[MOD] Diablo 3 Classes: Patch 5.1 Released

You guys can check out the upcoming patch notes on official page. The spawn animation will be changed.


I see, thanks. I’ve been also wondering, is the dodge chance from the Monk’s new dual-wield passive skill supposed to be shown in the defence tab of you character? I have three points invested in it, I’m dual-wielding, but the chance to dodge melee attacks is still at 0% for me.

Does anyone know where to find builds for the diablo 3 classes? i googled and i searched this site as well… are there ppl who make Build guides for diablo3 classes only?

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  • 5 new items.
  • Nerfs to resistances reduction on skills and Corpse Spiders.
  • Rework to items VFX.
  • A few skill changes and bug fixes.

Patch 4.0 is available now. Click on the image to download it.


Happy Holidays!

Patch Notes 4.0


  • Fixed an issue where Karlei’s Point had the same bitmap as Tiklandian’s Spellblade.
  • Fixed an issue where Staggering Shield, from The Final Witness, didn’t bounce to other enemies.
  • Fixed an issue where the “of the Reanimator” suffix didn’t grant skillpoints to Skeleton Archer and Zombie Dogs as intended.
  • Fixed an issue where Heaven’s Fury stops working while wielding the Azurewrath sword.
  • Removed burn damage bonuses from Roland’s Legacy set, it was not intended.


  • Bone Ringer: Amulet that supports Necromancer summoning skills.
  • Hellskull: Shield that ‘removes’ the damage penalty from Heavenly Strength. Made for Physical and Bleeding damage builds.
  • Blood Brother: 2h Sword that supports shield bonuses. Made for Physical/Bleeding/Life Steal builds.
  • Ambo’s Pride: 1h Sword made for an alternative Bleeding Whirlwind build.
  • Cosmic Strand: Off-hand that gives the huge travel distance back to Teleport.


  • Corpse Spiders: Removed the annoying default spawn animation they gained after the counter changes. Damage considerably reduced at regular ranks, pratically unaltered at ultimate ranks.
  • Medusa Spiders: Poison damage decreased.
  • Gargantuan: Now it has an icon as a counter, like the Spiders, and it’s always on aggressive mod to prevent bugs with the Big Stinker aura.
  • Mass of Confusion: Resistance Reductions decreased from 30% to 25% by rank 10.


  • Whirlwind: Cyclones now deals physical and fire damage. Internal trauma damage removed.
  • Threatening Shout: Elemental/Bleeding Resistance Reduction decreased to -25% by Rank 12 and -35% by rank 22.


  • Mantra of Conviction: Radius reduced to 7.0 by Rank 10 and 8.0 by rank 20. Elemental Resistance Reduction decreased to -25% by Rank 10 and -35% by rank 20.


  • Fire Hydra: Firebolts now pierce through enemies. Elemental RR from Elemental Exposure reduced from 35% to 25%.
  • Frost Nova: Elemental RR from Bone Chill decreased from 40% to 25%.


The following items received new visual effects:

  • Sacred Harvester
  • Azurewrath
  • Lai Yui’s Persuader
  • Tiklandian’s Spellblade
  • Flying Dragon
  • Fulminator
  • Wrath of the Bone King
  • Torch of the Grand Temple
  • Chantodo’s Will
  • Inviolable Faith
  • Darklight
  • Homunculus
  • The Final Witness
  • Scourge
  • The Bastion’s Revered
  • Ice Climbers
  • Genzaniku
  • Harvest Moon
  • Last Breath
  • Anajinn’s Spellblade
  • The Three Hundredth Axe
  • Starspine
  • Etrayu
  • Shield of Fury
  • Vengeful Wind
  • Windforce
  • Skorn
  • Rimeheart
  • Mad Monarch
  • Nayr’s Black Death
  • Trag’Oul’s Fang
  • Blightwave Blade
  • Schaefer’s Hammer
  • Fury of the Vanished Peak
  • Telranden’s Hand
  • Unstable Anomaly
  • Eberli Charo
  • Griswold’s Perfection (Now it’s perfect)
  • Dagger of Darts
  • Scarbringer
  • Starmetal Kukri
  • Night Reaping

The following damage conversions received new visual effects:

  • Mirrorball: Elemental Soul Harvest.
  • Soulsmasher: Aether Spectral Blade.
  • Lidless Wall: Aether Shield Bash.
  • Freeze of Deflection: Cold Shield Bash
  • Ursua’s Trodden Effigy: Poison Blizzard
  • Last Breath: Cold Firebomb.
  • Rimeheart: Cold Wave of Force
  • Dagger of Darts: Poison Horrify/Haunt.
  • Bracers of Fury: Holy Avalanche.
  • Rimeheart: Cold Wave of Force.

The following skills also had their vfx updated:

  • Whirlwind’s Cyclones.
  • Barbarian’s Earthquake.
  • Hydra’s Firespit.
  • Corpse Spiders Spawn Effect.
  • Skysplitter’s itemskill.

Patch 4.0 will receive some additional changes soon, one of them is the Meteor’s rework.

It will no longer be just a “Fiery Trozan’s Skyshard”, now it will work similar to D3’s original skill, dealing about 40% of Grenado’s damage, however, it still has no cooldown.

Here’s a preview of the classic skill and Tal Rasha’s Thundercrash proc.



Grim Tools updated to Patch 4.0:


Woow new fx :slight_smile: awesome.i need back to home to check this. As always thank you.

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Damn those VFX look good!
Looking forward to it’s inclusion in Grimarillion soon.

@Grimer - the Witch Doctor skill “Pierce the Veil” - It is possible to have the active energy cost scaling reduced at higher skill ranks?
To achieve/maintain 125/sec at rank 12 (for the 10% cooldown) whilst firing off spells is a tall order.

@Grimer The Barb Ancient Spear ability’s buff requires 16 levels but the skill only goes up to 12

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Currently working on a revamp for the set skills. Most of them will have the mechanic of having a secondary skill attached.

Here are some preview of the skills:

Aegis of Valor | Heaven's Tempest


Firebird's Finery | Disintegrate + Chaos Nexus



Shadow's Mantle | Vault + Spike Trap


Might of the Earth | Trembling Stomp + Giant Stride



Vyr's Amazing Arcana | Stacking Archon



Great idea :slight_smile: thanks to modders GD will be alive for a long time.

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Ok, I am sold.
I will be installing GD again to play this Mod!

EDIT: BTW, How to install the mod? :grimacing:

Just drop the “Diablo_III” folder into Grim Dawn\mods, and create a custom game picking the mod (create the ‘mods’ folder if you don’t have one)


Just wanted to leave a comment here to praise the work put into these classes for Grim Dawn.

I use Dawn of Masteries, and I struggle to pick anything else but a mix of a Diablo 3 class and Titan Quest, as they are the only ones besides vanilla with actual gear and set bonuses.

And wow. Those sets are amazing. They capture so much of the real Diablo 3 vibe, but in many cases, are outright superior to the game they come from.

Bravo. An incredibly well made mod.


I was told in the gd discord that you cant put celestial powers on item skills because it would crash the game. Never tested it myself so… Is it not the case anymore or you found some workaround?

yes, it still does, but only if it’s granted by an item, not from set bonuses

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Some more preview of the revamp to Set Skills:

Armor of Akkhan | Stampede + Crossbowmen



Embodiment of the Marauder | Evasive Fire + Grenades

evasive fire

Patterns of Justice | Tempest Rush + Electric Field


Uliana's Stratagem | Seven-Sided Strike + Pandemonium




Hi @Grimer ,
When can we expect the update to patch 4.0?

Next week.


Amazing, great job on these! They really capture the feel of Diablo 3.

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