[Mod] Grim League Season 4 - Post Season Version

Question regarding the Boundless Dungeons: How does one access them, and further still, how do they actually work?

Does this file contain season 4 content only? Is there a compilation file which contains content from all 4 seasons? Sounds like that’ll be fun

Season 4 basically contains all content from all 4 seasons.

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Where does the rainbow filter file go? :stuck_out_tongue:

The Grim League folder goes inside the text_en folder you have for the normal Rainbow filter mod

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The effort put into this is awesome! My partner and I are enjoying the new content, and really appreciate the level of detail put into the zones, dialog, etc.

Unfortunately, there does appear to be some jank with some of the quests in multiplayer.

  • We’re currently unable to continue the “Valley of No Wind” zone/People of Asterkarn faction quests. Despite only playing together, I was able to get to “Liberating the Valley” quest where you need to craft the items, but I’m unable to interact with the anvil beside Adrian. Meanwhile, my partner still has the prerequisite collecting food and hammer quests, but is unable to turn them in or confirm with the village chief that it’s complete.
    We thought maybe this was just case of turning things in too fast, so we shrugged it off and decided we’d be more careful during the next difficulty run, but…
  • When doing the Peakmanes quests, we were taking it safe and going one step at a time. My partner turns in The Crimson Horror to Ari, and then I step up to do the same. However, it’s not marked as complete for me, despite having the Crimson Crystal in my inventory. Also apparently only one Crimson Crystal dropped in the first place. I also still have the Fire Giant’s Heart after we both turned that quest in, but my partner does not.

All in all it feels like the quests weren’t really designed well for co-op play, and it can be hit and miss on what works and what doesn’t. Refreshing the hosted game or starting alone in single player doesn’t seem to resolve these issues either, as if the quests are in some kind of completion limbo.

Just found the golden boar. A tusk dropped for my partner, but not for me. I’m able to drop the crystal and heart and my partner can pick them up. We’ll see if we can at least continue that quest line this way.

Doing the Vanessa Margraves content, and discovering we can’t continue that as well, as Adrian refuses to assist until “his people are safe”, but we have no ability to progress as I can’t use the anvil in my game, and my partner can’t get either him or Igor to update quest status in their game. So it’s looking like on this difficulty we’re deadlocked.

Hey Folks. I understand this has shifted to a mod from a season but I noticed the website seems to be down. Does this mean there is no option for online stash?

You are correct about your assumption here, we had 0 playtesting for multiplayer and the season was primarily designed for solo play. Any further details like these are exactly what we need to make future versions of this mod multiplayer safe as ideally it should also be flawlessly playable in MP :slight_smile:

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Well I’ll be sure to let you know what our experience is like on the next run! We plan on being slower and more methodical with quest management, so hopefully a step-by-step will help narrow down where things go wrong.

While I can’t speak for the team or the website, Item Assistant does have cloud storage and the ability to add “item buddies” so friends can see what you have stashed away. It has separate stashes for core and every mod, and assumes the game can understand the item data even if it itself doesn’t, so it should work with every mod. My partner and I are using it for S4 just fine.

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Giving this a go with a petmancer Conjurer. I suspect I’m going to get all 55 Devotion points in Normal aren’t I? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

The season 4 mod has the same devotion shrine set up as vanilla. We only recently made all shrines available on normal/elite with the S5 mod.

Just thought you might have added some new ones in the new area. Np if you didn’t, doesn’t take long to grab the few remaining ones you need to get to 55 on Elite.

act 8 has 3 additional shrines in S4, 4 in S5

:+1: Good to know Rektby.

When does season 5 start?

No thanks on that part I already own the game.

I’ll just wait and hope it becomes a regular mod after season 5.

I only ask about season 5 its obvious i know what seasons are.

I think you missed that Rekt was just showing you it’s already started, with a helpful link to the launch page…

I think your right it was late sorry about that Rekt

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