[MOD] Grimtasia

Cool, I had not seen any runes drop as of yet, but that could easily solve the problem.

I did notice a few bugs in the blacksmith recipes. The recipes for Prismatic Diamond, Eldritch Mirror, and an unknown (possibly deleted) component are bugged, missing/corrupt ingredients/result. I am pretty sure I noticed some other bugged recipes in other categories, but there are too many to look through. Bugged recipes seem to be one of the more common bugs in mods.

Thanks again for the continued work on the mod, and have fun squashing.

I noticed a lot of the components have changed what types of equipment they can be applied to, but a lot of the tooltips are incorrect.

Also regarding the changes to the ammo type components, I understand that changing their granted skills to only work with guns fits thematically. However none of the granted skills use any gun animations (with the one possible exception being ā€˜Silvercore Boltsā€™, whose granted skill ā€˜Silver Spreadā€™ ironically is the only one that does still work with melee weapons), and their effects are important for both ranged and melee builds. If you are going to limit them to ranged only, I would request their effects be changed/switched with ranged flavored effects, or create melee compatible alternatives similar to Coldstone, Flint, Amber, etc.

Edit 2:
I also wanted to comment on the change of a number of lower level components to be amulet only (with increased power), such as the ones granting skills that provide damage auras and attacks. Previously these were on weapons and off hands allowing 2 to be used. I am curious why the change to only allow 1? Would you consider allowing them on a second slot, maybe on medals (not a lot of competition there)? To be specific I am trying an acid/poison caster build and both ā€˜Mutagenic Icorā€™ and ā€˜Vitriolic Gallstoneā€™ are limited to amulets (and ā€˜Venom-Tipped Ammoā€™ is limited to ranged only).

Edit 3:
Some of the rune recipes sold by the Rover faction shop are in the wrong tab. Recipes for runes 8-11 are in the ā€œHonoredā€ tab, and 12-20 are in the ā€œRespectedā€ tab. I think these are supposed to be reversed as Honored > Respected.

Edit 4:
The recipe for ā€˜23 MAL Runeā€™ is mistitled ā€˜Plan: Star Amethystā€™.

Update today focused on a few bugs in the Wizard skill tree:

  • Cosmetic fixes on Magic Missile
  • Removed unused box that created the ā€œxā€ in upper left corner
  • Hydra (fire) and Frost Hydra are separate skills now rather than using a transmuter. I feel this gives more build variations.

All rune recipes now require just 2 of the lesser runes instead of 3.

I will focus on components for next update.

I love this mod! Itā€™s quickly becoming one of my favorites. thank you for the update, Iā€™m glad you are still working on this awesome mod. I just wish you could make a version with toned down trash mobs. I donā€™t mind the extra big monsters but all the trash mobs are melting my PC lol!
Anyway thanks for all your hard work. I will be looking forward to your future updates as always.

Fixed a vendor recipe issue and decreased normal mob density by about 30%. This should help with PC speed/video issues.

Thank you so much!!! That 30% really helped me a lot. I really appreciate it. I wasnā€™t sure if you were going to be able to make that change for me or not with everything else your working on right now but Iā€™m extremely grateful you did and thanks for the quick response.

Cant get it to work,help?

I have no idea, seems to work for other people. You do need AoM. If you load normal game or different mod, be sure to completely exit the game and restart.

Do other mods work for you?

Yes I have AOM & other mods work fine,I will restart Grim Dawn and see what happens.

How do you implement s mod? Iā€™m guessing via ā€œcustom campaignā€?

Download the mod and make sure to extract the file.
Then in your ā€œGrim Dawnā€ installation directory put the extracted file in the ā€œmodsā€ folder. Launch the game and select ā€œCustom Gameā€ then find the name of the mod you have installed and select it. Choose your character, press start and its on!

Have Fun!

Thanks everyone got it working.:rolleyes:

Incorporated Oathkeeper class and quick fix to some animations (mainly movement) that broke with FG.

Mod requires FG now.

Incorporated new FG stash tab.
Slight decrease in Barbarian Whirl Wind life leech
Fixed a few bugs related to incompatibilities from GD release.

Hi, Iā€™ve been playing Grimtasia for a few days now (it was the only mod that I could get working with forgotten gods) and I am enjoying my Mystic Wizard combo and the added challenge the mod brings.

However, Iā€™m almost level 80 and I havenā€™t seen a single item drop that has bonuses for the added Diablo classes. Are there any?

On a similar note, the custom component: ā€œAmberā€ seems broken as it does not slot into the mentioned items, or any item for that matter.

Otherwise great mod, Iā€™ll be sure to try out the other classes after Iā€™m done with this toon- which may be soon if I canā€™t find any items that help me stay competitive level 80+

Edit: I found a blueprint entitled ā€œRydraelmā€™s Robesā€ that I cannot learn because it doesnā€™t produce an item, thinking this might be a Diablo class set but itā€™s broken?

There should be a few D3 items, mainly dropped by skeletons. The idea being that an ancient civilization = fallen/forgotten Tristram. I do plan to import some more from Grimerā€™s D3 mod. I also plan to implement some D2 recipes for using the runes. Lastly, I will add a few more skills and mastery bonuses for the new masteries to the stock GD items. That being said, I do think that the D3 masteries tend to be more powerful than the base GD masteries, so the lack of specific items should help balance everything.

On a similar note, the custom component: ā€œAmberā€ seems broken as it does not slot into the mentioned items, or any item for that matter.

Modifying components was one of the first mods I ever did. Updates have broken a lot of things in that area. I need to completely redo them from scratch, while keeping them compatible with my mod, FG expansion, and GD updates.

Otherwise great mod, Iā€™ll be sure to try out the other classes after Iā€™m done with this toon- which may be soon if I canā€™t find any items that help me stay competitive level 80+

Thanx for the feedback. I plan to put a LOT more work into this mod.

Are you using the ā€œInner Balanceā€ skill in the Mystic mastery? If so, what is your opinion on it. I am trying to emulate the energy shield on D2 Sorceress and would like some feedback on it.

So I should farm the steps of torment and hope for the best? Seems weird since thatā€™s one of the lowest level areas, I suppose I should not get my hopes up for a level 80 item for the Diablo classes, but on the other hand I do seem to recall that someone else said the Diablo sets were infact level 80 but that was in a different mod.

Please do add more sets and recipes :slight_smile: Iā€™ve been collecting epics hand over fist and Iā€™m still using low level items I really want to replace. I have over 1000% damage in Lightning and half that in the other elements, and my damage hasnā€™t increased much in many levels. I think the scaling is better on skills?

the augments such as the imperial ruby still work btw- even though Amber doesnā€™t.

I was REALLY hoping this was the case!! Iā€™m playing softcore and have died like quite alot (usually being hit by many very strong heroes and spells at once)which could be items or my shields fault- which brings me to the Inner Balanceā€¦

I never got to a high level as a sorceress in D2 so I donā€™t know actually how itā€™s supposed to work, but I am familiar with energy shield in Path of Exile. Itā€™s pretty great! I have cosmic connection also- But the problem with these two skills though is sometimes they donā€™t go off for some reasonā€¦ Iā€™m not entirely sure how itā€™s programmed but I swear there have been occasions it wonā€™t heal me (my health was increased to an amount lower than 70% or I was bitchslapped for lethal damage by a unique enemy before I could use diamond skin) and other occasions where iā€™ve had basically zero spirit and right as iā€™ve been about to die, cosmic connection has gone off and the infinite energy has procced Inner Balance and iā€™ve become strong enough to finish the fight or to try to escape.

Ran into this guy in the Malmouth sewers by the name of Hadris Aetherfire or something who I could not put a dent in also so I left him behind and then I swear I ran into him again at the Malmouth docks where I could damage him albeit very slowly, I donā€™t know what that was all about.

Iā€™m glad you say you want to put more work into the mod because I look forward to future updates.

Edit: Found another blueprint for a Diablo set item that doesnā€™t work :x

Edit 2: Started playing a crusader and the difficulty I had with the Fire Amalgomations is so much more now since I have to be so close to them. They are decidedly OP. My main had 99% fire resistance and still took lethal dot against them 30 levels below

  • Fixed some broken recipes
  • Fixed Amber component
  • Expanded Jewelry for D3 classes
  • Fixed a bug relating lack of D3 drops

This Mod is just fantastic, absolutely amazed by it. Canā€™t stop playing it. Demon Hunter is soooo good, holy moly. The Stash. The new Items. Aaaahhh!

Nice work on the update! Iā€™ll test it out when I get a chance. I had recently moved to Grimarillion because it now works with forgotten gods and didnā€™t have those bugs.

In either mod, I struggle against the extra hero enemies when starting out with no epics.

Update today:

  • New Tristram Ghost Smith. This will make it easier to balance D2/D3 items with the other classes. All D2/D3 recipes have been removed from the other smiths.
  • Ghost smith has all of the rune recipes and a few old D3 recipes from the other Diablo 3. I have a bunch more recipes that will be added soon (next on my agenda).
  • I finally figured out how to use extended templates. So far, Witch Doctor mastery has been expanded to be more in line with the original D3 mod. I made a lot of compromises to fit everything into 36 skills and will be expanding masteries will a few more skills and (possibly) a lot more skill modifiers.
  • Some new D3 jewelry has been added.
  • Went over all the new items again, cleaned up a lot of bugs.
  • Fixed major excessive drop bug on ghosts.
  • Adjusted D2/D3 item drops to be more in line with current level.
  • Decreased damage output of the Burning Dead Amalgation again.

Enjoy :slight_smile: