[Mod] Reign of Terror

This mod looks great. Could someone tell me how Phoenix Strike works with this mod? In D2 you had to release the skill depending on your amount of charges. I’ve seen the tooltip on it with this mod and it looks like it’s adding flat damage with every hit and gains charges similarly to Savagery instead. Is this correct?

I know Im doing something wrong because I keep getting a “temp” folder when I install. No idea what my mistake is, though. Ive tried several different things. Unzipping and moving the folders into mods 1 at a time (starting with stand alone, then 6.3, then hotfix and overwriting as prompted.) Also unzipping everything while theyre in the same folder, overwriting as prompted and then moving the RoT folder into mods. Still, always get the same thing. The extra “temp” folder and whenever I choose the RoT campaign from the “custom scenario” option once I open the game, the Start button immediately grays out after its selected.

Holy fucking DUH. Im a moron. I needed to create new character. OMG, the shame.

Hi, we are lvl 68 and 69 and we almost finished act 1 in hell but we aren’t getting a lot of exp i was half through lvl 68 when we started act 1 and now i am at the beginning of 69. is it supposed to be like that or is the monster lvl to high is exp monster level dependend? so if the monster is 10 lvl higher would we get less exp? Or how does it work ?

Anybody encounter a bug where they get the scroll on infuses or whatever, then the quest tells them to activate the stones, but they cant actually activate the stones? I was in a group and someone said he used the scroll and it disappeared from his inventory. I couldnt find it in mine either.

XP curve is currently being reworked and there is no xp penalty for killing enemies above your level.

Only the host player must interact with quest items otherwise you will experience issues in MP. As stated in the first post (co-op section).

Care to clarify? Wonder if there’s something that could be revised in your scripts to make it compatible with clients.

Feel free to PM me if you don’t want to clutter this thread.

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Ok, gotcha. So does that mean my game is borked? Or I have to go into someone elses game with that quest open?

Lack of script support for clients is exactly why certain RoT quests do not work properly unless the host performs them. Client support is currently planned for version so it’ll be added eventually. I really appreciate the offer and might contact you if we get stuck for whatever reason.

You should be able to get the scroll again in a new session (all quest items in the mod are re-obtainable, for this exact purpose). Just make sure that the host use it this time or you can also do it in SP session.

After trying this fix, this presents: "Error: Incorrect arguments to command ‘game.Give’ "

I’ve encountered the same error. I tried one of the fixes listed in the forum, but received a type of syntax error. “Error: Incorrect arguments to command ‘game.Give’”

If you haven’t updated Grim Dawn + expansions in a while you will get that issued - happened to me. After udpating the game, everything looked fine.

You got the Cairn stones error?

There is a gofile link on the discord

what’s your issue? if you join the discord we can probably help

Why can’t Hydra, Wake of Inferno, Wake of Fire and Lightning Sentry be used for several devotion procs? Is this a bug? I.e Arcane Currents, Elemental Seeker and Hungering Void can’t be bound to any of them.

Is it possible to play Grim Dawn campaign but with Diablo 2 classes?

With the Dawn of Masteries mod, yes. Not this mod.

Those are different masteries though, from the NoblePaladin mod (which by itself can also be used to play the GD campaign with D2 classes, obviously).

Wasn’t sure if that mod was up to date with the game mamba.