[Mod] Reign of Terror

The Grim’s Burning Dead scythe is bugged. It gives the player maximum capped cast speed at 350% for some reason.

What’s the URL to the Discord?

First of all, loving the MOD! certainly a labor of love. Having some issues playing with a friend, going into the Rocky Wastes, as soon as i enter the area i disappear from his map and he disappears from mine, we are unable to TP to each other. Almost feels like we rolled different randomized maps in the same game. Act 1 was fine but A2 have had issues with. tried rebooting both PC’s and NG’s from both hosts. Any thoughts?


It is there in the first post at the Donations section:

Thanks for the report, already fixed for the next update.

Maps are static and the only thing that gets randomized are certain dungeon entrances as they can have multiple spawn locations and only 1 of them gets selected each game session. The issue you are experiencing isn’t caused by randomization, it sounds like desync which means that you are still able to see your friend on the map / ingame but the character appears to be stuck in place and not moving.

Check the link below, you can find tips on how to properly setup UPnP / ports.

actually sounds like you are on different mod versions. make sure you ROT versions are the same to avoid this

I absolutely LOVE the ROT mod…

My question though:

Isn’t it a blatant violation of copyright? I mean In many cases artwork is taken straight from the game.

Is Blizzard just being cool for once?

Nobody knows, but honestly it doesn’t matter because those assets make at least 50% of the overall atmosphere so without them there is no point in making such project.

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I’ve seen people flat out post things like “thanks to this mod I"m not going to give blizzard any of my money for the remastered version when it comes out”.

So you can say it “doesn’t matter” all you want. There were WoW private servers that went on for a long time before Blizzard shut them down.

Enjoy it while it lasts and keep your mouth shut so Blizzard doesn’t step in. After all this time and all the emails Ram sent, the mod really cannot be shut down or deleted. Even if Blizz says “Stop everything and remove the mod”, anyone can just start up a new one with a different name and rehost it. It’s far too late for them to have any say in the matter, the mod is in a state where you could consider it finished.

The mod is free and isn’t profiting off of Blizzard’s work. All these “assets” that are used are publicly available all over the place.

And suppose people do say they won’t pay blizz for D2 Remaster… I don’t believe that is actually the case, just people talking shit.


This is 2 different things.There’s a guy that are busy making d2 in starcraft engine and blizzard can’t give 2 rats asses same with this mod.If you go through google there’s still pservers and there’s also offline servers.Something blizzard will never be able to shut down completely.

This on the other hand is a mod.Even if it’s based on d2 it’s made on gd engine.Blizzard are generally cool about mods(median xl mod)changed everything about d2 and even have an online server.Blizzard didn’t care.

I for 1 will buy the new remaster of D2 as i did with the original blizzard collection that had 5 games.As i am a collector only 1 i regret was d3 as it was so expensive and very bad in my opinion.

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@Mortac Hydra cant be bound to those devotions because Hydras are player scaling pets, and pets cannot procc other pets like arcane currents or seekers, hungering void is a player buff same applies here.

What Blizzard did with Warcraft Reforged shows how serious they are about not only protecting their own IP’s, but taking everyone else’ as well, LOL.

The Phrozen Keep D2 site (I was there for years myself, look in the credits of Back to Hellfire for my name, though I didn’t do much of anything with the mod itself LOL) where most previous old mods flourished had rather strict rules attempting to not wake the sleeping giant.

Right now It seems their biggest care is protecting the Chinese market through Activision removing disturbing footage to the Chinese government even censoring it in the United States if you can believe it.

My personal opinion of Reign of Terror is it’s not intended to directly rip off D2 nor can it due to limitations. It has to be unique and very different in ways. It plays alot like D2 but was never intended to be a replica. It has it’s own content. You can’t copyright the hell dimension, LOL. Grim Dawn itself is a game that fans wish was part of the Diablo franchise but isn’t. There’s no doubt Blizzard used alot of inspiration from Grim Dawn to make D4. If they didn’t, it would only prove their product will always be inferior.

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I have noticed that the Charms in my inventory are not actually contributing to my stats. Is this a know issue?? or am i the only one experiencing this???

Agreed! the rest of this message is because the web site is making me say more that 10 characters. LOL

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Charms are meant to go into the medal slot. If they would give their stats while in the inventory (like they did in D2) it would be ridiculously overpowered here.

Just wondering when socketed shields start dropping. I’m lvl 79, achieved SR25, I am in Hell difficulty, act 5. Done every quest so far. Also did the Cow level once.

I have never seen a socketed shield drop. I have seen everything else with sockets drop.

most of the socket stuff comes from breaking jars, vases, and urns in the corners of rooms of temples.

things like halls of the dead, nithalakk’s area, etc.

ive found socketed shields in a2. on x.2.1 idk about x.3.0

Hello why quest is not working and showing in reign of terror i unzip step by step in folder mods in grim dawn i have version from gog.com grim dawn with all dlc.if any body know say and help please.i got horadrick malus and after is not working quests and i cant go in second act to play.i dont have quest to kill andariel.

This was fixed around so it should no longer happen. Do you have the latest RoT version ( You can check it ingame - top left corner when playing Normal+ (Veteran) or higher difficulty.