[MOD] Diablo 3 Classes: Patch 5.1 Released

I was referring to the streams that RektbyProtoss was doing in the past few weeks, alot cool feedback and so there will be “some” changes coming i am suspecting :smiley: → for example: [HC] Grim Dawn Diablo 3 Classes mod - Cold Wizard - Act 6 & 7 - YouTube

Looking forward to what is coming :wink:

Thanks :slight_smile: I’m waiting too. Apart from grim dawn, only last epoch is coming out soon.There is not much choice to play for h/s lovers.

Yeah true, 2 more titles maybe also could be fun when they finally out to play, “D4” which is obviously i think and maybe “Mad World” which also has some interesting artstyle to show :slight_smile:

missing skill found in petskilltree for WD spiders and frostspiders 16-26: “records/skills/playerclasswitchdoctor/pets/spider_bonus_scale.dbr”



  • missing effectfile “ui/wizard_skills/fx/blizzard_cast_fire.pfx” for “…/playerclasswizard/fx/blizzard_cast_fx03.dbr”;
  • missing effectfile “ui/wizard_skills/fx/blizzard_cast_poison.pfx” for “…/playerclasswizard/fx/blizzard_cast_fx04.dbr”;
  • missing soundfile “sound/diablo_3_all_die.ogg” for “…/x1_diablo/sound/spak_diablovox.dbr”, also i guess it has to be a wav-file;
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You gonna need Schaefer’s Hammer:


Thanks, @ashbrain, but those fortunately aren’t affecting anything rn, that’s why I didn’t bother, except for that Diablo audio file, which is not a priority anyway.

Mirrorball will be an off-hand after all, with no Kanai’s Cube for it tho.


coolio, good to know :slight_smile: took already the existing audiofile for Diablo as a placeholder to get rid of the error in the log for now at least :wink: totally looking forward to the changes you will make!

at least i have one thing less to change, as i already changed Mirrorball in ComboMod to an offhand xD

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Hello folks, hopefully this is the right place for my comment :slight_smile:
I’ve been playing the mod for the first time as a Plague Titan (Barb + Occultist) and i’m loving it.
Everything was super good until i hit the level range 78-80 (not sure about the exact value) as suddenly the game started to crash randomly; i’m not able yet to identify a pattern, and i’m not even sure there’s one.
Is this behavior common and therefore to be expected? there’s a way to understand what’s going on? i would really love to hit max level and “complete” the build!

Thanks in advance

It happens for some people, no one knows why. I can only suggest to turn off Auto Item Tooltips. If you’re playing DOM or Grimarillion, turn off Grimmest too. If you have Grim Internals, maybe try playing without it. There’s no way to know what’s causing the crashes but those are the biggest potential culprits.


Thanks for the info, much appreciated! yes i’m actually running the game with GrimInternals and Raindow Filter also.
Goin’ to play the game without it and with the Auto Item Tooltips thing turned off hoping for the best!
Thanks again, bb

If you indeed did have auto tool tips on, I would put my money on that if I were a betting man. Doesnt matter what mod it is, seems like it always is the culprit!

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I have the same issue, i tried many setting and finally find out turn off tooltips of items on the ground. It’s work perfectly. i run like 20 hour without crash with it.

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i can confirm that turning off auto tooltips solved the problem, i’m also playing without Grim Internals as ASYLUM101 suggested to try, didn’t try to run the game with Grim Internals and with the auto tooltip thing turned off though!

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Most of us use GI regardless of mod, go ahead and try it again. Worst case, you go back to playing like you are now. Happy to hear you got it fixed, it is always auto tool tips!

  • Several changes to D3 classes and Legendary items.
  • Balance changes to Sets.
  • Improved MI Item Modifiers.
  • Improvements to Diablo 3 Bosses mechanics and visual effects (Thanks Asylum)
  • New sound and visual effects.

Note: The balance changes include exclusion of certain skills, it’s recommended to make a backup of your characters before playing this version. Before playing with any existing character, respec all skill points you may have on the following skills: Leap, Condemn, Elemental Strike, Frenzy, Breath of Heaven and Marked for Death.

Definitive Edition is updated. Click on the image to download it:



  • Fixed an issue where Frozen Orb had more ranks than necessary.
  • Fixed a bug where Archon’s tier requirement wasn’t working properly.
  • Fixed a bug where Bloodlord’s Blade didn’t have modifiers for Firebomb as intended.
  • Fixed a bug where Gargoyle Visage didn’t have modifiers for Frenzy as intended.
  • Fixed an issue where “of the Hunting” suffix didn’t have skillpoints to Multishot on levels 84 and 94.
  • Fixed some bugs on “Blessed” prefix.
  • Fixed lighting color settings from Vengeance’s Side Guns projectiles.
  • Fixed lighting color settings for Meteor when modified by Ascendant Authority.
  • Fixed lighting color settings for Strafe.
  • Fixed the name of the Sever one-handed sword (normal version).
  • Fixed an issue where Flying Dragon had wrong stats after being converted to Crusader’s 1h Weapon.
  • Fixed an issue where the normal version of Funerary Scythe didn’t grant the Funeral March skill.
  • Fixed an issue where Ragrathar’s Horn wasn’t changing the FX of Fan of Knives to cold.
  • Fixed an issue where Basilisk Mark wasn’t changing the FX of Fan of Knives to poison.
  • Fixed a bug where Oculus Ring procs the wrong itemskill.
  • Fixed a bug with the Corpsewhisper Pauldrons model.
  • Fixed a bug with the Mythical Visage of the Light model.
  • Fixed an issue where Skeletal Captain couldn’t apply resistance reduction to enemies hit by Requiem Aeternam. This bug only occurred with the mythical version of Bones of Rathma set.
  • Fixed a bug where Kanai’s Cube: Arreat were removing the cooldown of Leap and Ancient Spear.
  • Fixed some stats from skill modifiers of Crusader’s Torch of the Grand Temple.
  • Fixed an issue where Kanai’s Cube: Stormshield didn’t have a skill modifier for Bombardment as intended.
  • Fixed Rakoff’s Glass of Life drop chance.
  • Fixed a bug where Crushbane couldn’t be converted to a Crusader’s one-handed weapon.
  • Removed some incorrect stats on Chakram’s modifier from Galeslice’s Mark.


  • Flavor of Time: Added Slow Resistance and Total Speed. Removed max resistances. Resistances to control impairing effects reduced.
  • Talisman of Aranoch: Added skillpoints to Spray of Teeth.
  • The Sunkeeeper: No longer grants +1 to all skills in Crusader, now it grants to Monk instead.


  • Mythical Eun-Jung-Do: Modifier | Frost Nova: Frostburn damage and target’s damage reduction removed. Added 60% Weapon Damage + 20% Crit damage.
  • Mythical Warsword of General Quang: Modifier | Dashing Strike: Weapon damage increased from 100% to 120%.
  • Mythical Bastion’s Revered: Modifier | Furious Charge: Weapon damage increased from 100% to 120%.
  • **Mythical Torch of the Grand Temple: +4 to Earthquake removed. Added +4 to Whirlwind.
  • Mythical Skull of Resonance: Modifier | Bone Spikes: Physical damage reduced from 300 to 180.
  • Aetherwalker: Modifier | Teleport: Cooldown reduction changed to -2 seconds.
  • Mythical Coils of the First Spider: Modifier | Firebats → Reduction to target’s damage and life steal removed. Added 60 Acid Damage.
    Modifier | Corpse Spiders → Added +2 summon per cast. Bonus duration increased to 8 seconds.
  • Mythical Scepter of Chiroptera: Modifier | Firebats → Now it just grants -8% Energy Cost + 24% weapon damage. Modifier | Wave of Force → Removed. New Modifier | Magic Missile: 60 Fire damage + 8% Life Steal.
  • Mythical Ursua’s Trodden Effigy: Poison damage removed. Weapon damage increased to 16%. Added +14 Crit Damage and 100% Vitality damage converted to Poison.
  • Chantodo’s Will: Modifier | Firebats → Removed. New Modifier | Soul Harvest → 900 Burn Damage over 3 seconds + 100% Cold/Vitality converted to Fire.
  • Mythical Spiritguards: Modifier | Fists of Thunder → Weapon damage reduced from 56% to 40%.
  • Mythical Wrath of the Bone King: Added bonus casting speed. Modifier | Grim Scythe → Moved to Crushbane. New Modifier | Bone Spikes → 50% Weapon Damage.
  • Crushbane: Modifier | Frost Nova → Vitality damage removed. Added 70% Weapon Damage.
  • Torch of the Grand Temple: Added bonus Attack Speed to both versions. Skillpoints to Slash replaced by Whirlwind.
  • Mythical Torch of the Grand Temple: New Modifier | Heaven’s Fury: -10% Fire Resistance + 120 Fire Damage + 100% Lightning Damage converted to Fire.
  • Reilena’s Shadowhook: Modifier | Rain of Vengeance removed. Added new modifier that grants 50% weapon damage and 1200 Frostburn damage over 3 seconds to Piranhas.
  • Anajinn’s Spellblade: Damage to Chthonics reduced to 10%.
  • Mythical Bracers of Destruction: New Modifier | Firebats → 60 Fire Damage + 6% Reduced Energy Cost.
  • Mythical Swami’s Mask: Modifiers to Slash and Archon → Removed.
  • Mythical Justinian’s Mercy: No longer changes how Blessed Hammer works. Total Damage removed. Weapon damage reduced from 20% to 16%.
  • Mythical Etrayu: Modifiers for Hungering Shot and Rain of Vengeance removed. Added 80% Weapon Damage + 100% Pierce Through to Spray of Teeth and -2 seconds cooldown + 100 Cold Damage to Blizzard.
  • Mythical Longshot: Chilling Rounds modifier removed. Now it grants 8% Weapon Damage + 100% Pierce damage converted to Lightning + 100% Pierce Through to Scatter Shot.
  • Lianna’s Wings: Damage to Chthonics reduced from 20% to 15%.
    Modifier | Shadow Power: Extra healing removed. Added 60 seconds duration.
    Modifier | Smoke Screen: Bonus elemental damage reduced from 350% to 200%.
  • Mythical Dawn: Skillpoints to Smite replaced by +3 to Laws of Valor. Modifier | Vengeance: Cooldown reduction increased from -8 to -12 seconds.
  • Halo of Karini: Added skillpoints to Scatter Shot.
  • Mythical Omnislash: Crippling Wave’s modifier removed. Now it grants flat Fire damage to Elemental Strike.
  • Night’s Reaping: Added +1 to all Barbarian/Necromancer skills and +2 to Death Nova.
    Modifier | Death Nova → Weapon damage increased from 20% to 30%.
  • Mythical Swami: Slash’s modifier removed. Now it grants 20 Elemental Damage + 8% reduced energy cost to Magic Missile.
    Modifier | Archon: Health regeneration removed. Added 6% Physical Resistance.
  • Schaefer’s Hammer: Modifier | Blessed Hammer → Lightning damage increased from 60 to 80. Sweeping Wind’s modifier removed. Now it grants 240 Lightning Damage + 100% Physical damage converted to Lightning + 28 Reduced target’s resistances over 5 seconds to Dashing Strike.
  • Mythical Soulsmasher: Modifier | Blessed Hammer → 20% Weapon damage replaced by 100 Aether damage.
  • Blade of the Warlord: Modifier | Blessed Hammer → Weapon damage reduced from 24% to 18%. Reduced target’s resistances moved to Whirlwind’s modifier.
  • Mythical Faithful Memory: Modifier | Blessed Hammer → Weapon Damage reduced from 20% to 12% | Electrocute damage increased from 320 to 400 over 2 seconds.
  • Mythical Drakon’s Lesson: Modifier | Condemn → Burn Damage increased.
  • Mythical Crystal Fist: Modifier | Condemn → Physical Damage/ Internal trauma removed. Added 24% Weapon Damage + 10% Crit damage.
  • Mythical Fryder’s Wrath: Modifier | Condemn → Burn damage removed. RAtA increased to 12%.
  • Mythical Vo’Toyias Spiker: Modifier | Condemn → Poison damage increased.
  • Mythical Stormshield: Shield Bash’s modifier removed. New Modifier | Condemn → -1 second cooldown + 8% RAtA + 220 Lightning Damage + 100% Physical damage converted to Lightning.
  • Mythical Fletcher’s Bracers: Modifier | Elemental Strike → Fire damage reduced to 70. Burn damage increased to 240 over 2 seconds.
  • Eye of Peshkov: Laws of Justice’s modifier removed. Now it grants 6% Physical resistance + 12/12 Fire/Lightning damage to Laws of Valor.
  • Mythical Twilight Mask: Modifier | Cyclone Strike: No longer increases cooldown and damage, now it grants 30% Weapon Damage + 18 Reduced Target’s Resistances over 3 seconds.
  • In-geom: Crippling Wave’s modifier removed. Modifier | Fists of Thunder: Added 300 Burn damage over 3 seconds.
    New Modifier | Smite: + 3 seconds cooldown + 120% Total Damage + 30% Weapon Damage.
    New Modifier | Cyclone Strike: +1.5 seconds cooldown + 60% Total Damage.
  • Rakoff’s Glass of Life: Now it’s a level 94 legendary item. Life leech resistance and bonus healing effects removed. Vitality resistance, health and health regeneration bonuses increased. Added Aether Resistance and 4% maximum Aether/Vitality resistances. +1 to all Barbarian skills replaced by all Monk skills.
  • Mythical Lai Yui’s Persuader: Modifier | Crippling Wave: Weapon damage increased. Cold damage and target angle removed.
  • Windforce: Modifier | Crippling Wave: Now it has a proper animation when turned into a ranged skill.
  • Mythical Faithful Memory: New Modifier | Crippling Wave: 20% Weapon Damage + 540 Electrocute damage over 3 seconds.


  • Amethyst: Added Defensive Ability.
  • Emerald: Bonus physical damage replaced by flat.
  • Diamond: Retaliation replaced by % health regeneration.
  • Topaz: Added Aether Resistance.
  • Ruby: Bonus to all damage reduced at early levels.
  • Bane of the Stricken: Racial bonuses reduced from 15% to 12%.


  • Frostburn (2h Weapon): Added +4 to Bone Spikes.
  • Runecarved: Now it grants +2 to Arcane Orb and Laws of Valor.
  • Rimefrost: Added skillpoints to Furious Charge.
  • Consecrated: Added +2 to Inner Sanctuary.
  • Cleric’s: Added +2 to Mantra of Conviction.
  • Renegade’s: Added +2 to Threatening Shout and Entangling Shot.
  • Resonant: Now it grants +2 to Wave of Light and Magic Missile.
  • Aetherfire: Added +2/+4 to Grim Scythe.
  • Sinister: Added +2/+4 to Multishot.
  • Hellfire: Added +2/+4 to Slash.
  • Punisher’s: +2 to Cleave replaced with +2 to Crippling Wave.
  • Blessed: +2 to Crippling Wave replaced with +2 to Mantra of Conviction
  • Cleric’s: Now it grants +2 to Laws of Justice and Mantra of Salvation.
  • Reciprocating: Old “Seraphim’s”. Grants +2 to Mantra of Retribution and Shield Bash.
  • Intercessor’s: Now it grants + 2 to Punish and Crippling Wave.
  • Spiritbound: Now it grants +2 to Spirit Barrage and Bone Spirit.
  • Shocking: Added +2 to Inner Storm.
  • Stormcharged: Added Attack Speed and +2/+4 to Scatter Shot.
  • Menacing: Added +2 to Weapons Master.
  • Glacial (Armor): Added +2 to Spray of Teeth.
  • Worldbreaker’s: Physical resistance removed.


  • of Rotations: Added +2 to Spectral Blade.
  • of the Grim Reaper (old Soulreaper): Now it grants +4 to Dark Reaping.
  • of Shivers: Now it grants +2 to Horrify and Decrepify, with the stats from the old “of the Decrepit”.
  • of Chilling Edge: New modifier that grants +2 to Hungering Shot and Bone Spikes, with the stats from the old “of Shivers”.


  • Shambler’s Heart: Modifier | Furious Charge → 160 Physical damage (80 on level 8).
  • Milton’s Casque: Modifier | Shield Bash → 60% Weapon Damage + 100% Lightning Damage converted to Physical.
  • Fleshwarped Casque: Modifier | Punish → 30 Physical Damage + 10% Crit Damage + 4% Physical Resistance.
  • Chosen Gaze: Modifier | Sweep Attack → 40% Weapon Damage.
  • Death’s Whisper Hood: Modifier | Bone Spikes: 130 Cold Damage (60 at early level).
  • Gargoyle Gaze: Modifier | Hungering Shot → 30 Cold Damage + 8% Attack Speed.
  • Korvan Helm: Modifier | Grim Scythe → 60 Aether Damage + 600 Vitality Decay damage over 3 seconds.
  • Skybreaker’s Circlet: Modifier | Heaven’s Fury → -8% Fire/Lightning resistances.
  • Ascended Diadem: Modifier | Electrocute → 300 Electrocute damage over 2 seconds + 10% reduced Energy cost.
  • Ascendant Hood: Modifier | Magic Missile → 30 Elemental Damage + 15% Crit Damage.
  • Magi Visage: Modifier | Grasp of the Dead → -0.5 second cooldown + 25% reduced energy cost.
  • Zarthuzellan’s Codex: Modifier | Firebats → 90 Fire Damage + 18% Crit Damage + 100% Vitality damage converted to Fire • Modifier | Magic Missile → 18 Fire Damage + 160 Burn damage over 2 seconds.
  • Fleshwarped Defender: Modifier | Slash: 80 Fire Damage + 450 Burn Damage over 3 seconds.
  • Riftscourge Slicer: Modifier | Bone Spear → 8% weapon damage (4% before level 20).
  • Boneblade: Modifier | Bone Spikes: 18% Weapon Damage.
  • Segarius Sacred Blade: Modifier | Spectral Blade → 80 Elemental Damage + 20% Crit Damage.
  • Kymon’s Sanctified Blade: Modifier | Crippling Wave → 30% Weapon Damage + 100% Physical damage converted to Fire.
  • Riftclaw Slicer: Modifier | Magic Missile → 20% Weapon Damage.
  • Bloodlord’s Blade: Modifier | Firebomb → 12/12 Fire/Chaos Damage + 100% Vitality damage converted to Chaos.
  • Pitmaster’s Axe Modifier | Seismic Slam → 360 Bleeding Damage over 3 seconds.
  • Fleshwarped Codex: Modifier | Spectral Blade → 24% Weapon Damage.
  • Pulsing Shard: Modifier | Magic Missile → 30 Aether Damage + 15% Total Damage + 100% Elemental Damage converted to Aether.
  • Fleshwarped Tome: Modifier | Bone Spikes → 150 Aether Damage + 100% Pierce Damage converted to Aether + 100% Cold Damage converted to Vitality.
  • Fleshwarped Archive: Modifier | Command Golem → 35% Total Damage + -8 seconds cooldown.
  • Terrnox Aether Tome: Modifier | Spectral Blade → 80 Aether Damage + 15% Total Damage + 100% Elemental Damage converted to Aether.
  • Zaria’s Pendant: Modifier | Command Golem → 25% Total Damage.
  • Roldertahis’ Tome: Ice Armor’s modifier removed. Now it grants -8% Energy Cost + 8% Crit Damage + 6% Life Steal to Ray of Frost.
  • Yeti’s Horn: Ray of Frost’s modifier removed. Now it grants 20% weapon damage to Bone Spikes.
  • Bargoll’s Root: Modifier | Cleave → 40 Physical damage.
  • Bargoll’s Heart: Modifier | Cyclone Strike → -0.5 second cooldown + 30% Weapon Damage.
  • Abbadoth’s Sermons: Modifier | Electrocute → 80 Chaos Damage + 100% Lightning Damage converted to Chaos
    Modifier | Death Nova → 220 Chaos Damage + All damage turned into Chaos/Vitality.
  • Obsidian War Cleaver: Modifier | Avalanche → -0.5 seconds + 720 Internal Trauma damage over 3 seconds.
    Modifier | Wave of Light: -0.5 seconds + 70% Weapon Damage + 100% Lightning Damage converted to Physical.


  • Incendiary Casque: Fire damage to Elemental Strike reduced from 130 to 60 on Level 18 version.
  • Korvan Casque: Now it grants 630 Internal Trauma + 450 Vitality Decay over 3 seconds to Slash and turns its Fire damage into Vitality.
  • Chosen Mask: Removed support to Breath of Heaven. Now it grants 100 Fire damage, 100 Lightning damage and -1 second cooldown to Cyclone Strike.
  • Chosen Visage: Slash | Modifier: Fire damage increased from 26 to 80.
  • Gargoyle Visage: Bonuses to Frenzy fixed.
  • Coerced Wraith: Smite’s modifier removed. Now it grants 25% Crit Damage + 30% Weapon Damage to Wave of Force.
  • Segarius Sacred Blade: Now it turns Wave of Light into a spammable skill. Heaven’s Fury modifier moved to Skybreaker’s Circlet.
  • Korvaak’s Storm Blade: 480 electrocute damage over 3 seconds to Wave of Light + 100% Physical Damage converted to Lightning.
  • Spectral Longsword: New Modifier | Crippling Wave: 60% Weapon Damage + 100% Physical damage converted to Cold.
  • Spectral Battle Axe: New Modifier | Whirlwind: 12% Weapon Damage + 100% Physical damage converted to Cold.
  • Riftclaw Slicer: New Modifier | Whirlwind: 66 Fire Damage + 100% Physical damage converted to Fire.
  • Bane of Gargaloth: Modifier for Slash removed. New Modifier | Shield Glare: 150 Fire + 1050 Burn Damage over 3 seconds.
  • Obsidian Bulwark: Earthquake’s modifier moved to Moltenclaw Slicer. Now it grants 180 Fire Damage to Shield Bash and converts its lightning damage to Fire.
  • Moltenclaw Slicer: Weapon Throw’s modifier moved to Servitor’s Cleaver.
  • Mutant Blungdeon: Modifier to Wave of Light removed. Now it grants 320 Internal Trauma damage to Furious Charge and converts its fire damage to physical.
  • Kilrian’s Skullbreaker: Support to Slash removed. Now it grants 40% Weapon Damage to Furious Charge.
  • Steward’s Halberd: New Modifier | Dashing Strike: 60% Weapon Damage + 660 Internal Trauma over 3 seconds.
  • Servitor’s Corruptor: Avalanche’s modifier removed. Now it grants 100 Chaos damage + 100% Physical damage converted to Chaos to Cleave.
  • Ulraprax’s Sting: Electrocute’s modifier moved to Ascended Diadem. Added 100% Pierce damage converted to Lightning + 240 Electrocute over 2 seconds to Scatter Shot.
  • Korvaak’s Storm Blade: 480 electrocute damage over 3 seconds to Wave of Light + 100% Physical Damage converted to Lightning.
  • Ellena’s Necklace: Entangling Shot’s modifier removed. Now it grants 20% weapon damage to Spray of Teeth.
  • Korvan Reaping Halberd: Now it grants 50 Vitality Damage + 100% Aether damage converted to Vitality to Grim Scythe.
  • Spectral Warmaul: Weapon damage to Death Nova increased from 30% to 40%.
  • Ilgoor’s Eternal Curse: Grasp of the Dead’s modifier removed. Now it adds 140 Cold Damage + 4 seconds duration to Haunt.
  • Riftscourge Slicer: Corpse Spider’s modifier moved to Basilisk Crest.
  • Basilisk Crest: Grasp of the Dead’s modifier moved to Magi Visage.
  • Rylok’s Crest: Modifier to Bloodthirsty removed. Now it grants 10% Weapon Damage + 12% Attack Speed to Frenzy.
  • Wendigo Glare: Modifier to Furious Charge removed. Now it grants 180 Physical Damage to Dashing Strike.
  • Mogara Fangs: Modifier to Avalanche removed. Now it grants 10% weapon damage to Punish.
  • Kymon’s Badge: Modifier to Elemental Strike removed. Now it grants 150 Lightning damage to Smite.
  • Scarab Carapace: Modifier to Energy Armor removed. Now it grants 20% Weapon Damage + 1 Target to Smite.
  • Colossal Fortress: Modifier to Punish removed. Now it grants -0.5 second cooldown + 30% Weapon Damage + 15% Retaliation Damage
  • Lucius Blade-Arm: Modifier | Grim Scythe → Aether damage reduced from 240 to 160.
  • Sunherald Claymore: Heaven’s Fury modifier moved to Torch of the Grand Temple. Now it grants 260 Fire Damage + 20% chance to reset cooldown + 100% Physical damage converted to Fire to Furious Charge.
  • Night Herald: Haunt’s modifier removed. Now it grants 12% Weapon Damage to Spirit Barrage.
  • Namadea’s Horns: Spirit Barrage’s modifier removed. Now it grants -12% Vitality/Cold Resistance to Haunt.


  • All cheat-death skills had their cooldown increased to 130 seconds, scaling down to 100~95 seconds.

  • All immunity active skills had their cooldown increased by 5 seconds, including Mirror of Ereoctes.

  • Ultimate skills had their cooldown reduced: 40 seconds (Epiphany, Akarat’s Champion and Wrath of the Berserker) and 50 seconds (Archon and Vengeance). However, they no longer grant 100% resistance to control impairing effects, these resistances now scale from 30% to 50% at 12/22 and 60% at 22/22.


  • Frenzy: Berserk moved to tier 7. New modifier: Maniac. New ultimate bonus: Bloodthirsty → Frenzy gains 5% life steal.
  • Maniac: Frenzy grants you attack speed, offensive ability and slow resistance.
  • Whirlwind: Moved to tier 6. Damage slightly increased.
  • **Volcanic Eruption: Burn damage slightly increased. Dust Devils removed (Now they are a skill granted by Wrath of the Wastes set).
  • Battle Rage: Moved to tier 2. Added a modifier called “Impunity”.
  • Impunity: Grants pierce/elemental/bleeding resistances and DA.
  • Threatening Shout: Moved to Tier 6. Now it also reduces the attack speed of enemies. -RR% moved to its new modifier called “Falter”.
  • Ancient Spear: Ranks increased from 12/22 to 16/26. Energy cost reduced. Physical Damage reduced. Bleeding Damage increased. Ultimate Bonus renamed to “Jagged Edge”.
  • Weapon’s Master: New ultimate bonus called “Pound of Flesh” → Increases your strength by 18%.
  • Berserker Rage: Ultimate bonus changed to “Juggernaut”, it was from the removed Bloodthirsty passive, which grants 50% resistance to stun and freeze.
  • Leap: Moved to tier 3. Cooldown increased to 5 seconds at rank 1, scaling down to 3 seconds by Rank 16 and 2.0 at Rank 26.
  • Launch: Moved to Tier 6. Reduction to enemy’s target speed removed.
  • Iron Impact: Removed.
  • Berserker Rage: Ranks increased to 12/22. Physical damage replaced by bleeding damage. Bonus to all damage slightly increased. Physical resistance increased at early ranks. Health cost scaling reduced at ultimate ranks.
  • Sword and Board: DA removed. Added flat health regeneration.
  • Avalanche: Physical damage numbers considerably increased. % Bonuses to Physical/Internal Trauma damage removed. Energy cost scaling reduced at regular ranks.
  • Earthquake: Energy cost reduced. Chance to confuse enemies increased. Crit damage scaling increased at ultimate ranks.
  • Call of the Ancients: Absorption from ‘Together as One’ increased from 150 to 240.
  • Battering Ram: Reduction to target’s DA increased by 20 at all ranks.
  • Molten Fury: Burn damage increased.
  • Weapon Throw: Damage considerably increased. Added internal trauma damage over 3 seconds.
  • Stupefy: Added 8-96% Internal Trauma. Burn damage increased. Energy cost reduced.


  • Sweep Attack: New passive that activates off of default weapon attacks. A strike in an arc that deals physical and electrocute damage.
  • Justice: Increased damage scaling. Energy cost reduced.
  • Retaliate: Moved to tier 4. Retaliation damage rebalanced. Now it also grants 3-25% elemental resistance.
  • Fury: No longer deals lightning/electrocute damage. Now it deals internal trauma damage over 3 seconds and increases lightning/internal trauma damage.
  • Blessed Hammer: Damage and energy cost reduced.
  • Condemn: Moved to tier 7. Reworked as a skill similar to Soldier’s Counterstrike.
  • Reciprocate: Removed.
  • Indestructible: Moved to tier 9.
  • Laws: Laws of Valor is now the only toggled buff for Crusader, with Laws of Justice and Laws of Hope being its modifiers. Ultimate bonus were removed from Justice and Hope, but the stats are almost the same.
  • Laws of Hope: Added 3-14% Physical Resistance.
  • Laws of Justice: Elemental resistance removed.
  • Akarat’s Champion: Now it also increases all your retaliation damage.
  • Consecration: Damage increased at ultimate ranks. Reduction to enemy’s OA moved to its modifier.
  • Shattered Ground: Burn damage increased. Now it also increases Consecration’s damage. Reduction to enemy’s resistances removed. Energy cost reduced.
  • Bombardment: Damage overall increased by 50%.


  • Harmony: No longer increases your maximum elemental resistances. Elemental resistance penalty increased. Aether/Chaos/Vitality resistances reduced to 25% softcapped.
  • Breaking Wave: Internal Trauma/Electrocute damage scaling increased at ultimate ranks.
  • Breath of Heaven: Removed.
  • Mantras: Mantra of Healing now works just like Breath of Heaven, but with two modifiers: Mantra of Salvation and Mantra of Retribution. It also has a new ultimate bonus → Heavenly Body, increasing the health of you and your allies by 25%.
  • Mantra of Retribution: Increases physical and elemental damage and all retaliation damage, while granting fire retaliation.
  • Mantra of Salvation: DA moved to Mantra of Healing base skill. Added bonus to healing effects.
  • Inner Sanctuary: Cooldown reduced to 15 seconds. Duration reduced to 5 seconds. All stats from the base skill and its modifier were increased. Added 3-5% to maximum resistances. Added 1-12% Defensive Ability.
  • Dashing Strike: Dashing speed increased from 300% to 1500%.
  • Exploding Palm: Cold damage scaling reduced at regular ranks and increased at ultimate ranks. Frostburn damage increased.
  • Epiphany: Bonus Offensive Ability increased.
  • Mantra of Conviction: Now it has 12/22 Ranks. Radius increased at early ranks and reduced at higher ones. - DA increased at ultimate ranks. Damage from “Submission” also increased.
  • Inner Storm: Electrocute damage reduced at early ranks, but its scaling was increased at higher ones.


  • Unwavering Will: Physical resistance removed. Added 3-30% Slow resistance.
  • Ice Armor: Chance to dodge melee attacks removed. Added 2-12% Physical resistance.
  • Unstable Anomaly: Added 16-60% restored health. Chance to cause confusion retaliation now scales from 6% to 50% and confusion duration is reduced to 1.5 second. %DA reduced at early ranks.
  • Arcane Orb: Damage considerably increased. Energy cost reduced.
  • Frost Orb: Penalty increased to -28%.
  • Hydra: Attack/Spawn speed slightly increased. Lightning/Frost Hydra bodies now dissolve after being resummoned.
  • Magic Missile: Elemental damage scaling reduced at regular ranks and increased at ultimate ranks.
  • Glacial Spike: No longer increases total damage and frostburn damage.
  • Conflagration: No longer adds fire damage.
  • Teleport: Cooldown reduced at higher ranks.
  • Magic Weapon: Added 10-60% energy regeneration. Total Speed changed to Casting Speed. Energy reserved increased.
  • Storm Armor: Stun resistance now scales since Rank 1. “Scramble” now increases your Total Speed by 12%.
  • Wave of Force: Weapon damage increased from 10-40% to 20-80%. Energy cost reduced by 5.
  • Impactful Wave: Weapon damage increased from 30% to 60%.
  • Spectral Blade: Reworked → Now it’s a spammable skill. You summon the spectral blade in an area, quickly hitting targets twice over 1 second.
  • Energy Armor: Health regenerated scaling reduced.
  • Diamond Skin: Energy regenerated reduced. Total speed from Sleek Shell reduced to 10%.


  • Spirit Vessel: Moved to tier 9.
  • Corpse Spiders: Damage increased at higher ranks. Max number of summoned spiders reduced to 6 by Rank 16.
  • Medusa Spiders: Poison damage scaling increased, duration reduced to 2 seconds. Added vitality decay over 2 seconds. Chance to petrify reduced.
  • Firebats: Number of projectiles and distance decreased. Energy cost scaling reduced. Improved their flight to prevent collisions with environment.
  • Spiritual Attunement: Bonus energy replaced by bonus Spirit.


  • Attributes: Now the scaling is similar to Inquisitor.
  • Hungering Shot: Reworked. Now it has two new modifiers: Thrill of the Hunt and Night Stalker.
  • Thrill of the Hunt: Now it only affects Hungering Shot, granting attack speed, offensive ability and entrapment resistance.
  • Night Stalker: New modifier that grants frostburn damage, pierce resistance and increases pierce/cold damage while attacking with Hungering Shot.
  • Elemental Strike: Now it has just two modifiers. Ranks increased to 16/26. Energy cost scaling reduced. Fire damage reduced. Added physical damage.
  • Immolation Shot: Burn damage slightly buffed and its duration increased to 3 seconds. Now it also reduces target’s offensive ability by 25-135 for 3 seconds.
  • Whittering Fire: Fire damage reduced. Now it reduces target’s damage by 4-25% for 3 seconds.
  • Ball Lightning: Removed.
  • Fan of Knives: Doubled the values for weapon damage and Pierce damage. Reduction to enemy’s OA removed.
  • Vengeance: Bonus Offensive Ability removed. Bonus damage to Chthonics reduced by 5% by rank 12. Added flat elemental damage. Improved speed of Side Guns projectiles.
  • Shadow Power: Now it also grants you additional health. Health regeneration considerably increased at ultimate ranks. Offensive ability replaced by defensive ability.
  • Shadow Glide: Bonus movement speed increased. DA moved to the base skill. Added 6-30% Slow Res.
  • Cluster Arrow: Physical damage reduced.
  • Loaded for Bear: Now it also reduces target’s resistances by 4-25 for 3 seconds.
  • Multishot: Moved to tier 6. Pierce damage slightly increased at regular ranks, but with reduced scaling at ultimate ranks.
  • Full Broadside: Replaces Arsenal. It no longer launches rockets, it adds lightning damage instead. Damage bonuses are the same.
  • Awareness: Moved to tier 8.
  • Smoke Screen: Moved to tier 8, however it also grants 100% damage absorption. Ranks increased to 10/20. Tactical Advantage is unlocked at softcap, increasing your offensive ability by 20%.
  • Entangling Shot: Pierce damage reduced. Cold damage slightly increased. at higher ranks.
  • Perfectionist: Pierce resistance replaced with bleeding resistance. New ultimate bonus “Leach”, which grants you 5% life steel.
  • Ballistics: “Rapidfire” ultimate bonus replaced by “Sharpshooter”.
  • Rain of Vengeance: Slow effect reduced by 10%.


  • Bone Spear: Now the number of projectiles scales with level. Damage scaling reworked. New ultimate bonus called “Shatter” → Reduces target’s resistances by 20 over 3 seconds.
  • Blighted Marrow: Resistance reduction moved to the base skill.
  • Rigor Mortis: Vitality decay increased.
  • Skeleton Archer: Now you can summon 2 per cast at Rank 4 already.
  • Command Skeletons: Summon limit reduced from 7 to 6 at 16/26 and from 10 to 9 at 26/26. Damage slightly increased at higher ranks.
  • Death Nova: Weapon damage increased by 10%. Energy cost reduced at early ranks.

Immortal King’s Call

  • Bonuses to Leap removed. Now it grants skill points to Wrath of the Berserker, Call of the Ancients, Rend and Frenzy + its modifiers.
  • Set Modifier | Call of the Ancients: Ancients live forever.
  • Set Modifier | Wrath of the Berserker: % DA removed. Added 15% chance to deflect projectiles. OA increased to 6%.
  • Set Modifier | Ignore Pain: Cooldown reduction increased to -3 seconds.
  • (3) Set: 10% Physical resistance removed. Added 100% Reduced Bleeding Duration.
  • (5) Set: Added 14% Physical Resistance.
  • New Set Skill | Immortal King’s Supremacy: Critical blows restores your health and increases your damage and DA for 10 seconds.

Wrath of the Wastes

  • Removed energy regenerated from some set pieces.
  • Chest Set Piece: Added 4% Physical Resistance. Vitality resistance increased.
  • Shoulder Set Piece: Added 4% Physical Resistance. Vitality resistance reduced.
  • New Set Skill | Dust Devils: Cyclones that seek enemies dealing physical/fire damage and reducing their offensive ability for 3 seconds.

Might of the Earth

  • Bonuses to Cleave replaced by Weapon Throw.
  • Hand-piece no longer grants Bash.

Raekor’s Legacy

  • New Set Skill | Dreadnought: A temporary buff that grants you 100% resistance to control-impairing effects and increases cold/frostburn damage over 8 seconds.

The Shadow’s Mantle

  • Now it grants skillpoints to Hungering Shot, Spray of Teeth, Shadow Power, Entangling Shot and their respective modifiers.

  • The Shadow’s Heels: Slow resistance removed.

  • Hand Modifier | Hungering Shot: Weapon damage removed. Now it converts 100% Physical damage to Cold. Added 20% Crit Damage.

  • Hand Modifier 2: Cluster Arrow’s modifier removed. Now it grants 100 Cold damage to Spray of Teeth.

  • Set Modifier | Shadow Power: Cooldown reduction increased from -2 to -3 seconds.

  • (3) Set: DA removed. Added 20% Health.

  • (5) Set: Added 50% Slow Resistance.

Gears of Dreadlands

  • Automail Forearm: Chaos resistance removed. Elemental resistance reduced.

  • Mechanical Pauldrons: Elemental Resistance replaced by Vitality resistance.

  • Hand Modifier | Chakram: Now it just adds elemental damage and converts Physical/Fire to Pierce/Elemental damage.

  • Set Modifier | Entangling Shot: Removed.

  • New Set Modifier | Chakram: +1 Summon Spawn + 1 Summon Limit + 20 Seconds Duration + 28 Reduced Target’s Resistances for 3 seconds.

  • Set Modifier | Vengeance: Now it converts 50% Physical damage to Elemental.

  • (2) Set: Damage bonuses removed. Added 24-32% Chaos/Aether Resistance.

  • (3) Set: Flat OA and total speed removed. Now it grants 5-6% OA/DA.

  • (5) Set: Fixed Strafe’s energy cost. Now it works with all ranged weapons. Reduction to target’s damage nerfed by 5%.

Embodiment of the Marauder

  • Bonuses to Chakram removed. Now pieces only grant skillpoints to Elemental Strike, Cluster Arrow and their modifiers.

  • Set Skill | Sentry: Sentries now mark enemies for 5 seconds, reducing their fire resistance by -12%|-15%.

Natalya’s Vengeance

  • Natalya’s Slayer: Modifier | Multishot → Reduction to enemy’s attack speed removed. Added 15% Crit Damage.

  • Set Modifier | Rain of Vengeance: Cooldown reduction increased from -3 to -5 seconds. Racial bonuses removed.

  • Set Modifier | Multishot: 15% Crit damage removed. Added 18% Reduction to target’s damage for 3 seconds.

Armor of Akkhan

  • General: Rebalanced some stats of the set pieces.

  • Hand Modifier | Slash: Weapon damage removed. Added 120 Fire damage + 450 Burn damage over 3 seconds.

  • Head Modifier | Bombardment: Added -25% Energy Cost. Fire damage increased from 100 to 150.

  • Set Modifier | Condemn: Cooldown reduction removed. Weapon damage increased from 125 to 150%. Added 25 Reduced target’s resistances over 3 seconds.

  • Set Modifier | Akarat’s Champion: Cooldown reduction and racial bonuses removed. Added 15 seconds duration and 12% Attack Speed.

  • New Set Modifier | Slash: 200 Fire Damage + 675 Burn Damage over 3 seconds.

Roland’s Legacy

  • New Hand-Piece Modifier | Condemn: 10% RAtA

  • New Head-Piece Modifier | Sweep Attack: 30% RAtA + 20% Weapon Damage.

  • (4) Mythical Set: Now grants +3 to Condemn

  • (5) Set: Now grants +3 to Shield Bash instead of Retaliate.

Aegis of Valor

  • Mythical version now grants Electrocute and Burn damage bonuses.

  • Set Skill | Heaven’s Tempest: No longer shoots bolts on targets, it reduces fire/lightning resistances by -12%|-15% of enemies in the area. Damage of the tempest reduced.

Seeker of the Light

  • (3) Set: Chaos/Vitality Resistances increased from 12%|20% to 20%|25%.

Patterns of Justice

  • Bonuses to Dashing Strike replaced by Cyclone Strike.
  • Head-Piece: New Modifier | Mantra of Conviction → -80 Offensive Ability + 70 Cold Damage + 100% Fire damage converted to Cold.
  • Hand-Piece: New Modifier | Cyclone Strike → 600 Electrocute damage + 12% Crit Damage.
  • New Set Modifier | Cyclone Strike → 220% Weapon Damage + 30% Reduced Energy Cost.

Raiment of a Thousand Storms

  • Head-Piece: Wave of Light’s modifier removed. New Modifier | Dashing Strike → 120 Lightning Damage + 30% Reduced Energy Cost.

  • New Set Modifier | Fists of Thunder: 80 Lightning + 540 Electrocute over 3 seconds.

  • New Set Skill | A Thousand Storms: Lightning bolts hit up to 8 targets around you over 6 seconds.

Delsere’s Magnum Opus

  • 2/4 Bonuses: Total Speed replaced with bonuses to Elemental DoTs.

  • Added 1+ to all Wizard skills to the head piece.

  • Skillpoints to Mirror Image replaced with points to Wave of Force/Electrocute modifiers.

  • Hand Modifier | Electrocute: 200 Electrocute damage over 2 seconds.

  • Set Modifier | Wave of Force: 120 Elemental Damage replaced with 80% Weapon Damage. Elemental DoT’s increased from 630 to 900 over 3 seconds (300 each).

  • Set Modifier | Slow Time: Racial bonuses and casting speed removed. Added 10% Physical Resistance. Elemental damage reduced from 240 to 200. Bonus duration increased from 10 to 20 seconds. Added 8% Total Speed.

  • Set Modifier | Electrocute: Added 50% Weapon Damage.

  • Set Skill: Elemental resistance reduction increased from -10|-12% to -12|-15%.

Firebird’s Finery

  • Head-piece: Itemskill removed.

  • New Set Skill | Scorch: Launch a big fire orb that pierces through enemies, burning them and reducing their resistances over 3 seconds.

  • (4) Set: Bonuses to Meteor and Blizzard removed. Now it grants +1 to all Wizard skills.

The Typhoon’s Veil

  • Head Modifier | Frost Nova: Frostburn damage increased from 450 to 600 over 3 seconds.

Raiment of a Thousand Storms

  • Head Piece → No longer supports Wave of Light. Now it grants -0.5 second cooldown + 120 Lightning Damage to Dashing Strike. Added +2 to Dashing Strike.
  • Set Modifier | Dashing Strike → Lightning increased from 240 to 280. Added 1200 Electrocute damage over 3 seconds. Extra dash distance and reduced cooldown removed.

Vyr’s Amazing Arcana:

  • Added a modifier to the hand piece, granting 100 elemental damage + 24% crit damage to Arcane Orb.
  • Set Modifier | Arcane Orb → Elemental damage removed. Added 80% Weapon Damage.
  • Set Modifier | Archon → Cooldown reduction increased to -85 seconds.

Grace of Inarius

  • Set Modifier | Bone Spikes: No longer reduces target’s resistances.

  • (3) Mythical Set: Added 55 Defensive Ability.

  • Set Skill | Bone Tornado: Removed -% Cold/Vitality resistances.

  • Set Modifier | Bone Spikes: No longer increases cooldown and total damage. Now it adds 200 Cold Damage + 660 Frostburn over 3 seconds to Bone Spikes.

Pestilence Master’s Shroud

  • Head-Piece Modifier | Decrepify: -15% Vitality resistance removed. Reduction to poison resistance nerfed from -15% to -10%.

  • (3) Set: Acid resistance replaced by 100% Reduced Poison Duration. Bleeding resistance increased by 5%.

  • (4) Mythical Set: Now it also grants +3 to Decrepify.

Trag’Oul’s Avatar

  • Improved textures for the set-pieces, making them look less dark.

  • Hand-piece Modifier | Bone Spear: Life leech reduced from 10% to 4%.

  • Head-piece Modifier | Grim Scythe: Vitality damage increased from 40 to 120. Added 30% reduced energy cost.

  • Set Modifier | Decrepify: Reduction to vitality resistance nerfed from -20% to -15%.

  • Set Modifier | Death Nova: Vitality/Decay damage slightly increased.

Bones of Rathma

  • Head-piece: Bonuses to Frenzy replaced by Command Skeletons.

  • (3) Set: Now it grants +3 to Command Skeletons and Command Golem.

  • Set Skill | Skeleton Captain: Now it properly applies resistance reduction to all enemies hit by Requiem Aeternam.

Mundunugu’s Regalia:

  • Set Modifier | Spirit Vessel: Cooldown reduction increased from -2 to -10 seconds.

Raiment of the Jade Harvester:

  • Head-Piece no longer grants +1 to all Witch Doctor skills, it has bonuses for Soul Harvest and Haunt instead.

Spirit of Arachyr:

  • Reduced the size of the Spider Queen and increased its movement speed.

Helltooth Harness

  • Head Modifier | Firebomb: 20 Fire Damage + 15 Vitality Damage.
  • Hand Modifier | Firebats: 14% Weapon Damage + 18% Reduced target’s damage for 2 seconds.
  • Set Modifier | Soul Harvest → Removed.
  • Set Modifier | Firebats: -30% Energy Cost + 160 Fire Damage + 120 Vitality Damage + 12% Life Steal + 600 Burn Damage over 3 seconds.

Visual effects improvements to:

  • Justice
  • Dashing Strike
  • Mantra of Healing
  • Rain of Vengeance (Flying Strike)
  • Spray of Teeth
  • Fan of Knives (When modified by items)
  • Glacial Spike
  • Thundercrash (Tal Rasha’s Set)
  • Fire Wall
  • Gears of Dreadlands’ Strafe
  • Electrocute
  • Crippling Wave
  • Inner Sanctuary
  • Shield Bash
  • Condemn
  • Furious Charge
  • Avalanche
  • Ancient Spear
  • Falling Sword (Seeker of the Light set)
  • Heaven’s Tempest (Aegis of Valor set)
  • Stormcrow (Stormcrow Visage helm)
  • Command Skeletons (When modified by Korvaak’s Burning Blade)

New sound effects to:

  • Hydra
  • Blizzard
  • Wave of Force
  • Teleport
  • Shield Glare
  • Seismic Slam
  • Avalanche
  • Rend
  • Frost Nova
  • Vengeance’s Side Guns
  • Spray of Teeth
  • Cluster Arrow
  • Fan of Knives
  • Consecration
  • Electrocute
  • Furious Charge
  • Mantra of Healing
  • Condemn
  • Thundercrash
  • Comet
  • Death Nova
  • Corpse Explosion
  • Blessed Hammer
  • Laws of Valor
  • Ancient Spear
  • Soul Harvest

What a great update! thank you Grimer for so many years of great work. Now the most difficult problem who to play at the beginning :wink:

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Patch Notes updated with the list of changes to Sets. And now it’s also available on Nexus Mods.

nooooooo xD

Ok I play hammerdine. What a great fun :slight_smile: great that you don’t have to spam blessed hammer all the time.Do you know a guide for hammerdine, but not on yt?

That’s a somewhat brutal list of changes @Grimer .

I don’t see a Mirrorball offhand in the list?

Also, I noticed Mantra of Conviction is not listed as an “Exclusive Skill” - Is this correct?

Try to reinstall it, delete the old folder and extract the new one. It doesn’t even have 10 ranks anymore, now it’s 12/22. (If it’s DoM, of course it’s not updated there yet)