[MOD] MinDawn/MinDawn Mythical : QoL Mod, Extra Features, SR Changes, Multiplayer

oh i am not actually sure if you will have to do it at all, its just that ivnentory space will change a little, it will be less wide but taller (added the new caravan mod from the forums) i myself had to autosort 2 tabs with legendaries cuz the items were “out of usable space”, but in case of my component tab that was sorted similairy to yours it was fine :D, so hopefully it wotn be too much of a hassle, i swapped the caravan mods cuz the oild one had graphicval glith, and the new one comes with way bigger character inventory too

also items should stack up to 9999 with the mod now

also, any ideas on how to implement exactly shattered affixes mod are very welcomed, for now, the system stayed exactly as it was on version, i just added fixed modifiers from new SA version, and all new items from new patches as shatterable, but i would liek to expand it even more, for example adding shattered chest armors and other things as rewards for high SR, with maybe some ultiamte rewards for shard 100, but thats for future updates, anyway, any ideas are very welcomed :slight_smile:

also ill first release only mythical version, as normal version will require a little more work sicne i updated mythical first, ill need to strip it down to only nonmythical features, nonymthical version will follow shortly after

Updated mod version is finished, doing last testings, expect downloadable version tommorow (classic version is already updated too)


cool… I need many end game contents :smiley: thank you for fast update … lol
I’m really looking forward to Mythical update !

Mod was udpated to GD version


News :
Added updated inventory mod, its even bigger now :slight_smile: (you may need to autosort your tabs once in case of items glitching out of the screen)
-Fixed all the MI drops and hopefully all chest drops
-Fixed level scaling of new monsters
-Adjusted monster stats to
-Fixed few minor glitchews from previous version

What still needs testing / may need fixing :
-Monster totems, couldnt test them yet
-Shattered realm difficulty / balance / rewards are up to discussion at discord

Also i added Mod Discord link, feel free to report bugs, post your ideas or contact me directly there, i will be pretty active there i hope :slight_smile: also i added paypal donation link to main post, in case any of ya would like to support the mod :slight_smile:

please feel free to post your ideas or report bugs to the mods discord, i will gladly consider all of your ideas :slight_smile:


thank you for update.
and discord check please :smiley:

Im specially interested in SR testers, as i aim to rebalance it even more and add even more endgame rewards, please feel free to contact me in that matter

Hey totems work correctly ? Spawn ok?

Sadly i cant say, they should be working just fine, i am currently extremely busy with Shattered realm testing, but i have also mod plans for totems in future too, so ill check them, currently there is newer beta release on DC channel (link in main post), i will be releasing here now only stable mod versions

Updated to version 1.2.1, pretty major changes, dont forget to backup your characters :slight_smile:


Update 1.2.1
Mod updated for FG
Mythical :
Shattered relam difficulty reworked, difficulty extremely increased

  • shard 50 is now as hard as 100 was before
  • 50 - 100 now scales gradually more, up to extreme
  • chest rewards in normal and elite reduced
  • rewards for each shard (chest type) were changed, each new shard now improves 1 chest
  • SR timer set to 10 mins per shard, kill bonuses removed, only killing nemesis will grant 120 extra seconds now
  • Fixed all SA accesories/weapons, aded new versions for them for specific loot, more below
  • SR chest unlocked with orbs was removed
  • Added new option at Orb Dealer, allowing you to Reset your Mythical Shattered Realm progression (you can still regain progress with Mythical Waystones SX)
  • rewards after 50 increased, later on you get only Shattered loot, exactly like following
  • removed some unnceseary scripts

Each Chest

legit loot
orbs start to drop at 30

legit loot 50%
SR Rings/Medals/Necks 50%

legit loot 25%
SR Rings/Medals/Necks 50%
SR Weapons 25%

SR Weapons 30%
SR Dual Affix RMN 70%

SR Dual Affix Weapons 50%
SR Dual Affix RMN 50%

SR Dual Rare Weapons 50%
SR Dual Affix RMN 50%
medals always double devotion or skills


Still getting partial components, but when you go into vanilla, they immediately get converted to full components. Something easily dealt with :smiley:

Am I missing where writs for The Outcast faction are purchased? The Outcast don’t have a section for friendly reputation and the mod removes the writs from the respected reputation section. I’m thinking this is just something that was overlooked when moving writs to friendly rep. Though it seems like nobody mentioned this after all this time, so maybe I’m the one missing it.

Ill take look at both issues when ill release next version which will have some cosmetic rewards as bonus :slight_smile:

btw should be still officially supported by the mod as the changes are irellevenat for the mod functionality and doesnt touch same files

Sorry, Im an old guy and a little slow… This is my first time trying a mod and I just cant get it to work. I have a level 65 character in the normal game.

I downloaded this mod (both versions) and GD Stash.

I extracted Minidawn to the mods folder

I moved my character from the main folder to the user folder

I loaded my character in GD Stash, clicked modded character

I open the custom game in GD, I see my characters there, I play…

But the mod does not appear to work. Im getting 1 devotion point, venders arent selling anything special, I cross the bridge in Devils Crossing, all the monsters are level 3… I try the same things at Burrwitch Villege… Same problems… And the monsters are level 40.

Please tell me what im doing wrong. Or can someone make a video? Thank you!

I hate to say it, but I think im done with Grim Dawn for good. All I want is a mod to give me SLIGHTLY more EXP, SLIGHTLY better drops… and I cant find a mod for it… and I cant get this one to work.

I just uninstalled my game, deleted all of my characters trying to get this mod to work… and it still doesnt.

Can anyone help me? I need like a guide for a 5 year old here…

If I cant get a response… I guess im just going back to No Mans Sky.

Why do you need a mod? Simply play on Veteran instead. More monsters so more loot drops plus an extra 10% XP. Will probably be a bit slower because monsters are a bit harder to kill though.

As for installing any mod for the game:

Unzip the package you downloaded, and place MinDawn Folder into your Mods folder
(Fodler structure should be for example : grimdawn/mods/MinDawn/database/MinDawn.arz)

when updating mod, simply delete the mod folder first (grimdawn/mods/MinDawn) and procceed with fresh installation
(in order to get rid of leftover files from older versions)

To extract the files use something like WinRAR and make the path either:

Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn\mods


GOG Galaxy\Games\Grim Dawn\mods

depending on which platform you use.

Ive already beat the game like 5+ times a couple of years ago… been playing since 2017 or so. Im at the point to where I just picked up the game again, was playing vanilla (except for like GD Stash, Internals)… Progression is just too slow. Its perfect for a first time player… but its too slow for someone who has beaten the game multiple times.

The problem is, I picked up the game again when I heard the last update was out… then I created a character in Grim Tools… and while putting in like 30+ hours into that character you get ideas for like a Bleed character, a Poison character, an Internal character… which you also want to play…

I just dont have 2000+ hours to max out all of these + gear. I got a full time job and stuff… Plus Im playing NMS latest update.

I just want a mod to speed up progression… but almost all of those mods completely change the game… like giving you 100+ divotion points, 200+ levels… By the time youre out of act 1, youre level 50… I dont want that.

I jsut want something like a 15-30% XP boost, and a 50% boost in drop rate… and 2x devotions… With everything ending the way a vanilla game ends…

This game has been out for 5 years, and there is 100s of mods… how has no one created just a generic progression mod? Blows my mind. This is the closest thing to it that Ive found… And as far as I can tell this mod just doesnt work??? (surely im doing something wrong, Ive never used a mod before).

Please, someone just help me… Id love to spend the next few months focusing on GD… but I just dont want to spend that time on 1 character… Can someone please just create a generic EXP, Devotion, Loot mod… just a boost… nothing crazy that changes the game???

Yea, so there is no installing the mod… its basically jsut extracting it in the mod folder right? Ive done that.

The way to tell this mod is working is to see if the devils crossing vender is selling attribute reset potions right?

So Im playing until im friendly with DC, going to the vender… and I see him selling nothing special.

Im playing the custom game mode with a brand new character. In GD stash under that characer I have selcted “total conversion mod”… and “selected mod” -> “MinDawnClassic_1.2.0”

The mods im running are for just generic:
GD Stash
GD Internals
Item Assistant

And then for custom game, extracted in the mods folder is:
MinDawn Classic_1.2.0

Grimdawn is a fresh install on my computer, my characters are all brand new, created in the custom game.

When I click custom game, im selecting MinDawClassic_1.2.0 map0001 (something like that)

So then I run through the first mission up until I get friendly with Devils Crossing (around level 10ish), and then I go to the vender and i check if hes selling the attribute reset… I see hes not.

Ive tried this method several times.

Someone tell me what im doing wrong?

Why have you ticked total conversion?

Probably the reason no one’s made a mod is there are plenty of ways already in the game to speed up levelling via items.

Have you tried using merits?

It’s not the easiest start if you just play on Ultimate, but you level up pretty quickly. And a lot of people use the merit to unlock Ultimate and then go back into Normal and/or Elite and grab a lot of devotion shrines before they start playing in Ultimate.