We will discuss GD WPS procs support for bows / javelins internally to see if there is any capacity for implementing it.
There is absolutely no way of me undertaking the task of porting over GD campaign into RoT. Everyone else is currently busy working on planned content for the mod so I don’t see this happening.
All quest items in the mod are re-obtainable so simply go pick them up again in a new game session and craft another staff.
I played D2 some 15+ years ago LOL I dont remember literally anything! Thank you for the locations tho I would have done a complete A2 redo without that knowledge. Thats honestly ok, Im enjoying the mod that much
I’ve a question, can I stack or can have multiple aura active ? In my paladin passive they said exclusive skill but item that give aura count as exclusive as well ? For example Dreamer paladin Dream runeword in helm + shield + another aura give by paladin skill.
It’s exactly the way it was in D2. For Omnidin (using all 3 Holy damage auras), Doom 1H mace, Dragon chest, Dream helm and Exile shield. They are Runewords so you will have to do much grinding in order craft them. Once you can craft them though you’re pretty much invincible.
hmm its me or goblin in hell have too much damage reduction and healths ? I’ve clear and farm hell ( beside uber ) but i can’t even down the goblin to 50% of hes health before he tp. The only way i can kill those in hell is in Rift when u fill the bar lol. I get a bit mad when it happen goblin are so rare My damage in single target is not super great but i can kill all bosses in hell beside uber prety well so. Maybe im dumb and its supposed to be that way
How hard would it be to port classes/skill point max/devotion point max/items over to a standard GD map? Seems like that would be a different take on what you were trying to do there. I’m not sure how you work items into the global loot drop pool or whatever though.
Classic Necromancer, I think Bone Spirit doesn’t work when I summon it nothing happen no avatar, no icon ??
Inventory there is only 2 bags in normal it is little little and have to wait Cairn in nightmare to get another one and so on. My feeling is it would be better to get the whole set of bags at the end of normal.
Another thing is most of skills are exclusive, only one activate, that’s reduce the possibilities for fighting overall for Paladin class.
About goblins, they are very, very rare, maximum one per act, not always, and quite impossible to kill. I have almost ended normal with all classes and encounter only 4 or 5 killing 2 one drop a key the other items. I think we need more goblins.
It is currently impossible for Bone Spirit to act like it does in Diablo 2. Otherwise, for me, when there’s a target it works just fine (did in the past anyway). Are you saying Bone spirit doesn’t work at all right now?
Grim Dawn doesn’t allow skills to work in the same way as other ARPG’s. Some skills you can hold shift and cast them, but i’m not quite sure how Bone Spirit works in the mod. It may just need a target, which in that case it works like other skills such as Shadow Strike.
It only needs a target to function, once it has a target it will “seek” that target. Or it should anyway, that’s really the only reasonable way to make that skill without some convoluted workaround using pets…
Hi everyone, would anyone have a tip for me … how can I find a 4-socket shild the easiest? I am now NM Act4 and at the NPC there are always only weapons and there are simply no base shields that only drop chest, helmet or weapons. I would be grateful for tips!
many thanks
I encounter a very bad issue.
I have found, don’t remember where, how and when, a fantastic ring named Signet of the fallen level 1 with a lot intelligence required, its characteristics are incredibles and you play like in “god mode”.
I try it with a sorceress, it works and after a while the game freeze, everything bugged and I need to restart my PC and when I restart GD the same again.
When I search in GDwiki i find another ring with the same name but different characteristics. It’s perhaps the problem same item and different characteristics and requirements give a fatal conflict.
Well I rubbish this ring but the problem, I think, is the save files of my character are corrupted and don’t work anymore. Can I solve this. I know I am stupid dont making a backup.