[Mod] Reign of Terror

on me is Strange I installed everything maybe not corectly is instaled.i instal all and hotfix.

Found a couple more bugs.

The Druid’s Shock Wave skill is very wonky and targets random directions every few casts. Feels unusable because of this.

The Paladin’s Holy Freeze damages other players if enemies are in range at the same time. Not sure if the other damage auras have the same issue.

Will try this, thanks!

It has been reported that the issues you have described can also be caused by players having various mod versions so make sure you have the latest one. You can also compare file size of maps.arc found in Grim Dawn/mods/ReignOfTerror/resources. If it’s different then one of you has not updated RoT properly.

my code for a friend is 1053355845, add to steam

were is need to extract files in mods/reign of terror ?al 3 files?

Drag and drop “ReignOfTerror” folder found inside .rar/.7z files into Grim Dawn/mods in the following order: -> -> and make sure to overwrite files when it asks you to.

The final result has to look like this Grim Dawn/mods/ReignOfTerror and inside you have to see only these folders:

  • database
  • resources
  • source
  • video
  • (and bunch of text files)

If you see any other folders inside “ReignOfTerror” besides the 4 listed above then you are extracting it incorrectly.

If you complete the final quest in Act 2 where you put the staff into its place to open the entrance to Duriel, clients will permanently be unable to enter Duriel’s room in the future. Even if you redo the whole quest chain for the staff, you still cannot place the staff to open the door. So, only the host will “unlock” this step while the rest will have “broken” characters permanently. Perhaps you could find a solution to this?

is apeared folder one folder in plus database resources source and temp folder is in plus and me dont ask overwrite yes or no is strange.i download with utorrent those files rot.is not working i dont know.

Make sure you have the most current version of your extraction tool of choice.

There is gofile links.

The CDR only works if you have other forms of CDR

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It’s a cdr multiplier, rot team should reword that tag so it’s more obvious. (“total recharge modified by…”)

Could probably do something like that, thanks for the suggestion!

Hi everyone! Just started with the mod, great work first of all!! It looks amazing and it feels almost like D2! Congratz! But I am haing an issue with damage modifiers on spells, not sure if this was discussed before, or not. However, I am using a sorc and the % dmg buffs notted on the spells do not reflect on actual dmg buff, at least for the cold based spells, have not looked into the others. Nothing that breaks the game, just anoying that there is a 145% dmg to cold dmg that is not reflected to actual dmg. At least the dmg of the spell does not seam to go up by the number shown, and it does not appear in the spell dmg buff %. If this has already been fixed, please point me to the solution!! All the best and thank you for the great mod!

I didn’t fully understand this, but don’t always worry about the tooltip numbers here. They are screwy and sometimes don’t reflect actual values

thx for reply m8

Is it really necessary for the Paladin’s Sacrifice skill to have the life drain effect as a Celestial Power? I don’t mind the life drain effect since it’s part of the skill, but the fact that this negative effect also blocks you from using a Celestial Power from the Devotion tree, it’s a double penalty. It’s really annoying and not fun not having the option to use a Devotion proc. :frowning:

Also, if you could make vendors have unlimited stocks of augments that would be nice. The fact that you can only buy 1 at a time, and having them spread out randomly in the vendor’s inventory every time, makes it such a hassle to find and get what you need.

Anyway, thank you for the mod. Having a lot of fun with it.

Hey guys i finally crafted my “The Matriarch” a one handed spear.
But i cant Use Vitriolic Gallstone, Seal of Blight or any other enhancement on it.
But Augments are totally fine.

Is this a bug ?

What mod is this for? Because the vanilla game doesn’t have spears.

Its reign of Terror