I combined all Patch Notes into one for better readability.
Patch 1
I made these changes mostly based on what I saw in RektbyProtoss’s playthrough of this mod. You can check it out on his Youtube channel.
(ULTIMATE) Reduced the frequency of the God Events
- Interval can range from 20 to 12 minutes depending on your current Corruption Tier
- Depending on how you manage the Favor of the Gods, hostile encounters should on average only appear around every 40 to 25 minutes
(+) Reduced the chance of the Scion of Famine encounter spawning from the God Events
- Nydiamar Dungeons they have a 13% chance to spawn with max Corruption
- Nydiamar they have a < 5% chance to spawn with max Corruption
(ULTIMATE) Blessings now only last 90 minutes
- You can reapply them (reset their duration) whenever you want, but doing so might weaken the Blessings should you be over the threshold (Level 35 & 70)
- You can only reapply the amount of Blessings you are supposed to have with your current Character Level (thresholds are Level 50 (three active at once) & 85 (two active at once))
- (+) Removed the Notifications inside Siegmar’s Challenge since they were not working correctly and therefore pointless
(+) Reworked Arena of Sedaah
- You can now loot the Arena of Sedaah even when you have lost a fight, but the entry fee is now 65 000 Iron Bits instead of 10 000 Iron Bits
- Improved the dialog
- Added more information about the mechanic and how it works
- Added an option to open multiple Bundle of Currency at once
- Added dialog that tells you when a Friendly Encounter is too expensive and therefore could not be added to your line up
- Reduced the amount of Currency of Sedaah one gets from the bundles
- Small Bundle of Currency — 25 > 15
- Bundle of Currency — 75 > 40
- Large Bundle of Currency — 150 > 115
- Rebalanced the cost of some of the cheaper Friendly Encounters, as well as some Tier 1 Opponents
(+) Reworked Odul Aela’s Dungeon
- Improved the dialog
- Both Confused Persons now reward various Beutekugeln
- Amount rewarded increases should you encounter them a second time
- Meeting the Goat before an encounter increases the rewarded amount further
- Ambush now spawns two waves instead of one, and Advanced Ambush spawns four instead of two
- Rebalanced the outcome chances
(+) Reworked the Juggernaut Curse in Sanctuary
- Health Points — +1000% > +400%
- Health Regeneration — +100%
- Physique — +0% > +10%
- Max Resistances — +10% > +3%
- Defensive Ability — +100% > -1000%
- Offensive Ability — -30%
- Damage — -30%
- Run Speed — -40% > -20%
- Attack & Cast Speed — -35%
- CC Resistances — -100% > -200% (which increases their duration — you now might get stun locked if you are not careful enough)
- (+) Improved dialog structure of the Lectern of Wisdom
- (–) Rewrote the dialog of Enya’s Vision
(–) Reduced Loot Drops by replacing a drop with either nothing or a filler Beutekugel
- In my opinion Nydiamar is a bit too rewarding — you get thrown so much loot at you wherever you go that it stops feeling impactful
- This change is completely optional and must be installed separately
- Recommended for people who want a slower progression with more meaningful choices when it comes to deciding which dungeons to run or what mechanics to focus on (e.g. the Arena of Sedaah)
- (+) Added additional Suspicious Scarecrows to the mod
Patch 2
(–) Reworked the god-awful Yamuna Forest
- Removed trees and vegetation
- Removed Newdgwoth Woods
- Removed bridge leading directly into the forest
- Reduced dreamy filter effect
- Added enemies to the area
- Added chests to the area
Yamuna Forest (Old)
Yamuna Forest (New)
Patch 3
(+) Updated the Diablo 3 Classes mod to version 3.7
- Read the full Patch Notes here
(+) All Uniques (of Epic and Legendary quality) can now have Rare Affixes
- Intended for Nydiamar Dungeons to make loot slightly more relevant, but can also be applied to Nydiamar
- Some might consider this a quite stupid change, so I made it completely optional
Affixes for Uniques
Patch 4
- (ULTIMATE) Blessings can now be reapplied
Patch 5
(+) Increased the difficulty / strength of all enemies
Nydiamar (Ultimate)
- Damage: -10% > +2%
- Damage (Physical): +27% > +32%
- Health Points: +580% > +700%
- (Patch 5-2) Health Points: +580% > +580%
Nydiamar Dungeons
- Damage: -10% > +5%
- Damage (Physical): +27% > +34%
- Health Points: +580% > +780%
- (Patch 5-2) Health Points: +580% > +640%
- Blessings should compensate this increase in difficulty
Nydiamar (Ultimate)
- (+) Blessings now last for the entire game session for characters above Level 84
(DUNGEONS) Blessings besides the Health Blessing (duh) now reduce Health Points
- (All) Health Points: +0% > -10%
- (Resistances) Max Resistances: +5% > +3%
- (+) Updated Diablo 3 classes to latest version
Patch 6
(+) Fixed spawn issues inside Siegmar’s Challenge
- I identified a minor mistake in this dumpster fire of a script, hopefully this fixes any issues that were left
- I assume there was only a low chance of around 20% that there would be an issue to begin with, which lead to me not catching it
- (DIABLO 3) Fixed and rebalanced the Diablo 3 boss encounters inside Siegmar’s Challenge
- (ULTIMATE) Reduced the spawn intervals inside the Ice Cave
(DUNGEONS) Added One Punch Guy and Suspicious Scarecrow as pets
- Available only inside Nydiamar Dungeons
- Do something with the Training Dummies to unlock them, the Lectern of Wisdom might sometimes offer you a hint
- They are not cosmetic and can actually help you