This is the mod we used for the Grim Dawn Community League season 2, in its post league version.
- 3 new super bosses inspired by ones in GD, available in the “”
- 3 music tracks for each of the fights. Credits to @Touma_san
- playing on GD campaign is an option
- starting items for level 1 chars: merits, exp potions
- anything else mentioned in the documentation
Differences compared to the version used for Community league:
- There are no conditions on accessing the bosses.
- Tokens will not drop in this version.
- Lore items now granted on defeating the new bosses, credits to @ArmoredOtter
- Vanquisher set and Prime Ring returned to normal
- Softcore and Harcore versions merged
- Refer to section 1 of documentaion.
- Refer to section 4, if you run into issues
How to use main campaign characters in the mod:
a) Perform steps to make campaign available and create a new character
b) Use GD stash to add “in mod” checkmark in char editor. Section 4 covers moving mod char to campaign, perform operations in reverse.
c) Use symbolic links. Details in my other mod here
- Mod Documentation
- Super Boss Documentation
- You can see videos of the bosses on the league website. Credits to GroundZero
- Credits @MikeFic for organizing the league and art.
- A Thank you to @RektByProtoss , Mike, Touma, ArmoredOtter for testing.
League Future
While there are some plans for a season 3, nothing has been decided yet.
If you are interested in testing new bosses, league mod development, map making or anything else I am not thinking of right now, send me a PM.