[Mod] Nydiamar

Mmmh, the Part with the Puzzle.

My thoughts to that:

If you step on the first tile and go up --> right --> down!! --> right --> up and so on, any of those tiles could be possible at that moment, even if you are already in the second line.
Even in your solution it would be possible to go down --> left --> up --> up again (the secret is seperated from the path as mentioned).
The only tile which has a real 0% chance is the tile to the right in the second row, because you can’t cross the already used second line anymore.
Anyways thx for the solution. I’m a little sad, because i got the right idea and was on the right path…damn it. Just like in an adventure in the good old days :slight_smile:

Edit 1: Nightmare
Yes i i have run through it. But the check quest hasn’t checked nightmare. So are you only able to do it once?

The unwritten rule that might lead to confusion is that the correct path (the “tail”) can not touch “itself”. Basically, there is no actual path, but only correct/allowed tiles. Hard to explain, English is not my native language.

In this case there would have been no reason for the “tail” to go down, left, and then up, since it would then “touch” itself — instead it would need to go directly to the left to avoid this. Therefore the tile below can never be correct, since the “tail” then would have no way to reach the end.

That’s right, but before this tile turns into a “0% tile”, it actually had once a 1/2 chance to be the next one (when you stand on the left tile to it) — that is why this one is ruled out. This must be assumed without being written anywhere, or else you could have multiple “0% tiles”.

As for the first row, there can only be one correct tile on it, or else you would have multiple “start points” for the puzzle, since it is all about the correct tiles, not the path you take. Also, before knowing the first tile, you would assume that every tile could be the one — therefore the chance of 1/6, which rules them all out.

Honestly not that good of a puzzle, I only added it in as an afterthought!

Nightmare can be repeated and should get marked as completed after returning back to Edge of Eternity.

Did you complete the “A Dream” again?

Yes several times since yesterday. I even started a few times a new game with the char in hope to get the nightmare again but only “A dream” occurs.

Edit: Another Feedback
The Otherworldly encounter is really hard. I’m okay with the Demon (one of the hardest encounters in vanilla as far as i know), i’m even okay with the adds BUT the “arena” in which you have to fight is a little bit to tiny. Even with 88% slowresist i got slowed down so hard, that the Demon is finishing me easy.
Yes, i know that my equip is far from perfect, and i know that i have a few levels left. But the size of this area is imo a little bit to small :slight_smile:

What do you mean with starting a new game?

About the fight, I just changed it with the last update and have yet to give it a try myself. It is supposed to be the hardest fight in the mod right now, but the arena indeed seems too small — will change that.

EDIT: Overwrite your files (in resources) with the extracted .arc below. This is no bugfix or anything, looking at the script it should always work, so no idea why it does not. But the change I made guarantees that you have a nightmare, the normal dream just can no longer happen.

Scripts.zip (135.9 KB)

Going back into main menu and starting from there on or even starting GD again.

Suddenly it is working again. Recently started a few minutes ago a new run with my char and tada. Weard, because this was something about the 30ish try. Anyway, will conquer it now to get the so important check mark :wink:

But thx for your effort. So cool to see that you take a look at feedback and think about it. I hope that my donation (few days ago) has made it’s way through paypal. You really deserve it.

Greetz and stay healthy.

Edit: Okay finished the nightmare :slight_smile:
Now this pesky Warden(s) will fall. With my last try i was down to only one Warden left. And then i tried the key to open up tunnel to the camp…because of using the 2 chances to open up the area after death again even before that, i was like “NOOOOOOOOOOOO” :rofl:

–> Got them!!!

Edit 2:
Is this intended that a lot of components don’t drop at all? I really like to have all components at once and sorted by the equipment they are able to enchant in my shared stash. Now at Level 86 i haven’t found more then nearly a third (maybe half…dunno exactly) of them. The forge is sorted by name, which is really annoying if you are searching for a component for your Headarmor for example.
Then i thought “okay, nevermind i will craft them one after the other”. But after seeing the costs of some of them i’m not so sure anymore :slight_smile: (what a grind i have to do…).

Furthermore: The balancing of the diablo 3 gems feels a little bit awkward in case of dropping and getting them. Imo you get them quite to early at their best level (royal i think) and can’t do so much with them. I have seen that you will need them for the mythical diablo 3 Level 90 relics but one of all of them is really cheap. Right now i have more then 16 - 50 - 50 - 50 of all Levels (beginning with royal).

Yeah, noticed the dono recently, thank you very much! The link is there to feel a bit better about the insane time I put into this, but I never expect them, so really appreciated.

The Wardens are already quite something, but to give you an idea how much harder and over-tuned Nydiamar Dungeons can be — they all split there once more, leading to overall 24 Wardens, and you only got one try! Although it can be completely skipped, since the third Nydiamar Arx unlocks either way.

About the components, reason is probably that you don’t fight much of the non-base enemies. I use the same loottables as the main campaign, so there should be no difference, although I can check if I can somehow include them ALL in the Beutekugeln. The Diablo 3 stuff is developed and tested for the vanilla campaign, where this might feel a bit different than here, and I don’t want to make any changes to the intended balancing, this way I can’t screw anything up.

As a tip, you can farm a lot of Iron Bits by repeating the Ancient Ruins (right after the Nehada Desert) a few times. There are two chests located in there, near the “balcony” and right next to each other, called Chests (Monster Infrequents) or something. They drop a lot of valuable items that sell for quite a bit.

Okay thx for the tips. But what do you mean with non-base enemies? I cleared every area more then once and the last days a few roguelike dungeons again.

The point about the wardens in the Dungeon Version sounds great :slight_smile:

Feedback to the exchange in Oduls Dungeon: Would be nice to know that 5 for 5 is meant to change all of your components out of your inventory at once :slight_smile: I accidently changed 257 claws into crystals, lol.

bzw: Really appreciate the joke about Hans and Peter at the graveyard (just before the Tomb). I’m from germany and both names are so typical german ones :slight_smile:

Edit: Okay i take a closer look to one of the merchants and the costs for one of the components isn’t to expensive anymore (as you have mentioned it a few posts in the past). The merchant is selling all possible components, isn’t she?

Most areas and dungeons use basic enemies like Skeletons, Ghosts, Zombies, Chthonics and so on, not much from the expansions, where lots of special components are from.

About the crystal exchange, that is just a dialog that takes 5 and gives you 5, no idea how this is even possible?! Give it another try, reload (ALT-F4) if it happens again!

I’m also german, as you might have noticed with “Beutekugel”!

Yes about the merchant.

Noticed that, but i thought that is something like the word “Kindergarten” :rofl:

Is it intended that the ghosts of the PAssage II doesn’t count for the Undead bounty? I come to the area with 1111 and sadly no ghost has counted towards the goal of 2750?

Not intended, I quickly fixed it, only took a few minutes. Also, doing the bounty there is a bit unethical, the dungeon alone gives one a few thousand tokens.

Patch 3 | Patch Notes

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Any hint what it is all about with the miniature in the Ancient Ruins? If i switch into it i can’t do anything else then run around and leave the area in the end.

Btw: To click the lecture is a little bit annoying, because the hitbox of it is really tiny (only nearly the “head” of the lecture the needed mouspointer occurs) Maybe a little bit misplaced or maybe a solution problem on my side? (Playing in 2540x1440 in 16:9)

Another Point: Why not playing this awesome title at the end of the Ancient Ruins (inner area) in the whole Ancient Ruins? I really love the music at that point and before it the Music is only Vanilla GD Music (which is already used in other areas ^^). Seems like a waste of this great title, because the moment it becomes real epic the fight is already over :slight_smile:

Edit: Today i have had my first “conversation” with Tyrael. Very intens and very close conversation indeed. Aaaaand very short. First impression: WTF oO XD

Edit 2: HAve finished anything except Mythical Dungeon, 3 Part of Sigmaels (see the “chat” with Tyrael above), and Escalation. Level 90 reached. Sadly no good setpieces found so far. Next thing will be to farm a little bit gold to use a good chunk of my forgotten souls (have nearly 300 hundred at the moment).

There is one out-of-place thing in the miniature map that is quite pointy and also throws a shadow somewhere.

Tried to fix the lectern hitbox (and others too), could not figure out how, unfortunately.

I might do a full playthrough (which I actually never did before!) near the end of this year with a clear mind, then I might also redo some balancing and soundtrack stuff.

Escalation can be found in Siegmar’s Landing. Requires a powerful PC to get far, consider using the Defense Materials, they are very handy there!

Sorry i’m to stupid :slight_smile:
I don’t see anything “out of place” (whatever that mean), and does that mean, that the “real” treasure is in the normal world, and the miniature is only a hint by itself?
(Vor Allem frage ich mich gerade, ob ich das dann evtl. auch einfach so schon gefunden habe? Wusste gerade nicht wie ich den letzten Satz auf Englisch schreiben soll ^^)

Edit: The only shadow that is really pointing is the one above the spot of the nemesis. Mmmhhh, okay…maybe something is there now in the real world, after i used the miniature.

Edit: Nope i don’t get it :frowning: And after reading more about it (in this thread) i understand why i’m not able to find the mystic river dungeon, too. Really weard, because i run circles in this Area and can’t find it :frowning:

The out-of-place (fence)post right next to the sphere throws a pointy shadow showing you the location of something. That something is always random and only spawns after accessing this miniature map.

There is a very very very low chance of it not working for some ridiculous reason, never happened to me in my 30+ tries testing it, but it got reported once. Just reload the session and try again then.

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Okay thx. But where is the entrance to the mythic river (because if this something is RNG it can’t be an entrance)?

The pointy shadow shows you the entrance.

EDIT: Entrance only spawns after going there once, and then it gets decided where to spawn it.

Ah okay by that something you really mean the shadow is RNG, because after the restart the shadow is pointing to the right not to the south in my game.
And yes this time the entrance spawnt. So if i get it right: Using the miniature proccing the entrance, but going back to the desert and leaving it, is turning the entrance of?

That would be the reason why i haven’t seen it in all other games. Specially in todays cleaning up the whole desert and running circles for 30 Minutes or so :slight_smile:

Anyway thx again. Now i will conquer the last roguelike dungeon. As long as not Tyrael is waitung at the end, i’m quite confident to get it down XD

I thought i have seen anything possible in GD, but Mystic River is really nuts XDDDDDDD
Played till 350 and killed even the nemesis. Sadly after that i run into to much enemys at once and got a FPS of maybe 5, then i was cornered and dead.

But it is really funny to play it. Luckily i was able to use the chest with the 2 Skill Points :slight_smile:

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Any advise what i could do with the strange Key, dropped before the final Boss. I don’t mean the Key for Nydiamar Dungeons. It looks like the key from Vanilla GD (Act 1, Hidden Area of the Cult of Choton), so maybe it is a “rest” from Vanilla GD and there is nothing about it?

You right, just delete the key. Gonna remove it in the future.

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