[Mod] Reign of Terror

RoT characters should be played only in RoT otherwise you will encounter issues as all custom made assets are deleted upon loading main GD campaign or any other mod that does not have the same assets. If you don’t have character saves backed up then there is no other way to get those WPs back (other than discovering them again).

making some headway on a base for the barbarian’s armor sets, I need to find a way to hide that neck seam.
I took some liberties with his war paint, since the head uses mirroring for the back of the head and the neck, so I couldn’t make it look like his renders. I also added war paint to his chest styled after one of the low level cloth armor appearances from D3, it looked a bit too empty without it. I was able to put unique tattoos on both arms since thankfully they weren’t mirrored, you might recognize them if you look close enough.

Once I figure out something for the neck seam and make some minor mesh adjustments to the legs I can start putting together the armor sets proper. Hopefully mixing parts of TQ armors with stuff sourced from GD sets doesn’t look too jarring.


That’s really cool!

Thanks for the reply. I fixed the issue and I haven’t encountered any more problems.

Kudos again for this wonderful mod!

As you enter the first jail level in act 1, there is a staircase close to the entrance that is pretty much impossible to get down without rotating the camera. It is my opinion these kinds of things shouldn’t exist, because some players don’t like rotating the camera or forget that is a feature. I generally don’t myself because it makes me forget what direction I’m going, although it can be fun to play that way.

In the cathedral there seems to be some kind of a path-finding error on the north east side above where you kill the boss. You have to change directions to cross the path in different parts. When you do so, it pops your character somewhere nearby. If you try to cross, your character just stays stuck there and goes nowhere.

By the way, I’m almost done with act 1. A few tough spots but it seems most builds would suffer below level 10 for the most part. After that it seems ok (so far). I’m level 16.

Well it was mentioned that updates to GD screwed balance hard in the mod (which I can attest to, with normal+ being balls hard and the ancients on normal cockblocking me from progressing), so it’s being (hopefully) corrected in the imminent patch.

Also I probably should have asked about this before I started doing my models, but I’ve noticed that most GD meshes for armor only use one diffuse texture per model, I really hope this isn’t a hard limit on how many textures I can use per mesh, cause otherwise I would have to consolidate textures into one sheet and move uv’s around and I’d rather not have to. And in that case I hope there’s no size limit either, since most are 512x512

I am aware of this, and that is why I gave some feedback, especially since the current focus is on balance/progression, and there didn’t seem to be a true understanding of the current state of the game.

You can have as many separate textures as you want as long as you keep paths in mod source the same when building them in AM and you can use any texture size, not just 512x512.

Video footage or screenshot would be appreciated. Also, make sure to zoom out as much as possible when experiencing LoS issues.

Oh good, that makes it a lot easier for me.

After meddling with the camera, you can revert camera back to default by pressing Num2 button.

Was wondering how you’re supposed to recollect the mercenary you hire if you want to replace your charm.

I remember back in the day they were part of boot augmentation but for some reason I can’t remove them from charms. Is that intentional?

You can’t because I changed merc item type from boots component to medal augment to free up comp. slot. Merc cost was reduced as a compensation.

Ah okies. Well that makes sense but certainly makes buying a new merc every time I replace a charm makes the decision far more difficult. Thanks for the answer. :smiley:

Just vendor a medal that gives +3 you main D2 dmg skill and you won’t need to change medal till engame.

I haven’t given a lot of look at vendor gear. If that’s the case though i’ll certainly take a peek!

Could someone explain to me how to create an.arc because I’ve been trying for a long time and I can’t do it? It would be cool to explain to me or to have a little guide because even in the modding guide it doesn’t explain how to do or I didn’t understand, it must be simple though.
That would be really nice.

Edit : I found a way to transfer the.cnv files to.tex

Good observation. Yes, zooming out allows me to see the path and then I can hit “2” and go back to default. That makes the early jail level accessible to players without rotating.

I don’t rotate because of a poor implementation in the game. This is a Grim Dawn complaint and not something against the mod. If I hit “2” to know where I’ve been, it is very jarring if it has to twist all the way around, and why I don’t like rotating in the first place. However, I finally noticed a “North” compass, I didn’t even know that was in the game because I so seldom use free camera. My bad. :wink: I could manually go to north and then press 2 if I’d zoomed to get back to default! I haven’t reported any secret areas or hard to find places, because they are not part of the default path.

EDIT: as far as screenshots, I will need to load another instance of the game and make sure these issues occur on a fresh load, I have a bad habit of running the games at days at a time. I will need to make sure I’m willing to sacrifice the time to give screenshots of all previously reported bugs as well, to make it worth it.

I am also a bit stuck in act 1 because Andariel was too rough for me at level 16 (not enough DPS, I was able to survive), also died 3 times to an elite pack on on the level before.

EDIT 2: I took her down, was just a big pain, could push enough DPS if I kept my hireling alive.

“Poor Implementation”. I’d argue for an slightly fast action-paced Isometric ARPG it’s so far one of the best Implementation we had so far, maybe Sacred 2 would be the only one which did better. Than again Sacred 2, while considered as a “ARPG”, have a different pace than ARPG’s like Diablo, Grim Dawn etc, so i’d argue you can’t make them that good anyway. Due the pace and the focus on action the Camera feels clunky / annoying either way. Such Free-Cam works better for proper slow-paced RPG’s like Divinity than ARPG’s…

You can make something like that.
A similar problem exists in other games also. For example, here is one solution for Fallout 3.

Hey Ram,

I’m not sure what all is being updated in the balance patch, but is it safe to start playing now? Or are some of the changes critical to where i would have to create a new character?