smiley: It was not meant to be mean at all! :slight_smile: From the skills he referred to it was absolutely clear that he was talking about the DH. I was just nitpicky, sorry.

Ohhh man. Thanks Grimer! Found it. And changing all levels of the skill to display as a pet. :smiley:

I just noticed I have the difficulties unlocked. Is this indented?

all difficulties levels for Custom games is always unlocked

Someone had reported the Elemental Strike issue with devotions already, it will be fixed. I’ve said earlier that Death Star would not have any changes, it was about the damage only, I was reworking its flight and impact parameters few hours ago, now it’s similar to grenado, if it hits the ground, it will bounce and explode at the location you’ve pointed. About the bonus damage passives, Ballistics does this work, it increases cold, fire and vitality dmg. Leech was like a support skill for Hungering Shot, but not anymore. Hungering Shot will have a new skill modifier that gives it +vitality damage. All the LMB skills enables d-w ranged automatically. Yes, this is the newest thread, so all the questions about both classes can be discussed here, dudes. Thanks for your comment, man :slight_smile:

Demon Hunter’s rework changes so far.

Infernal Blades removed. Fan of Knives is back where it belongs.
Fan of Knives has 16 levels, at lvl 16 it will stun enemies for 1-2 seconds.
The Multishot negative damage multiplier was nerfed.
Devouring Shots: At max lvl, Hungering Shot gains charges that increases the weapon dmg of your attacks by 20% until the limit of 100%.

1: Fan of Knives
2: Assassin’s Knives (modifier: increases damage and distance)
3: Shadow’s Bolt + Multishot + Shock Collar (similar to Panetti’s Missile)
4: Hungering Shot + Void Blast (attack radius on hit)

btw, do you have the numbers on the LMB lines? how much damage I am losing to have the AOE line on the right side of the skill board for example, as opposed to picking the main line. or did you balance them in such a way to have the damage dealt in total to be more or less equal ?

Just terrific, thanks so much and please complete the set.

Never enjoyed the D3 classes as much as I do in this.

what u mean exactly?

thank you man, good u like it :smiley:

these ones:

how much damage I am losing by picking the aoe line(or do they cancel out), that kind of thing.