[MOD] Diablo 3 Classes: Patch 5.1 Released

Elemental Strike modifiers damages are cumulative, but it will be reworked too.

I was trying out the new Fan of Knives and the reworked Elemental Strike (now it works with devotions), then I realized that using Dark Trick + Fan of Knives the DH ‘turns’ into Katarina haha

Lot of fun with it! btw, the Demon Hunter’s rework is complete.

Awesome, can’t wait to try it out!

When will the new DH version be available for download?

Next month. Here’s a preview of the skill tree with new skills.

That UI… oof

Thanks for the response, but theres a bit of a miscommunication happening, sorry about that.

I meant the damage amounts.

Say, I picked the aoe line.

An attack of mine will do 10 damage and 5 damage to the monsters around me for a 24 point.

And if I picked the non-aoe line at the top instead, I will do 15 damage to a single monster.

can you talk a bit about this, if you have the numbers? or perhaps personal experience on your part?

Also I see that the 2 other LMB lines now have 4 skills(from 3), and the aoe line is still at 3. Any major implications?

p.s. any spoilers on the changes for “leech”?

^also this, good job

Oh, sorry. I haven’ t really understood that. Yes, you’ll deal less damage to single targets (lower % of weapon damage), since it has 100% of pierce through enemies. Hungering Shot was supposed to be the most powerful lmb skills against single targets. To face bosses using Elemental Strike wasn’t the best strategy. But things have changed, take a look at the modifiers description after the rework:

Hungering Shot
Void Blast - Releases a blow of energy from the target, dealing chaos and vitality damage to nearby enemies around it.

Puncturing Shot - Gives a chance for Hungering Shot to pierce through enemies. Also it increases vitality power and the damage of critical attacks.

Shadow’s Bolt
Shock Collar - After hit a target, Shadow’s Bolt splinters into electrical spikes, dealing lightning damage to other enemies.

Elemental Strike
Frost Shot - Releases a cold blast after hit the target, dealing frostburn damage to nearby enemies, and slowing them for 2 seconds.

Leach doesn’t increases vitality damage anymore, it regenerates 3.0+/s of your life instead.

Another thing and I’m really sorry for that. Lightning Bolt doesn’t deal aoe damage, just deal additional lighthing damage to enemies it strikes. Was a mistake to use that fx effect for it.

I’ll probably remove Dark Trick or increases its cooldown, it’s ridiculous when you use it followed by Fan of Knives, just dealt dmg = 10% of Loghorean’s life doing this. Hero Monsters just get killed after 2 combos… sick

Amazing, wanted to build vitality/chaos ranged character so with added chaos dmg hungering strike will be the perfect lmb skill. Downside is ofc having to hold off with it till update release :stuck_out_tongue:

In any case, gonna comment on some other skills that I feel would use fixes. Testing some things while I’m writing this post so forgive me if it will end up a little chaotic.

Ah, also, before that, I want to mention that I haven’t played D3 at all (D2 ftw) so I don’t know how much of your design choices are affected by this characters D3 origin. Thus I try to analyze the skillset from a balance/feel PoV rather than looking for the analogies in D3 demon hunter. Anyway, lets start:

Ballistics - the scaling is just too low. 5% dmg +2% per level is extremely insignificant, I’d suggest upping it to at 10 + 5 per level at least. (For reference, nightblades Merciless Repertoire starts dmg bonuses at 8% and adds 6 per level in vanilla, which in cornucopia is increased to 10 + 8 per level). Yeah I know ballistics also increases cunning and tbh only thing I found this passive useful for is getting 1 point early to pass req. for ranged weapons faster. You might want to add more dmg types to it: since you’re adding chaos to HS it is now present for 2 abilities, so i feel you should have chaos dmg upgrade somewhere.

Rapid Fire - very cool AS boost, but I would consider lowering the recharge time at later levels. 25 sec recharge is pretty long and ranged characters don’t generally have good ways of getting -cdr. Actually there’s even bigger issue that I just tested: this skill actually triggers off BEING DMGED as opposed to actually attacking. The DH I’m doing tests with is admittedly only lvl36 but I imagine that makes this skill pretty useless at higher difficulties. It also seems very counter-intuitive to me, since ranged should focus on NOT getting hit. In any case, if that’s intended behavior, would be nice if it was at least clarified in the tooltip.

Vengeance - I feel this skill definitely needs some kind of change. Let’s start with +all dmg. At max level it gives 25%. This is incredibly irrelevant, especially when we consider the fact that it’s a lvl50 skill. Offensive ability is good, however damage absorption is theoretically the best part of this skill: which is kinda ironic for an ability names as it is. I wasn’t able to test it on high level tho, and what I’m assuming is: since DH is a ranged character you’re not gonna be super tanky even late, thus prone to getting one shotted. I’m afraid a skill which best part is a defensive buff with only 25% trigger rate will not save you very often at ultimate. Not the mention ridiculous recharge time. And if it’s designed as complementary skill if someone wants to mix with DH, it’s far too late into the tree. Soldiers fighting spirit is available much earlier, and while it doesn’t give any defence, it has some off. rating, acceptable phys. dmg and great crit dmg bonus. Decent uptime too (8sec dur, 16 recharge). Not to mention the cornucopia version of fighting spirit (max lvl[12]: 40% activation chance, 14sec duration, 8sec recharge, 200% all dmg and flat 235 off. rating.

Rain of vengeance - might as well mention it while being on the topic of vengeance. From earlier comments in DH thread I’ve seen that it was pretty OP in the past, and to be fair I haven’t tested it extensively. Just maxed and threw it on some mob packs and elites a few times. I feel that bleeding dmg is very weak here. First of all, this is the only skill in the whole tree that utilizes bleeding dmg. Second, afaik dot dmges don’t stack so monsters getting hit by multiple projectiles suffer more piercing dmg but the bleeding will just refresh the duration.

Ceremony of shadows - haven’t tested much yet, so for now I’d just like info in tooltip about how those shadows scale. (I mean, I tested and it seems they scale with dmg bonuses, but it would use an upgraded tooltip so poor pet characters don’t try to build into it :P)

Shadow power - I don’t like it personally, but that’s just me, I’m not a fan of life regeneration skills in general (unless I’m a melee, then I have to). So I’d only take it for it’s last 2 modifiers: as/ms and resistances are always good. Except when they only last 8 seconds on a 20sec recharge. Also just did a scaling check: gloom starts with 10% to it’s resistances, but whole 4 points more and you only end up with 15. Would be a 1 point wonder if it was a passive. With that limited duration I’m not sure if it’s even worth that point.

I’d consider an option of lowering some bonuses and making it an aura-like skill, since DH is the only (if we consider DH + vanilla) character without a sustained skill like that, which therefore forces player to get auras from other sources if they want to make good use of the %hp based devotions.

Preparation - I’d combine it with shadow power if you want to keep the latter as it is. This skill feels like you put too high energy costs on all the skills and made a solution skill such as this.

EDIT for post above
Dark trick - removing would probably take out a lot of fun playing DH, I’d rather increase the cooldown to sth like 20 - 5 scaling, maybe higher. Or, if it’s possible, you could keep low cd but lower the range and make it have a little movement delay? (like, can’t help thinking DH should have Vayne tumble, they just feel so similar).

Guess that’s all for now, that ended up a little lenghty. Hope I don’t seem too harsh or something, really appreciate you working on this mod and I like the concept a lot. Keep up the good work!

First of all, ty for this big feedback. The bonus damage which Ballistics and Vengeance provides has been already fixed:
Ballistics: 10-120%(Now it’s needed to use dual-randed weapons, also increases chaos dmg)
Vengeance:40-200% (It’s not a passive anymore, you activate it any time you want)

Yes, I have increased some energy costs because of Preparation, but now all the skills got their energy costs reduced. Preparation has no energy cost now (was a bad joke to need energy to use it), and at max level it increases 20% of your maximum life while active.

The Shadow Power cooldown was reduced (20 to 16) and now it gives you chance of deflect projectiles. At max level it also gives you 25% of life steal.

Perfectionist and Gloom were buffed (6-20% and 10-25%)

Ceremony of Shadows was removed. The only thing left to review is that Rain of Vengeance issue about the bleeding dmg, didn’t know that, I’ll check it out, thanks for the tip btw. :smiley:

edit: Dark Trick will be on next patch, don’t worry

Sounds good! What about rapid fire though? Is it intended for it to actually trigger off damage taken? Can’t help feeling it should be triggering on your attack instead.

FWIW, I share the same views.

Thanks for keeping this mod updated. Constructive feedback keeps the dev motivated to improve the mod, as well as consider future projects.

I know DAIL players will appreciate the continued effort to balance fun and challenge (*cough Noxmortem *cough):stuck_out_tongue:

someone let me know if I’m missing something, but I think there is no way to trigger temporary buffs on attack, it only works with devotions/itemskills… am I wrong?

about this, here is the class selection screen

I admit I haven’t dabbled in GD modding but I think you could do it like this: make the skill a weapon pool skill and then if you can’t simply add a buff to it instead create a unique devotion that will be procced on it (which would be the actual buff). Downside of that would be limiting the use to lmp skills but it’s for them anyway… Maybe you could also instead attach that unique devotion to passive and change it’s values, but I do not know if you can dynamically change devotion proc rate.

For reference, check DAIL and Ranger class: at lvl1 he can get weapon pool skill Rapid Fire (heh) and at 15 he gets upgrade (Premeditation) that gives him a buff when the skill triggers.

EDIT: Also, beautiful selection screen! All the elements seems to blend really well with each other, and that color palette really fits.

The Ranger’s rapidfire is different, you have to stand still when it activates, it sucks for kitting, but being a weapon pool makes it easier to add some extra benefits. I think that the best solution for DH’s Rapidfire is to make it like a buff duration which you can activate whenever you want to (with increased projectile speed). It would be interesting if could be possible to make it works like Albrecht’s Aether Ray, that’s how it works on Diablo 3, but I guess this is possible with spells only.

Thanks, man! Rapidfire will no longer be a passive, but a temporary buff instead. Shadow Glide doesn’t provide attack speed anymore though, now it gives you resistance to cc effects.

and here’s a preview of some skills for the next class: Monk

Fists of Thunder with Thunderclap/Cyclone Strike/Cyclone Strike with Sunblast
Breath of Heaven/Sweeping Wind/Mantra of Salvation

Monk looks awesome man! Didn’t realize you were going to be adding more (or all?) of the D3 classes to the game. Really cool stuff, keep up the great work.

Monk will be the last one, after that we’ll have to wait for the Rise of the Necromancer