[MOD] Diablo 3 Classes: Patch 5.1 Released

First of all, thank you so much for this MOD, its really a blast and refreshing to play with so manny new masteries!
I have played Diablo since the first game, its really funny to see D3 classes in Grim Dawn. I find more fun playing them in this mod than in the D3 original game.
I have a question: It is normal my transmogs dont show up properly in the character selection screen? Inside the game i have no problems with this.
Thank you again. I’ll look forward to see whats more you have to add in this awesome MOD you made!

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Yes. It is completely normal for transmogs to be invisible in the character select screen. The items technically don’t exist, so they don’t show up in the menu, until the mod activates when you load your save.


Now it’s a patch:

  • Rework to Meteor and Set Skills.
  • Some new sound and visual effects.
  • A few balance changes and bug fixes.

Patch 4.0 reuploaded. Click on the image to download it.


Note: After the latest patches, the german translation received some poor google translated texts for the new content. If you speak german and wants to fix the grammar mistakes, feel free to edit the txt file and reply to this thread with the corrected file.

Patch Notes 4.0 - Update 1


  • Fixed an issue where the Kanai’s Cube: Lakumba didn’t have the proper modifier for Ray of Frost.
  • Fixed an issue where the tier requirement for Medusa Spiders wasn’t working properly.
  • Fixed a bug where Bastion’s Revered wasn’t converting the Avalanche’s damage and VFX to Cold as intended.


Tal Rasha’s Elements

  • Proc Skills were also reworked just like the Wizard’s Meteor skill.
  • Modifier | Meteor: No longer adds cooldown with increased damage. Now it just converts damage to Elemental and adds 30% weapon damage.

Might of the Earth

  • Now the set pieces also have internal trauma damage bonuses.
  • Set Skill - Trembling Stomp: Now it deals Physical/Fire/Burn damage. Added a secondary skill called “Giant Stride”. After striking enemies with Trembling Stomp, you cause earthquakes wherever you step on over 5 seconds.

Firebird’s Finery

  • Firebird’s Ascension: It’s no longer a full set skill, now it’s granted by the head piece. Damage bonuses were nerfed by 50% and cooldown increased by 10 seconds.
  • New Set Skill - Disintegrate: A fire beam skill similar to the one from Conflagrate’s relic, however it has a secondary skill called “Chaos Nexus”. Chaos Nexus splits half of Disintegrate’s damage with a fiery chain that jumps to up 4 additional targets.

Seeker of the Light

  • Set Skill | Falling Sword: Falling Sword already had a secondary skill to deal damage in a radius, it was changed a bit though. After striking enemies, you apply “Part the Clouds” to them, reducing their resistances and hitting them with a holy bolt that replicates the damage from the impact over 5 seconds.

Helltooth Harness

  • Set Skill - Explosive Beast: Improved some stats to prevent Explosive Beasts from living too long, ruining the dynamic of the skill.

Bones of Rathma

  • Set Skill | Army of the Dead: Now the body of skeletons quickly disappears after their death.

Grace of Inarius

  • New Set Skill | Bone Tornado: Involves yourself in a tornado of bones that deals cold and vitality damage to nearby enemies and reduces their resistances.

Pesilence Master’s Shroud

  • Set Skill | Poison Mages: Improved their behavior and cast FX effect. Now the body of skeletons quickly disappears after their death.

Zunimassa’s Haunt

  • Pet Bonuses: Added 160/200% Fire/Burn damage.

Embodiment of the Marauder

  • Sentry skill is now granted by the head piece.
  • New set skill | Evasive Fire: Creates an explosion that burns nearby enemies and push you backwards. Whenever an enemy is hit by Evasive Fire, you will also leave grenades in the area, dealing half damage of the initial explosion.

Delsere’s Magnum Opus

  • Wave of Force | Set Modifier: Elemental damage increased from 100 to 120. Added 210 Frostburn/Burn/Electrocute damage over 3 seconds.
  • New set skill | Time Shell: Cast a version of Slow Time that attaches to a target, dealing elemental damage and slowing all enemies close to the target.

Patterns of Justice

  • Set skill | Tempest Rush: Now it has a secondary skill called “Electric Field” → Whenever you hit an enemy while spinning, leaves a patch of electricity on the ground.

Immortal King’s Call

  • Wrath of the Berserker | Set Modifier: Bonus duration increased fron 5 to 12 seconds.
  • New set skill | Overpower: Call forth a bolt at your target location, dealing physical and bleeding damage to nearby enemies. The bolt activates “Crushing Advance”, increasing your total speed and damage and granting you 10% damage absorption over 10 seconds.

Legacy of Raekor

  • No longer supports Avalanche. Now it supports Earthquake instead.
  • Earthquake | New Hand Modifier: 180 Cold damage | 100% Fire damage converted to Cold.
  • Earthquake | New Set Modifier: 36% Weapon Damage | 1 second duration.
  • Furious Charge | Set Modifier: Frostburn damage increased from 900 to 1050 over 3 seconds.
  • New set skill | Run Like The Wind: Create cold tornadoes at enemy’s location, slowing and dealing damage to the target. Tornadoes activates “Sprint”, increasing your movement speed and cold damage, and granting you 10% chance to avoid enemy attacks.

The Shadow’s Mantle

  • Cluster Arrow | Hand Modifier: Frostburn damage increased from 300 over 3 seconds to 1250 over 5 seconds.
  • Sentry | Granted Skill: Now it’s granted by the head piece.
  • New set skill | Vault: Dash quickly to a target location, leaving behind a Spike Trap that explodes when enemies get close of it, dealing piercing and cold damage to nearby foes, and slowing them for a few seconds.

Roland’s Legacy

  • New set skill | Sweep Attack: Hit a 180 degree arc in front of you, dealing lightning damage and a portion of your retaliation as damage to enemies. After performing Sweep Attack, you are blessed with Holy Shock, an aura that grants you bonus damage and lightning retaliation over 10 seconds. It also restores 10% of your health (7 seconds cooldown for the healing).

Natalya’s Vengeance

  • Multishot | Crossbow Modifier: Pierce damage removed. Weapon damage increased from 12% to 22%.
  • New set skill | Shadow Beasts: Summon a group of flying shadow beasts that pass through enemies, dealing piercing and bleeding damage to all foes in the way.

Raiment of Jade Harvester

  • New set skill | Lingering Spirit: The same skill from Mundunugu’s set, it was moved to this one. However, it was added a secondary skill called “Communing with Spirits” → summon a circle of spirits that deals cold and vitality damage to enemies and may fear them for a few seconds.

Mundunugu’s Regalia

  • New set skill | Manitou: The same skill from The Voo’s Juicer’s item, it was moved to this set. Manitou’s attack speed is increased and its bolts now release fragments just like Spirit Barrage with Well of Souls modifier. Voo’s Juicer no longer has the skill.

Vyr’s Amazing Arcana

  • Now it has 5 pieces, however the skill modifiers are still granted when you have 4 pieces. The new set piece are boots that are supposed to be worn only when Archon is active (Because the set skill granted by the complete set is intended to work only while Archon is active as well).
  • New Set Skill | Archon Stacks: While attacking enemies when Archon is active, stacks will be dropped, increasing your total damage, OA, DA and physical resistance. Up to 50 stacks can be collected.
  • Modifier | Teleport: Removed.
  • New Modifier | Arcane Orb: Adds 100% chance to pierce through enemies. Arcane Orb releases Energy Twisters on impact.


Jesseth’s Skullscythe:

  • Modifier | Command Skeletons: -50% Energy Cost removed.

Bastion’s Revered:

  • Added an itemskill called “Snowcapped Mountain”.

The Grand Vizier:

  • Added an itemskill called “Scorching Meteor”.

Nayr’s Black Death

  • Removed pierce ratio.

Scepter of Chiroptera

  • Firebomb | Modifier: Removed.
  • Wave of Force | New Modifier: 540 Burn damage over 3 seconds | 100% Cold/Lightning damage converted to Fire/Vitality.


  • Magic Missile | Modifier: Additional projectiles removed. Added 16% Weapon Damage.

The Grand Vizier | Wilken’s Reach | Winter’s Flurry

  • Modifier | Meteor: Damage numbers were rebalanced according to the way Meteor works after the rework.

Hellfire Amulet

  • Skill Modifiers: Removed some unbalanced modifications such as additional projectiles, total damage modifier, high cooldown reductions and projectile fragments.

Zunimassa’s String of Skulls

  • Zombie Dogs | Modifier: Reduction to target resistances removed. Added 15% Physical Resistance.



  • Wave of Light: Added weapon damage. Flat damage reduced.
  • Empowered Wave: Added 4-25% crit damage.

Witch Doctor

  • Burning Dogs: Burn damage increased at ultimate ranks.


  • Call of the Ancients: Reduced the total speed of Ancients, in order to make their actions and attacks look more smooth rather than frenetic as before.
  • Berserk: Sidearm’s cooldown reduced from 1.0 to 0.5 second.


  • Shield Bash: Animation was changed in order to make it work with off-hand’s damage only. Weapon damage slightly increased.



  • Call of the Ancients
  • Cold Whirlwind
  • Wrath of the Berserker
  • Berserker’s Rage
  • Threatening Shout
  • Battle Rage


  • Ice Golem
  • Death Nova

Demon Hunter

  • Vengeance’s Shadow Projectiles.

Witch Doctor

  • Firebats (SFX only).


  • Mirror Image (SFX as well)
  • Energy Armor
  • Spectral Blade
  • Ray of Frost (SFX as well)
  • Sleet Storm
  • Ice Armor (SFX as well)

Lakumba’s Ornament:

  • Ghostly Ray of Frost.

Patterns of Justice:

  • Tempest Rush Set Skill.

Trag’Oul’s Avatar:

  • Blood Rush Set Skill.

Mythical Blade of the Ascended:

  • Fire Shield Glare conversion.

How do you activate it? The auto-download from nexusmods website doesn’t work, and i cant figure out how to install it manually, there is no tutorial or readme on how to do it

Throw the “Diablo_III” folder into “Grim Dawn/mods” (create the ‘mods’ folder in case you don’t have it). Open the game >>> custom game >>> pick the mod.

Nexus Mods version is not updated yet.


Thanks for the update @Grimer

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Thanks Grimer, for me the fx skill effect in the game is very important, and any improvement is priceless :slight_smile:


Very nice mod, i love it! Are you planning to add bows to it like in the RoT Mod? that would be even more awesome :slight_smile:

Hi @Grimer,

Have you advised Dammit to update Grimtools to reflect the changes for patch 4.0 (& Update 1)?

Could we have a buff to the Firebird’s Set Disintegrate? Its strength is only somewhat equal to the Conflagarate relic, but much less than a proper beam. Maybe add weapon damage?

Mythical Bastion’s Revered is causing the game to crash when u scroll over the item.

That crash is related to the skillmodifier “records/items/diabloitems/skillmodifiers/bastion_modifier.dbr” which has an AutoCastSkill in it. AutoCastSkill on skillmodifier is a common issue and will always lead to enginecrash and me also don’t know why, if anyone does know if there is something that we can do to prevent this, please let us know… not that we NEED an additional skill to cast on a trigger but i am really curious about that since a while… hf

Actually the same thing is happen with that item in grimarillion

Patch 4.0 - Update 2: Download

Patch Notes


  • Fixed an issue where Mythical Bastion’s Revered caused the game to crash when being dropped.
  • Fixed an issue where Empowered and Mythical Tasker and Theo gloves had low armor values.


  • Added weapon damage to Bone Spikes and its transmuter.


  • Mantra of Conviction: Damage granted by “Submission” increased at ultimate ranks.
  • Sweeping Wind: Damage increased.


  • Ice Armor & Storm Armor: Damage reduced at ultimate ranks.


  • Burn damage increased and fire damage slightly increased.


Funerary Scythe - 2h Axe designed for a melee D3 Necro + GD Necro build.


I love the Bone Tornado from the Inarius set but I think its missing its icon.

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I’d love the bows for Demon Hunter also.


I have noticed with these continued updates/changes that some of the skill/ability descriptions for each class no longer match. Perhaps do a sweep, when time permits, & check/adjust the description of the the skills in each class to better match there skill/ability effect.

A quick example:
Barbarians Volcanic Eruption passive “Dust Devils” now does physical & fire damage, not physical & internal trauma.

I think Mirror Image Is bugs I try to summon them but there just stood there not attack or moving at all xD

they T Pose lol

All normal here, if it’s grimarillion or DoM, probably the mirror_image_spawn.anm file is missing there.

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oh I see
is there anyway i can recover that file or I just have to play the D3 version ? o-o ty