[MOD] Dread

DREAD’s main focus is challenge, loot, and, combat.

Players will not fight hordes and hordes of enemies, but will instead face individual and small groups of enemies that become extremely powerful. Multiplayer mode is leaned toward tight cooperation. Having a designated tank and damage dealing class is recommended.

*Strong Enemies

*Increased Loot Rate

*Reduced EXP to Level

*Adjusted Skills

*All Devotion Shrines Are Battles

*Items Have No Player Level Requirement

*Camera Adjustments



Short Clip of Inquisitor Gameplay


UPDATE 3 Preview


[b]UPDATE 10 Preview


[b]UPDATE 10 Preview 2


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Desecreted Shrine no mobs appear but loot drops

The mobs are automatically spawned when in the specified distance. After all Shrine mobs are killed, click “Start” rewards the points and loot.

The aetherials at the burrwitch village portal have not spawned for me. Other than that the mods pretty fun. I’ll give alittle more of a review once I’ve played it more. Level 20 atm.

EDIT - Restarted and it worked.

Trust me, they spawned. You may have been busy fighting something when they spawned and didn’t notice. The mobs can walk a good distance, so if you reach the distance to trigger the spawn and 1 mob goes for a little walk, you would have to find that mob, or wait for it to just walk back, and kill it. (They don’t travel that far).

Devotion Shrines work the same way; you reach a certain distance and the mobs will auto spawn. This was made this way to prevent enemies from spawning right on top of you.

On a side note, I’m working on another update that will effect all enemies. There will only be 2 mod versions. I’m going to cautiously blend the adjustments from the HARD version into the normal for balance purposes.


I really enjoy this mod and I just wanted to ask you, if you could add a more detailed list of changes because of the way you progress through the game with this mod. I just wanted to let you know that a more detailed changelog would be appreciated.

Mod is very fun, I like it. The only thing I have a gripe with are the cooldowns. I like that CDs are actually meaningful now and need to be used strategically, but I think you went alittle overboard with them - at least with the nightblade/arcanist abilities (what I’m playing). Pneumatic burst, for example, is so long that I find myself only engaging serious fights every minute and ahalf so I have it up. Which isn’t a very fun play style. My 2 cents would be to reduce CDs by ~20% =)

  • Also, epic drops seem alittle excessive and might need to be toned down. I’m drowning in blue items.

  • Stun lock is alittle overpowered. Playing co op against The Warden and he didn’t get more than 3 attacks off and was just stun locked the entire time.

But in all great mod thank you very much for your hard work!

Sure, I’ll try to remember to add a full changelog for the next update. I’ll add it to the Nexus page.

Regarding the stun and loot, the next update is tweaking exactly that. I think I’ll have the enemies perfect between challenge and fairness… the loot, however, I’m doing trial and error with the tables right now. I’ll check out cooldown, too.

The update should hopefully hit before the end of the week. Maybe even tomorrow. IDK.

Changelog added to Nexus download page. Also, additional gameplay video added.

EDIT: Another Update is on the way. This update is pretty major as it will address more skill adjustments and increase the quality of loot from hero kills. This will only affect loot crate drops. I think Update 2 should make a pretty solid build.

Me and my buddy been playing this abunch. Up to lvl 65. A couple of suggestions…

  • 5 sec knockdowns seem alittle overpowered against bosses. Sometimes it ends up chain knocking them down. I would suggest ~2 or 3 seconds
  • Bosses dropping blues/purple alittle too much imo. Still seems like a flood of blues/purples. Same with recipes, just finished normal and have almost every recipe.
    Bug - New spoils are too large, out of melee range.

me again with the minor things… doesnt say that “zeal” requires ‘melee’ item (was hoping to zealing around with fire enchanted sorceress but oh well), and when you try to use default attack with “Leaf” you freeze like before (can run and cast spells but just the default attack makes it freeze)

also, frost nova should be bigger, but since the “new one” freezes enemies, not just slows, i can live with that :smiley:

You may want to see how the difficulty spike from Normal/Veteran to Elite and Ultimate is; you may end up changing your mind.

I will adjust the loot sometime later. I think reducing the overall quantity should give the best of both worlds.

Should be fixed now with update 3~

Thanks for the feedback. I’m glad you and your buddy are enjoying the mod.

WOW ! Seriously ! More than 1 animation off attacking with 2h weps.
The mod looks awsome…but that was the one thing that imediatly popped in my eyes. Awsome.

In normal game whenever i attack with primal strike as primary attack skill its always same animation of attack. no matter the weapon or weapon skin.

Speaking of 2h animations, baseball bat swing is still in the game. Whenever I do baseball bat swing with a 2h scythe or 2h greataxe, baseball bat swing really shows his true colors. :frowning: If only I knew how to animate.

its not that hard… i mean… its more patience than skill :D:D:D

Reminds me of that one time I was building a game. I made a little stretch of land… picket fence there, some trees there, little puddle of water here. Then I tried to make a simple walking animation - let’s just say my career ended there.

well, this is my first “pancake” https://files.fm/u/bmwq4me7 , 3 or so years ago :smiley: took hours :smiley:

When I read it, I thought you really animated a pancake. That animation was cool and funny, especially at the part where it started to dance :slight_smile:

UPDATE 6 is aimed to be released on Saturday, if not Friday with Balance changes and additions are being done.

Both files in the Nexus (Update 6 and the optional file “Tweaked stats”) give me more skill- and devotionpoints and higher monsterdensity somehow.