[Mod] Reign of Terror

Hey Ram, first off, amazing job on the mod, love it.

Just wondering as I was making an Assassin and thinking of using a GD mastery as my secondary is the above still the case or is removing GD masteries going to happen down the road? Thanks.

1.0 is still FAR away. Go ahead and use a GD mastery! There has been no final decision on your question yet.

Awesome, thanks for the speedy reply Uncensored.

I started working on the mod about 3-4 weeks before making this forum thread so RoT is pretty much as old as the first post.

You can add the missing devotion point with this console command (must be in SP game and hit tilde ~ key to be able to open the console):

Thank you for the kind words.

Dawn of Masteries having D2 Classes mod added is not really comparable because D2 classes used in RoT are very different from the original version that Denis made his mod. For example skills scaling up to lvl 60, new models, fx, animations, sounds and now with the ongoing balancing and skill rework that is planned down the road.

As Uncensored pointed out, we are still not entirely certain on how to handle this topic because the main and only focus is to get the mod into 1.0 state. Whatā€™s going to happen next will be decided after we get there.

Hello! Made a quick account to say thank you very much for all the work that you have put into this mod, I stumbled upon it a few days ago and am just blown away. I have two quick questions that I briefly tried searching the thread for and could not find a concrete answer.

One: Can I donate to support this project or is that confirmed/assumed to be a legal issue?
Second: I saw that you stated yourself and Zakk will be making your own game after this project, is there a donate page for that, and a page I can bookmark/follow for updates once that gets going?

Once again, thank you for all your hard work!

Big shout out to reign of terror crew, masses of time and effort, and fully appreciated, some beautiful landscapes in there!! thanks again

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No monetary donations are accepted for RoT to avoid stepping on anyoneā€™s toes in order to ensure as long future for the mod as possible.

Zakk is unfortunately no longer working on RoT because he had to focus on RL matters but I have since then teamed up with @WareBare (veteran GD modder with more than 16 years of experience in coding, been also a huge help with writing advanced lua scripts for RoT) who started developing a brand new (A)RPG game all by himself so I offered to help him out with the art and we have been working together since Q4/2019.
The gameā€™s development is obviously taking longer because itā€™s just the two of us making it and we currently have no plans on expanding the team. We will have something to showcase in Q1/2021 (possibly sooner but working on RoT has taught me not to underestimate ETAs).

Edit: fixed dates and grammarā€¦ thatā€™s what happens when you try to write something right after waking upā€¦


I canā€™t thank you enough for making this mod!
With 1500 hours in GD and probably ten times that in D2, this mod combines my favorite games in a great way. Excellent work :clap:

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Dawn of Masteries having D2 Classes mod added is not really comparable because D2 classes used in RoT

That i understand as Mamba said he will not be adding this one mainly because this one is modified for RoT.
For me itā€™s a win win situation.I get best of both worlds.:grin:

:star_struck: Nowā€¦ this is interesting.


Hi i Installed that Mod but in the Game it Says TagnotFound?

Do you mean by each character name when you initially begin? If so this is common. Pick a character then exit out to character selection, it should fix itself.

If you are speaking of something else I apologize.

In all Items Character when i have to Choose a Skill Tree, Just the from Grim Dawn it says normaly and no quests i forgot to say -.- Sry my English Sucks^^

Make sure to do these before playing RoT:

  1. Use English localization for Grim Dawn.
  2. Do not start GD campaign or other mods before playing RoT.
  3. Try disabling any 3rd party tools if you use them.
  4. If anything above fails to fix the issue then re-install the mod. First extract the standalone version and then update.

Thanks a Lot now it Works was the Language -.-and its funny to play in d2 Style^^

I craft, runeword, a pretty good helmet : delirium (2 all skills) but a granted skill named delirium seems to give negative effects : very, very small picture and low moving speed. What does it really done it is only mentioned 10s recharge and 60s duration.

There is no particular function of the Delirium proc other than reduction of player characterā€™s scale. This has a side effect of movement speed reduction by the same percentage which is going to get fixed in the next update.

I do have problems to download this mod.
First time, it says: maximum downloads reached, cannot download this file.
After a couple of times I managed to get passed this (donā€™t know how) but then the download is interrupted. First at 5.2GB and after at 3.7GB.
Anyone can help me on this?

Update: managed to download them both!! I have to read better!!

I donā€™t know if itā€™s a known bug or if iā€™m crazy, but mobs in act 5 donā€™t seem to drop loot. Anyone ?
They only drop components, no blue, no yellow, nothing. What is even more odd is sometime I would hear for exemple a charm drop but there wouldnā€™t be one laying on the ground when I TAB.

Hi there. Is that known bug when items on player does not shown on start screen? Also fonts and class naming not applied.