There seems to be a problem with using Grim internals with Reign of Terror. When running GI while playing RoT, components won’t auto complete in inventory.
That’s because 0.6.0 was released around the same time as GD so I haven’t had a chance to include some of the new features in the mod. New features will be added in future updates.
Does 0.6.0 include GD items and classes?
Yes, it does.
Cool! Exceptional mod! Congrats to the team!
I will reinforce that a max of 20 of any one summon type is far too many. I feel 10 should be the maximum. Running MSI Afterburner to keep track of FPS, with just 12 skeleton warriors, 12 skeleton mages and Razan merc, have all Video options turned on/maxed except for Shadows and during some larger fights my FPS IS dropping below the 60 max I have it locked at.
Is it because this is a mod that it absolutely HATES 3rd party programs? If I use GD Defiler to change absolutely ANYTHING, the mod disables all the waypoint portals I’ve already opened (can’t remember if I asked about this before).
3rd party tools are usually made for the base game, not mods. Therefore any custom mod asset may cause issues when using them because the info from these custom assets is not present in such tools.
Summon limit is probably way too high indeed, this was part of boosting summon builds in late game but I also feel like 20+ is a bit too much and may cause performance issues so this number is likely to be lowered while boosting their dmg output in the next update.
Sounds good. 19 warriors, 19 mages, oak sage and merc put me around 50fps in the Rogue Encampment and not even in combat. Don’t really want to lower graphics options cause the mod is looking at its best with the latest patch (and spell effects in the darker areas look fantastic).
Do the recent changes to the game affect the difficulty of RoT and other mods like Grim Dawn Reborn?
Depends whether a mod uses modified files that alter these settings or not. I am not familiar with all the changes made in the latest GD update but RoT uses modified diff settings and custom map so I’d assume that majority of the changes made to the base game are not present here.
Tried a few fresh characters and felt mostly smooth with the exceptions of levels 2 and 3 (without transfering any gear). Level 2 felt especially painful, could level 2 and 3 cost like 1/3 to 1/2 the xp required and then leave everything as is or maybe at least give the players a stack of healing pots to start with (5ish)?
I played a few hours of Diablo 2 yesterday then saw your post. Downloading this right now, at a painful but full of hype 70KB/s!
Thanks for all the time you invested in that, it definitely looks promising.
There is a balance hotfix in works that should address some of these issues.
You can get any resist gear from vendors. Gems / runes also give quite a lot of resist.
Ram, any chance we could get a vendor in town that just sells all the augments? It would be a nice QOL change, instead of needing to make a ton of games to find the specific ones we want.
Are runes droprates in this mod similar to Diablo 2 or better? I hope it’s a bit more singleplayer-friendly than 1 ist every 1000 countess runs.
Drop chance of Ist rune from Hell Countess is about 1 in 200 in 1.14 Diablo II
AND with Grim Dawn patch, the options to switch between Personal Stash and Shared Stash are now gone.
It’s not gone…
it’s just been slightly modified.
You mean in Reign of terror mod or in the base game?