[Mod] Reign of Terror

I got addicted to the mod late last night and couldn’t stop playing it. INITIALLY, when I started it was a total trip after playing actual D2 mods for the last month or so. I’d been away from this mod for awhile and had forgotten the emotional impact.

I’m playing the new Paladin. It’s great so far, and the game is quite challenging while offering the player brief feeling of great power before it ramps up. About level 11 or so. I’ve enjoyed all the skills I’ve used so far, Holy Fire and Holy Bolt.

Is the Radament kill count what’s making him unkillable on normal difficulty without the hotfix?

I’ve downloaded the hotfix and radament is still unkillable in normal. He gets down to like 10% health and then it doesn’t move.

This new patches monster difficulty might be a bit overtuned. My Necromancer is end game geared and I cant touch things in Hell difficulty now, let alone a boss.

Yeah, not a fan of this new patch, the health of the monsters is waay to high. Gonna revert my game back to an older patch.

Update released.


ReignOfTerror_v0.6.5.3.rar (1,3GB) Google Drive

ReignOfTerror_v0.6.5.3.rar (1,3GB) GoFile


  • Drag and drop “ReignOfTerror” folder (located in ReignOfTerror_v0.6.5.3.rar) into your Grim Dawn/mods folder and overwrite all files


  • Update is compatible only with Ashes of Malmouth + Forgotten Gods expansions and RoT version or later


>>>>>>> Click here to show Changelog <<<<<<<


  • Fixed monster hp scaling in A4/A5 on NM and Hell difficulty
  • Fixed Radament hp regeneration on Normal difficulty
  • Fixed “-2 billion hp monsters” in Act 3-5 on Hell difficulty
  • Globally lowered CB resists of regular monsters and hero packs between 5-15%
  • Reduced the life regen value by 40% for monsters who had the regen-ability
  • Reduced the damage absorption from 65% to 15% to monsters who had a damage absorb ability
  • Increased cd of Mephisto’s Doom circle ability from 11 to 16 seconds
  • Adjusted hp of various monsters on all difficulties


  • Bone Shade, Bone Armor modifier: removed flat magic damage, removed all chaos damage bonuses
  • Bone Shade, Bone Spirit Modifier: Lowered Total Damage modifier from 75% to 25%
  • Stormblessed set: swapped the number for chance for bonus lightning damage (35% for 600% dmg)
  • Griswold’s set & Items, Blessed Hammer & FoH modifier: lowered the weapon damage granted
  • Monster Infrequent RoT Prefixes: Removed all skill modifiers from the Armor MIs (only on weapons and jewellery)
  • Monster Infrequent Pain’s Prefix: Fixed the %hp value
  • Monster Infrequent Terror’s Prefix: Fixed the %hp value. Armor pieces give %hp, weapons & jewellery a flat amount



  • Fixed Grim Ward debuf scaling on higher levels


  • Conversion: increased weapon damage, added retaliation damage added to attack, increased conversion duration
  • Blessed Hammer: Received a better damage scaling
  • Redemption: Shortest cd is now 12 seconds. Max duration set to 10 seconds.
  • Resist cold/fire/lightning: Increased skill investment required to reach 4% max resists
  • Blessed Aim: reduced the AR gained per skill rank, slightly lowered bonus critical damage
  • Bone Spirit: Lowered damage slightly. Added 1 fragment. Increased mana cost
  • Bone Spear: lowered Max magic damage by ~10%


  • Mind Blast: increased duration to 5 seconds. Added chaos damage. Added chaos and physical resist reduction. Reduced conversion chance by ~80%


  • Fixed pathing in various SR maps

Patch didn’t change the HP’s, everything still has millions upon millions of HP in Hell. Not that it really matters, Mephisto kills my level 36 skeletons in about 3 seconds.

I have continued to enjoy the difficulty in Normal + as I felt pressured to fully max charged bolt before I move onward to other skills to have more kill power for my second maxed skill before level 20.

The guy protecting the anvil in act one felt like the butcher and was pretty frightening, LOL. Barely beat him. :smiley:

I am confused by the comment about current Hell difficulty saying they all have “millions upon millions” of HP when the patch was to fix the “billions” of HP.

EDIT: or was that monsters with a negative number in HP?

Im assuming some monsters ended up having billions of HP, like rare ones. The only way I can kill anything in Hell right now is with Ber runes for the crushing blow, and since that doesn’t work on bosses there is literally no way I can kill a boss like Mephisto in this new patch at the moment. I played D2 for well over a decade, and the previous version of this MOD seemed pretty in line with the difficulty that I recall on normal, nightmare, and hell. Of course I can only comment on the characters that I have played through each difficulty so far. This version however increased monster health in Hell exponentially while player damage did not change from what I can tell.

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I have an act 5 Nightmare summoning necro I haven’t played in ages. I could try it out myself if I’m up to it. I was playing it before things became much easier again until this latest update/patches. It’s hard for me psychologically to play older characters, but I just may to see how it feels in comparison. Maybe I’ll get addicted with it again. :wink:

Act 4-5 Hell hp scaling was the biggest change in this patch, you won’t see much of a difference in previous acts.


Crushing blow works on all bosses, including ubers and worldbosses. As far as mephisto goes, you need to micromanage your minions out of the blue doom circle he casts.

Also, player damage did not go up much, as it already was too high. The monster HP went up to better match the damage output of players.

I have level 36 skeletons, 32 mages. The white mobs in Durance of Hate have 3 million HP’s. I have to sit there for 2 minutes spamming amplify damage to kill white trash mobs. I know all the items D2 offers and Grim Dawn, there is no way to progress this character to the point that it can do any further damage that would make a significant difference on these mobs. Having to perfectly micro every single minion I have in a fight that will take me hours to complete such as Mephisto is unrealistic. If crushing blow works on him then I’m not sure the mechanics of it because I spent a good 5 minutes fighting him multiple times, resummoning minions as I could and in all that time of them hitting him his HP bar never went down even a sliver that I could see.

In act 2 sewers, just killed Radamant. Around level 23 or so.

Holy Fire is great, so I expect no issues when I move to Holy Shock later in my build. Damage isn’t OP but greatly helpful. Normal +.

Cosmetic issue: Holy bolt either detonates in front of an enemy or on an enemy, not sure why it fails to detonate in the center at certain times and other times it does. It doesn’t seem to affect gameplay. Maybe unsophisticated hit boxes (collision detection) are the problem.

Gameplay issue: When using holy bolt near a wall it sounds like it’s gone off but no damage occurs. My guess is the game is absorbing it into the wall, because when I fire directly away from the wall at a right or near right angle it’s suddenly just fine.

Gameplay issue: The large dual wielding enemies, sand something, sand raiders? They often run into the walls when running otherwise very quickly toward you. Minor issue. I guess that’s a tracking problem, specifically in the sewers levels. They don’t stay stuck, but it’s noticeable because of their extreme speed.

Played through a great deal of act 1 before being consciously aware most areas had no music. Easily resolved this by pressing escape to the in game menu before hitting the windows key or alt tabbing out. Game sound stayed intact.

Note: I was just telling a good friend of mine, after a month of playing a REALLY good older D2 mod I actually enjoy more than Eastern Sun currently (Requiem of Sorrow, no skill point reassigning allowed), I mentioned that this Grim Dawn mod so far plays far better than most D2 mods I’ve ever played.

What am I doing wrong? I had to reinstall windows, so I began again…started then replaced files found within the new .06.3.5 update. It has to be something dumb, Ive never had any sort of issue like this RoT. Thank you!


I finally realized language was not on English, But English (colorful Grimarillion). Going back to English fixed the issue, dont be me guys :stuck_out_tongue:

This mod has become very unfun with the last few patches. Having to be geared to the teeth at all times from the start of normal just to make it from one zone to another. The mobs have such ridiculously high health and with the bosses, all i see is “fumble, miss, fumble”. I really wanna keep playing it cause it use to be great, but these changes are a mod killer, sorry.

Sadly I have to agree with the latest criticism regarding monster health. In act 1 and 2 of hell difficulty white mobs have 5 times the HP now, what was 300.000 is now 1.5m. This slows down combat to a crawl, unless your’re a player with a stash full of endgame gear. They might hardly notice the difference, but anybody else, who’s still in the process of collecting stuff certainly will.

I’m playing SSF, which means for every new char I have to gather gear again and let me tell you that the latest update completely destroyed the flow of the game for me. But even with better gear you will have to stop more to fight trash mobs and that’s not what a loot-based hack&slay should be about, it’s not Dark Souls after all. Raising the HP didn’t make encounters more challenging, the mobs are as dumb as ever…it only made it more tedious and time-consuming. And that’s never something a game should aim for.

I already reverted back and really hope this change will not be kept for future updates.

This mod has always been inteded to be challenging. The only reason why older versions were so easy was due to me not having time to adjust the difficulty earlier. When I started working on RoT, my intention was to recreate memories of playing D2 solo on P8 difficulty and I don’t recall one shotting anything during leveling process back then so the current changes achieved exactly that.

RoT campaign is no longer something that you can easily faceroll through with any random build/gear and that’s absolutely intended. Played is supposed to theorycraft / farm lower level content in order to prepare the character for the next boss / act / difficulty which also serves as a preparation for the endgame content. Don’t see anything wrong with that.

Don’t expect the future updates to be too much different because once again, the current difficulty has been intended from the day 1 of creating this mod. Obviously, there will be further balancing but only to smooth certain areas and not to return back to the on previous versions, which were not intended.

I hope you realise the monsters in act5 had way too low HP. In Nm and Hell, monsters in act1 even had more HP than in act5. While I agree that makes for a very fast walkthrough, it’s hardly how it’s supposed to be. Now with a proper HP scaling over the acts and difficulties, this HP value is where you end up. Additionally, the majority of monsters had 0 resists in all difficulties. Resists now too increase with difficulty, so getting resist reduction is actually important now, while you could do without before.

It’s slower for sure, but a more real experience. And who doesn’t remember getting one-shot out of nowhere by those Gloam’s in D2 original? It was quite a brutal game at times.

Balancing of the monsters is not finished yet, so the experiene will smoothen out over future patches, but don’t expect that monsters in act5 will have less HP than act1.

The new MIs can carry you through the content early game, it’s worth farming those early on for certain builds. The basic GD component fireball or something similar will also carry you till lvl10-13 or so.

Well, it was fun while it lasted I guess. If your goal really is to make it challenging, this change does nothing in that regard. My summons still don’t die, they only take 5 times as long to kill things now. No challenge to be found in that, only tedium. By that logic, why not give everything 100 times the HP, then you would have created the most challenging game…right? Why stop at the P8 setting as inspiration? There are mods out there that let you go over 100 with that. You know the difference? Those settings were always optional, they did not force it on you.

@Fuzzydunlop Nowhere did I talk about Act 5, I specifically referred to Act 1+2. And I’m certainly not in need of a carry for early game progression either. I don’t have a problem with the difficulty of the game, only with the time it takes to get through it after the update.