[MOD] [Mastery] Skelethon

Announcement: Skelethon has been merged with Coronus. All the skills here (and more) are now integrated into the Coronus mastery. The thread is here.


version 0.1

Original painting by Wee-Froggy

Table of Contents
1 - Introduction
2 - Skills

2b - To modders being generally lazy and others stealing content

2c - Shelved skills

3 - Items

3b - Where do I drop them?

4 - Download mod

4b - Working folder

5 - Objectives of this mod

1 - Introduction

"The Skelethon is one-of-a-kind summoner dealing in the art of necromancy and war. Carrier of the secret of the Three, the Skelethon knows about Bysmiel and her web moreso than anybody else, hence his ability to control a copious amount of spirits and other undead.
For bearing such knowledge, it is impossible for the Skelethon to only rely on bringing back the dead to his plane of existence, which is why the need to master powerful techniques for slaughtering his foes in close combat is required if one wants to thrive."

Investing in the Skelethon mastery will grant you the ability to strengthen your ability to wield 2 handed melee weapons, as well as surrounding yourself with the power of undeath.
You will be able to summon (kind of) an undead legion of warriors and archers to charge with you in battle. Indeed, this mastery promote charging into the fray with a big weapon, slashing and chopping heads with your allies.
A variety of buffs will be available for you and your summons to aid you in battle, as well.

Besides skills and fancy spooky scary skeletons, droppable items are also available!

The Skelethon can be powerful during the early game without items, although you will need a few for the middle game and a lot for the late game, like every other masteries. Just thought it would be good to point this out since pet builds are considered to be heavily item-dependant, even early on.

Gameplay videos:
(v0.1) Gatekeeper first half of a SoT run - Level 42

2 - Skills

Here are the skills without their augments. The video at the end of this section will cover the available skills in v0.1 of this mod.

Please note that since this isn’t the final version, all skills are subject to change. More skills will (should) be added as new versions release. See the 4th post here.

Dead Dogs: Summon an undead warrior skeleton on kill. The warrior skeleton also have the ability to raise the undead on his own kills, but one can only summon up to 1 skeleton. Your warrior skeletons last for 8 minutes and theirs for 4. Secondary summons vanish when changing instances.

Rush: Sprint towards an enemy to take him by surprise. Chance to stun on hit.

Zero Dark Thirty: Weakening your enemies to kill them easily is a good and safe way to succeed at surviving in this world. Needs to be equipped with a 2 handed melee weapon.

Proxy: Wielding a two handed weapon might not be as good as dual-wielding, but you are more than just a common mortal with magical powers or great might. Needs to be equipped with a 2 handed melee weapon.

Ignition: Knowing even the secrets of Ch’thon because of a dark and twisted past, you sacrifice your own lifeforce to greatly empower yourself and your own pets for a short duration. You also transfer your own life to your summons, fueling their (un)life energy again.

Rain Smell: Summon two undead archers ready to impale your enemies with accelerated knives launched from heavily modified crossbows created shortly after the Grim Dawn by outlanders. They can raise a skeleton warrior on kill but one archer can only summon up to 1 skeleton. Their warrior skeletons last for 4 minutes. Secondary summons vanish when changing instances

Dark Eyes: Lead as a true general would; by empowering your small but effective undead army.

Overview of the skill tree (v0.1) - Youtube

2b - To modders being generally lazy and others stealing content

To the people who can’t cut a circle around their skills to avoid black outlines: Take 10 minutes of your time in GIMP or whatever program you like to use and make a god damn circle for your skills. It’s really nice to see when it’s done. It doesn’t look ugly and makes people happy.

To another kind of people: stop blatantly ripping off people’s content and just doing a lazy recolor. Modify your shit so that you try to make it fall under fair use. Do it for your own good, copyright infringement isn’t fun at all… If you get caught.
Crate stuff is fair game for recolors I believe (GD files exclusively), but if it’s not then blow me away and call me a cunt.

2c - Shelved skills

Please do suggest new skills and balance changes in this thread!

Skills that may or may not make it into the game are listed here:

[li]Recycling skills (?) from Coronus if that mastery gets deleted from DAIL[/li]
[li]A passive that increases armor by a % as well as all res by a small %[/li]

3 - Items

Indeed this mod actually got working items! It’s so rare this days you thought it didn’t have them did you?

They are either magical or rare items, so don’t forget your item filter!

Note on the creation of custom models:
I can’t. I got 3DSMax 2012, installed the 32bits version, followed the steps to get working on GD models and shaders. It works well, don’t get me wrong, it’s just that I can’t work for 2 minutes without having a graphical glitch that makes me unable to see the screen after right clicking and closing a drop-drow menu. Good stuff.
Also while I’m it I can’t use the Viewer and the PSEditor for whatever reason (even after reporting my issue to the bug section and getting help from the good folks at Crate), so if anyone is willing to help me out on creating models and particles please PM me here. Here’s what you’ll get if you help me out: Credits and someone you’ll never talk to on Steam after being done with the vvörk.

3b - Where do I drop them?

In the Steps of Torment by killing the two main bosses, “Scary Fire Wizard” (who’s gonna fuck your shit up) and “Spooky Lord Executioner” (who’s less dangerous if you drink a cold resist potion before the fight).
(v0.1) The cunt who tortured Urobroruuk will drop one class-specific ring while the Lord Executioner will drop one class-specific helmet or 2H melee weapon.
The items are powerful enough to justify why you can only drop them on these two dungeon bosses. They always have a 100% chance to drop and don’t hinder the other drops from these specific foes.

4 - Download the Mod

Decompress the file, and as for most mods, just copy/paste the “skelethon” folder to your “mods” folder in the GD steam/GoG directory.
Note: I decided not to use the Nexus anymore and stay on Mega, because we’re an exclusive friends super club. John Ceno created it.

Please report any bugs and syntax errors here.


Previous Versions:


4a - Working Folder

For people who wish to work on the mod, merge it with others or just see how it’s made.


Previous Versions:


5 - Objectives of this mod

Besides having a new mastery for Grim Dawn, I made this mod open source and not cluttered for a reason.

The third objective is so that people have finally fun with a “necromancer” mastery focused around the use of summons. After making the Coronus mastery I found that I just didn’t have fun and stopped playtesting right after act 2. This one though, I played through normal and had to force myself to tidy up everything neatly and start creating the forum posts.

The secondary objective is for this mod to be merged with the great mod from Ser Davood of House Seaworth, DAIL.

The other objectives are so that people can do whatever they want on it without crying for a working folder. I know how it feels to not have one.[/spoiler]

Patch notes

version 0.1

  • Initial release

Once again weird skill names! Same as the Coronus, there’s a song name behind most names. Names.

So I’m going to go through the names in order regarding my tags file. All will contain a link so you can listen to the song, either on youtube, soundcloud, vimeo or bandcamp.

Title - Artist - Album: some kind of description

N/A - Aesop Rock - Skelethon: The album name is the name of the mastery itself. I thought it was fitting since it would contain “songs” in a way. Anyway, Aesop Rock rocks, listen to him if you like rap.

Crows 1/2 - Aesop Rock - Skelethon: I don’t know man, finding okay-ish class names is hard when you limit yourself to existing song names.

Hollow - Saltillo - Monocyte: The songs listed here might be less dark that Coronus but since I don’t really listen to happy stuff most of the time, I’m not gonna put many feel-good shit in what I make.

Gatekeeper - Saltillo - Monocyte: It was supposed to be a skill name for a skill in the Coronus mastery but I never made that skill, so here. Also I think I posted the whole album… So… Enjoy I guess.

Stigma - Noisia - Split The Atom: A 90° turn to the world of drum n bass. It’s not the only song from Noisia here.

Eskimo Boy - Strange Talk - Cast Away: Yeah… well I did say “most of the time”.

Dead Dogs - LORN - Ask The Dust: One time I saw someone write “LORN IS GOD” on a comment concerning one of his songs. He’s at best a demi-god of his own music genre. I would say “he’s a bloody genius” though. He’s great. Amazing stuff. But if you read the music post on the Coronus thread you already knew that :wink:

Dirt - Shahmen - All in the Circle: Besides an amazing voice and a kick ass album cover, it’s also a very good track. Oh yeah this is also the name for the skeleton warrior’s charge skill.

Five Fingers - Aesop Rock - None Shall Pass: The best track in the whole album IMO, the story it tells is also pretty neat.

Zero Dark Thirty - Aesop Rock - Skelethon: The star track from this album, it’s also pretty darn good.

Birds with Broken Wings - Ben Caplan - Birds with Broken Wings: His whole album is really worth a purchase. Of course you should listen to it before purchasing.

Proxy - Saltillo - Monocyte: This album is edgy, indeed. The songs can be good. It’s just that they’re also great names.

Oh Fields, My Fields - The Red Army Choir - The Best of the Red Army Choir: I’m no communist but their (propaganda) songs are pumping hype!

Ignition - PON3 - N/A: Don’t let the cringy name fool you, it’s a fucking great electronic song.

Alpha Centauri - Noisia - Split the Atom: dun dun dun vvv vvv vvv vvv (bzzz) dun dun vvv vvv vvv vvv (bzzz)

Rain Smell - Baths - Cerulean: The artist under the name “Baths” didn’t need a deadly disease to produce good songs. Although it certainly made Obsidian a great album compared to Cerulean…

Secant - Ben Frost - A U R O R A: You may or may not like Ben Frost. He deals in the Experimental genre, but he’s good. IIRC he was the first experimental artist I listened to before moving to Oneothrix Point Never and someone else I forgot. Don’t listen to this on the fly, it needs your attention to be appreciated.

Venter - Ben Frost - A U R O R A

Dark Eyes - The Red Army Choir - The Best of the Red Army Choir: Well… It’s a good name for a skill don’t you agree?[/spoiler]


I decided that before releasing a version, it would be a good idea to ask the community what they’d like to see in the next one.
All polls will come under the form of Google polls or whatever it’s called or Straw Polls. It’ll depends on what is available to do.

What you suggest will be added to the shelved ideas and implemented in the next poll. Balance changes suggestions will be noted in a text file somewhere on my computer and added to the next poll.

Of course my own ideas and balance changes will still appear if I got ideas (and I don’t anymore, otherwise I wouldn’t do this), but they’ll still be added to the poll.

In the end if this doesn’t work I just won’t do that and stick to my plans.

You’re a disrespectful.

I wanted to vent and so I did. Should I use less curse words? I will then. But I do have the right to say such things.

Let me clear things a bit with your nice message though, as it’s bugging me.
The people who decide that they can just go and steal whatever they want just because they’re making a mod for a not-so-popular game are just plain cunts, or are completly ignorant of Fair Use and CC. In the latter case I forgive them but they should absolutely know. Stealing is bad, wherever it might be.
“Oh but that’s just temporary! I got other stuff to do!”
Perhaps you do, but once you make your stuff public, well… everyone can see it. Don’t steal stuff and use those as placeholders. Crate already made plenty of good icons that you can use as placeholders. Ceno does it well. You could go gradually, changing one thing in a release and another icon in another. It’s really not difficult nor it is time consuming. It takes 1 minute to do 1 icon_up and icon_down.

In any event, my work earned me the right to say shit like this, and I won’t delete it just because some first class moralist decided to talk shit about me talking shit. Sure it was super agressive and over the top, and I’m sorry for writing such rude things, to an extent. Which is why I changed the original message to make it less sharp.

I do believe I’m right in saying things like this, but perhaps I’m not clearly saying who I’m targeting besides ctfx. So unless he changed his icons and class image recently he’ll still be the first to be targeted. Don’t get me wrong, his mods are good and skills are interesting (his necromancer is very good imo, albeit a bit unbalanced), but the fact that he just steals and do whatever he wants is a big no-no.

There are probably other things I wanted to say but I forgot.

should i be merging or replacing? or should I wait?

I think a few people will be angry at seeing Coronus gone. Maybe wait before replacing, see what people have to say. You should post the poll up now if you still want to do it! Here: I made it so you don’t have to.

Time to edit the third post. I’m gonna make you discover artists, people!

can you rename this mastery to Skeleton Man?

And give him the following skills:

Calcium Strength (passive): Gradually regenerate damaged bones.
Skeleton Eyes (active): Use the the magnifying capability of your skeleton eyes to scout for weaknesses in enemies. Also has a chance to reveal Skin Man’s disguise.

Thanks Axis of Awesome!

Fuck man you spooked me don’t do that pls
No no that would give most people a heart attack, we don’t drink enough milk!

I saw my name… Sry for my English for I maybe got or made some misunderstanding…:frowning:
(And sry for l can’t understand so many slangs)

I think at the publish thread, I gived the red color tip that pic arts in the mod is all not belong to me.
And point out that I got them most from other games. and some from artist’s share
and recolor some of them to according the style.

I knew this is still use without permission,but most of these pictures are common to see and l’ll remove the art for every artist who think this mod harm their rights.
And also welcome who can help me for create arts—however no one yet:cry:

So…did you means I should not use any arts except from GD self?
Just like what you did for skills, use origin icon from the game and modify it. Because you think do what you want on arts from GD is OK…

For other source, ask for artist agree if you can before use is totally right
But…pics, for example,
You also used some other source pics.(I think)
Like your class image for the summoner before(a edited album cover, you gived the source. l lisened it, really good)
or this skeleton img
did you ask for permission before you use and edit them?:o

I think what he meant was to ask before using arts made by other people (if i understand correctly ) . I’m not sure if you did or not, but i think that would be the best way to go about it. :slight_smile:

anyways no need for anyone to feel bad, we are (mostly) all adults here, and things like this can be worked out :slight_smile:

your masteries offer little-to-no customization. add more skills so every build focused on one of your masteries isn’t the fucking same. as it is now, neither of your masteries is deserving of a place in DAIL.

… lot of anger around here… Please consider my question as genuine, just about game balancing


I’m not an expert in GD, but I’m not a nob either. Usually, in GD, I don’t like pet builds because it requires tons of points in summons skill (ok, that’s quite normal, even if it’s sad) but it also demands summoner gear that boost your summon and leave your toon quite lame.

How do you balance the fact that melee is heavily gear dependent (armor+res+dmg) with the fact that summon are also heavily gear dependent (bonus to all pets) ?

I currently can’t test the mastery, so maybe you can clear this up for me: The video indicates that “Dead Dogs” is a toggle? Meaning i have to actually kill stuff myself to spawn them, right? Which means i cant play this pure summoner style, since i need at least something that does enough damage to kill stuff on ultimate and, more important, can kill stuff/ get the last hit before the other summons kill it?

Yes, asking for permission should be the way to go if you do not wish to modify the picture to fall under fair use.
ctfx I just couldn’t let something like this slide, I hope you understand given you’re the first one who made a mastery for GD.
I’m sure people would be okay with their stuff being used as long as you specify it’s for a non-profit mod.

And don’t mistake me for hating you, I don’t, hell I bet you’re a good person, it’s just that you shouldn’t use the work of others without their permission, you know? But I guess that as long as you put a source to the pictures it will be okay here.

Speaking of putting up the source I should do so for my class picture even if it’s a heavy modification. Talk about hypocrisy! That’ll teach me.

Well isn’t that a shame it’s in DAIL.
But I agree, there is still work to be done. Hence why I made that poll to see what people want, so I can work on the promising mastery which just released. Expect work to be done on it as long as I have ideas.

If you got something to say about my rant step on my toes instead of spitting at my face.

I’m pretty much the same as you. Building an hybrid class like this where you need to go melee as well as investing in summons somewhat is a bit tricky to balance. Currently there’s a passive that boosts your damage and/or the damage of your pets, a debuffing melee skill and a T9 togglable buff skill for your survivability. Ignition can also work well to boost your damage output.

But now that you say it, there’s definitely a lack of armor and res in the skills themselves. How to add them to the mastery while they still retain some uniqueness as skills/passives compared to the vanilla ones? I don’t think I will buff the already existing skills by adding more goodies to them because it would be too much for one thing, so the best course of action I believe would be to add all that stuff to new future skills.

For now there’s three possible choices: Go hybrid, go full summon (which wouldn’t work as well as hybrid because of Dead Dogs) or go full 2H.
I’m trying to balance the whole mastery around being a hybrid character, so your damage should be split up between both your summons and yourself. Yet I don’t want the summons to be too powerful on their own, as it would make all the hybrid factor completly redundant. The 2H skills are okay for now I think, mainly because 2H weapons are still somewhat lackluster compared to dual wielding. Even though I attempt to fix that I don’t think it’ll be enough. The fact that the Skelethon will be in DAIL though should be enough as long as Cornucopia didn’t go bonkers with the Kraken or other possible buffs to 2H.

I currently can’t test the mastery, so maybe you can clear this up for me: The video indicates that “Dead Dogs” is a toggle? Meaning i have to actually kill stuff myself to spawn them, right? Which means i cant play this pure summoner style, since i need at least something that does enough damage to kill stuff on ultimate and, more important, can kill stuff/ get the last hit before the other summons kill it?

Yes, it’s a toggable buff. Every kill you make will spawn 2 warrior skeletons with a watered down version of Dead Dogs.

You can actually, if you invest in Rain Smell your archers should be able to summon warriors on their own. I may increase the chance for them to spawn one to 50% next update.
Granted you’ll be better off by going hybrid with a 2 Handed weapon.

And I have to say that the mastery isn’t yet prepared for ultimate, I realized my items are way too weak in terms of armor and suffixes. Next version should come with balance changes and hopefully a new skill. We’ll, you’ll decide in the next poll… Whenever I got enough material to make one.

;)So you also use and modier a pic that belong to others, without permission, but only give the source. (if I understand you right…Sry again for my English if you means you already asked for permission:o)

:undecided: So as I said…I also gived the tip that arts is NOT belone to me
In that tip I pointed out the main source (Guild War 2, I really like it), but not all the detail source (too many sources…I searched over from many games for suitable icon. I can add a detail list if it is really important)

As long as you modify the source material it shouldn’t be a problem since it’ll fall under fair use. You could also say “yeah it’s a parody” but don’t do that it’s pretty shitty if it’s not.
You don’t have to ask if you worked on the work. Just give credit to the original artist and all is well.

:undecided: So as I said…I also gived the tip that arts is NOT belone to me
In that tip I pointed out the main source (Guild War 2, I really like it), but not all the detail source (too many sources…I searched over from many games for suitable icon. I can add a detail list if it is really important)

Shit that was Guild Wars 2? I knew it was familiar. Is it not the first one though? The second got a pretty unique “concept art” style to it.
IMO just putting the name of the artist should work as well as for what it was made if it’s a game or something else.

No hard feelings? You’re very good at what you do.

But…You cannot(or hard to) always get the name of artist, if this is come from other games.
I think give the source (game name or other) have same effect as give the artist name.

And I don’t think modifer a pics (likes add a hat or other), is MORE “fair use” than “recolor”:cry: In fact I even not want to change the color. But I do this only for acoording the style

Jack, who use/modify before permission and without any credits = fucking stealing. yes in fact I agree with you. Jack is really asshole, just as same as these guys modifer and republish other’s mods.

Joe, who use/modify before permission, but give source like you did= OK, do it, it is fair use.

And John, who use/modify before permission, also give notice and source, but not so detail = Asshole stealer just likes Jack?

You should know that, John also give notice and source, this means he know what is right and give respect to the origin artist. He just not do this completely same as Joe.

And Joe have rights to censure John, treat he as main-target, but do nothing to Jack?
I think John will absolutely feel unhappy for this.

Sry for I talk so many shit…But I really felt so wronged after I saw this thread.:frowning:

Well let’s just end this topic. Still much works to do. And I really hope any artist can provide me pic arts which can be used in the mod.

You can but it’s hard work finding it. But I agree the game is enough.

Just like you would put a full movie on youtube just with a black & white filter doesn’t make it less fair use than someone making a critic of the movie by using clips from said movie, one is fair use and the other is copyright infringement.

Jack, who use/modify before permission and without any credits = fucking stealing. yes in fact I agree with you. Jack is really asshole, just as same as these guys modifer and republish other’s mods.


And John, who use/modify before permission, also give notice and source, but not so detail = Asshole stealer just likes Jack?
You should know that, John also give notice and source, this means he know what is right and give respect to the origin artist. He just not do this completely same as Joe.

And Joe have rights to censure John, treat he as main-target, but do nothing to Jack?
I think John will absolutely feel unhappy for this.

John would still be stealing but he would be less cunty that Jack IMO and easily forgivable.
All that said I’ve been looking at what constitutes Copyright infringement and Fair use.


Didn’t have to look much further to know that I’m actually talking about Fair Use but I’m not even doing it right. Or am I? I don’t know. The Coronus mastery picture falls under Fair use by this definition, but the picture I used and modified for Skelethon… It’s hard dude. There’s no expression on this monolith of a silhouette, I modified the face, removed the (pipes?), changed colors, added two “heads” behind, blurred out, changed the background a bit. It’s complicated, but if my vvörk doesn’t fall under fair use, so be it.

Like your use of the guy in badass armor and your icons… That’s a bit complicated as well.

Sry for I talk so many shit…But I really felt so wronged after I saw this thread.:frowning:

Well let’s just end this topic. Still much works to do. And I really hope any artist can provide me pic arts which can be used in the mod.

Don’t be sorry, you always have the right to defend yourself whatever you might have done even if it’s mass murdering. It’s just going to be impossible to defend. Copyright Infringement and fair use are a difficult line to draw.

Let’s just end this and go back to our business. I’ll modify my rant once more.
I know someone who could help you out. The drawing I commissioned (my profile picture is a part of that artwork) was made by someone who asks for money (obviously), but it’s kind of expensive nowadays, and her commissions are not always open.
Do you want me to hook you up with this person?