[MOD] Diablo 3 Classes: Patch 5.1 Released

Hi @Grimer ,

I assume you’ve notified @Dammitt to update Grimtools?

no, I didn’t, cause I’ll reupload it with a few more changes this week


I love it! Is there any way you could include the Wings and Cosmetic Auras mods with this?

if it has been reported ignore it - very often when i enter a new location (basement dungeon map) the blessed hammer becomes unusable for a few seconds to half a minute, then everything goes back to normal. I don’t use any mods, clean install.

yes, I’d like to add those from Immortal, the non-diablo related I won’t add.

The skill description warns players about that. It’s an engine problem, nothing I can do about it.

More Surprises!

Happy Gavin Free GIF by Rooster Teeth

wow i love the massacre that storm armor does :)it looked weak at first.

A bit late…but, i’ve been playing with GrimInternals since your reply and never had a crash again! Auto tooltips thing seems definitively to be the culprit!
Thanks again guys @fknflo @ASYLUM101 @rollerx !

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Is there any chance for Monk’s Crippling Wave animation speed increase? Or using both weapons aka elemental Zolhan?
Currently it cripples only your own dps when using dual-wielding.

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Hey @Grimer ,

Is it possible to increased the radius of Sweeping Wind from 3.5m to say 5m?

it is, just complete the Patterns of Justice set :slight_smile:

I was thinking before the additional 2.5m radius of the Patterns set.
So base 5m + 2.5m?

Random question -
Does/will Wind Devils proc the Side Guns passive on Vengeance?
OR does it need to be a player-cast skill hit to proc Side Guns?

I didn’t expect that storm armor to be the main skill. i play hammerdine with storm armor and i’m incredibly strong so far (82 level now) nothing stops me.

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I’ve reuploaded the new version with a few more bug fixes and balance changes.

The changelog below is merged with the Patch Notes on the thread’s original post.

Download it here: Google Drive | Nexus Mods



  • Fixed an issue where the Crusader’s Mythical Flying Dragon granted only +2 to certain skills, instead of +4 as the original version.
  • Fixed an issue where Servitor’s Cleaver didn’t convert Cleave’s physical damage to Chaos as it should.
  • Fixed several typos and removed outdated information from skills description.


  • Rend: Life steal from “Blood Lust” reduced from 30% to 12%.
  • Nerves of Steel: Ranks increased from 8/18 to 10/20. Cooldown reduced.
  • Hurricane: Chance to freeze enemies reduced from 20% to 12%.
  • Weapon Throw: Reduced the volume of the hit sound effect.


  • Condemn: Eternal Retaliation removed. The chance to reset’s cooldown was working for all skills after the rework. Now the crit damage is only granted at Rank 16 as a replacer.
  • Consecration: Bed of Nails - RAtA increased from 6% to 10%.
  • Reaping: Flat health regenerated changed to 12-45% bonus health regeneration. Fire/Lightning damage slightly reduced by Ranks 9/10/11/12, but with increased scaling at ultimate ranks.
  • Iron Skin: Retaliation damage scaling from “Reflective Skin” considerably reduced.
  • Laws of Valor: Energy reserved reduced, but increased on its modifiers.


  • Skill Icons: Assassin Knives, Full Broadside and Fire at Will had their icons updated.
  • Ballistics: Damage bonuses reduced.
  • Awareness: Health regenerated removed.
  • Rain of Vengeance: Ranks increased from 12/22 to 16/26. Damage rebalanced, so bleeding damage won’t be too OP while transmuting it to Flying Strike as it was before. Impact radius increased from 0.5 to 1.0. Increased the chance of arrows to hit enemies before reaching the ground, so pierce/lightning damage can be stronger while using the base skill or Shade.
  • Fan of Knives: Reduction to enemy’s OA removed.
  • Assassin Knives: Added reduction to enemy’s DA over 3 seconds.
  • Shadow Power: Health regenerated reduced at early ranks, but increased at higher ranks.
  • Shadow Power/Glide: Latest changes are properly working now.


  • Firebats: Weapon damage reduced from 48 to 42 by Rank 16.
  • Horrify: It swaped position with Confidence Ritual in the skill tree. Damage rebalanced and energy cost rebalanced. Ruthless Terror no longer grants mana drain, now it makes enemies to miss 33% of their melee attacks over 5 seconds.
  • Pyrogeist: No longer increases burn duration.
  • Spiritual Attunement: Now it’s attached to Confidence Ritual. Added energy reserved. Health regenerated now is granted at Rank 1.
  • Acid Rain: Added 10-50% Crit Damage.
  • Siphon: Added 10-65% Crit Damage.


  • Crippling Wave: Increased the animation speed of the Tsunami transmuter (and when converted to other damage types by items).
  • Sweeping Wind: Freeze duration from Master of Wind reduced from 2.0 to 1.5 seconds.
  • Cyclone: Chance to confuse targets reduced from 25% to 4-15%. Now it also increases electrocute damage.
  • Thunderclap: Reduction to target’s DA moved to Sunblast.
  • Breaking Wave: It no longer reduces target’s DA, now it reduces target’s OA instead.
  • Inner Sanctuary: Damage absorption increased.
  • Serenity: Cooldown increased by 6 seconds, following the changes to immunity skills.


  • Molten Impact: Burn damage numbers increased, but % burn damage bonus has been removed.
  • Diamond Skin: Cooldown slightly reduced. Damage absorption reduced from 50% to 40% by Rank 1 and 100% to 80% by Rank 10. Energy regeneration removed, now it reduces the duration of Burn, Electrocute and Frostburn effects by 40-80%. New ultimate bonus called “Prism” - Crit damage is increased by 50% while Diamond Skin is active.
  • Frozen Orb: Damage penalty increased from 18% to 25%.
  • Snow Blast: Sleet Storm - Chance to fumble enemy’s attacks increased.
  • Astral Presence: Added 10-120 Energy Reserved.
  • Unwavering Will: Added 10-120 Energy Reserved.


  • Frost Scythe: Chance to freeze reduced from 25% to 15%.
  • Frost Spikes: Skill icon updated. Frostburn damage reduced at regular ranks.
  • Decrepify: Energy cost increased.
  • Command Skeletons: Now the number of summoned skeletons per cast is increased to 2 by Rank 8 and 3 by Rank 16. Enforcer now increases the skeletons armor by 80%.
  • Commander of the Risen Dead: Flat armor for Pets removed.
  • Swift Harvest: Added 10-65 Energy Reserved.



  • Gungdo Gear: +2 to Seismic Slam replaced with +2 to Spray of Teeth on higher level versions.


  • Undisputed Champion: Now it grants +1 to all Barbarian skills. Added +2 to Punish. +2 to Leap replaced with +2 to Dashing Strike on its mythical version.
  • Brood of Araneae: Added +2 to Death Nova on the mythical version.
  • Thundergod’s Vigor: Added +1 to all Monk skills. +2 to Thunderclap replaced with +2 to Electrocute on the mythical version.
  • Belt of Transcendence: +2 to Siphon replaced by +2 to Decrepify. Added +1 to all Witch Doctor skills.
  • Belt of the Trove: Added +2 to Elemental Strike and Weapon Throw. +2 to Blizzard replaced with +2 to Slash on the mythical version. It no longer grants +1 to all Crusader skills.
  • Chain of Shadows: +2 to Entangling Shot replaced by +2 to Bone Spikes. Added +1 to all Demon Hunter skills.
  • Jang’s Envelopment: Now it grants +1 to all Wizard skills. +2 to Black Hole replaced with +2 to Cyclone Strike. Added +2 to Mystic Ally on the mythical version.

Leg Armor

  • Pox Faulds: Added +2 to Grasp of the Dead (empowered and mythical) and +2 to Bone Spear (mythical only).


  • The Final Witness: Added +2 to Shield Bash.
  • Akarat’s Awakening: +2 to Hold Your Ground replaced with +2 to Cyclone Strike on its mythical version.

Two-Handed Swords

  • Ashbringer: Now it has 8/10% lifesteal without depending on chance.


  • Calamity: Visual reworked a bit. Now it grants bonuses to pierce/bleeding and supports Multishot and Rain of Vengeance. Marked for Death gained a new VFX and now reduces enemy’s bleeding resistance.
  • Balefire Caster: Now it has fire as its base damage.
  • Deadeye: Now it has lightning as its base damage. Damage to undead reduced from 20% to 15% on the mythical version.
  • Valla’s Bequest: Cunning replaced by OA. Damage to Chthonics reduced from 20% to 15% on the mythical version.


  • Buriza-do Kyanon: Its projectiles no longer pierce through enemies.
  • Odyssey’s End: Now it has elemental damage as its base damage. Pierce damage bonuses removed. Added bonuses to Elemental DoTs to empowered and mythical versions.


  • Mara’s Kaleidoscope: Now it grants +2 to Acid Cloud and Death Nova.
  • Xephirian Amulet: Added +2 to Scatter Shot.
  • Star of Azkaranth: Added +2 to Elemental Strike and +2 to Hydra (mythical only). +2 to Sunblast removed.

Is it safe to continue playing with present characters? or … which skills should have there skill points removed before updating ?


So, now to notify Dammitt for the grimtools update? :smile:

just follow the instructions of the patch from last week

yes, I’ve sent him a message

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ok after level 86 i discovered Haedrig Eamon, who is better than me? :smile: d3 item draw is fantastic, everything now makes sense.

hmm Mythical crusader soulshmasher reqiures 10000 physique? :open_mouth: