[Mod] Reign of Terror

Notes. Will be fixed in coming hotfix.

Yes, pretty much everything needs attack rating. So enchant and thunderstorm are the 2 ways to deal with missing attacks the sorceress has.

Fuzzy, I hadnā€™t played for a couple of months and came back after came out. Launched into ā€œLost Cityā€ in Nightmare mode. Half a dozen tries and I was getting obliterated in a minute or less.

Reverted to and launched again. My ability as a player is average but I managed to establish a ā€œbeach headā€ on my first try from which I could progress.

My assessment on difficulty is based on 15 or so minutes of gameplay. Iā€™ll try again and see how I go. L62 Secret Keeper.


With that combination Fireball/Firewall/Hydra (any element, lightning probably nicest for leveling) and inquisitors seal + the healing ability and the elemental RR exclusive should get you a long way. You might have to shuffle some gear around. Some runewords are available quite early and help out a lot (a Lore helmet or Splendor shield for example).
Donā€™t give up! :muscle:

Just a quick question.Did you take off the RoT wiki page?Canā€™t seem to find it and discord link says it doesnā€™t exist.

can the potion(the % life one) and the scroll of akara be put in the hotkey bar like skills and anoiments? it kinda sucks to remember activating them in the inventory.

Page is offline. Previous developer who took care of it is no longer active so nothing we can do about it. Ram is working on a solution with someone but that will take a while.

Iā€™m sure this has been tried extensively already by Ram, so Iā€™ll just assume no :slight_smile: itā€™s just 3 clicks.

np.Just wanted to look up the different mercs but guess i go on instinct :smiley:

just got to act 6 level 48 amasin with all wps attacks managed to kill leoric but the butcher insta kills me with an insane physical attack even with 25 phys res.

edit: okay learned it can be dodge running behind a wall and its well telegraphed so he is dead too.

Deliberately i delayed to start playing this mod. I was waiting for some big release. in GD I have several thousand hours. i wanted to play 15 minutes, iā€™ve been playing for a few hours now and i canā€™t stop. God, Iā€™m so stunned I donā€™t know what to write. :scream::scream::scream:
It is amazing all the music, playability, sound, skills animation monsters pictures while loading levels. I donā€™t believe what I see.
I have to cool down a bit :slight_smile: something beautiful.

The mod has been in development for quite some time now so it would be sad if it didnā€™t show some results.

I know :wink: I have been here for a long time.
You and everyone else did a whole complete game, amazing. I realize itā€™s hundreds or thousands of hours of work. Thank you.

I believe it was random as I was rushing through the second time and just trying to get back to where I was at. Died, recovered body, then started rushing again and it crashed. Never got to where I was before exactly.

Iā€™m possibly finished for the night, so Iā€™ll try a few things and troubleshoot tomorrow if it keeps up.

I wrote this last night but had a problem with my ISP. Iā€™m researching currently and will get back to the game later to see if Iā€™m still having issues. Iā€™ve had two HDD failures over several months because my replacement drive was unused and even older than the failed one, LOL. But currently the system had been fine in a more demanding grimarillion often leaving the game up days at a time and the PC up to a month at a time before the HDD crashes. Iā€™ll edit this post in bold if I find something about it being anything other than the mod. My first thing to do outside of simply restarting the PC, will be to fully delete and reinstall the mod.

My installation drive is an SSD and proven quite stable, Western Digital Blue SATA SSD.It is also my boot drive with my OS installed on it.

PS, the crashes were in the SAME area. I am only verifying that it wasnā€™t action specific or EXACTLY the same place on the map.

Just noticed that the devotion cap was increased from 81 to 99!? How many are in Act 6 and how many devotion points are likely from Trial of the Ancients?

You get all devotion points from the quests in Act6, including some stat points, experience potion of clearity. Trial of Ancients doesnā€™t give any devotion points, just a hard challenge for fun (great) items.

I just got the warp to level 16 and I have to say even if the act looks great it feels repetitive, too big and too long.

The main problem is the structure of diablo 1 makes all levels feel the same also the fact that there are many enemies but they barely give any exp due to being one act gives no reason to kill them I just ended running past most of them looking for quest also the later part of coves and hell maps are too big to explore(level 12 specially) and become a slog.

I dont want to sound rude or something but I think if you trim the levels and condense the quest it would feel better to go trought them, maybe making side places like leoric and the chamber of bones substitute normal levels.

Maybe the fact that its my first go and wanted to explore for quest and not go skipping levels the same moment I saw the exit made it worse.

@BANITA I was reading all the earlier responses and saw your question.
If you change to low quality textures in your video cardā€™s control panel, it wonā€™t matter what the settings are in Grim Dawn. While Grim Dawn WILL give the better quality textures, your video card will create high artifact compression graphics that wonā€™t be nearly as nice. Thereā€™s always overriding features on video cards, particularly the Nvidia ones (Iā€™ve never had an ATI/AMD card). Then your friend can play the game with less issues on an old system and the new UI will work too.

Thereā€™s PLENTY of other options he can reduce in that control panel to get even higher framerates. Until the last year or so, my video card only had 1GB, I could play Grim Dawn ok but it overwhelmed when I played Grimarrilion with all the elites. :slight_smile:

So, from restarting my Druid summoner with, level scaling seems much improved. Currently at the Outer Cloister portal on Normal+ and am about 25% into lvl15 without having to cheese EXP by GDStashing the Lokkar set. Even with (slightly) cheating and having Act 2 regen merc from the start, a few Named mobs (like ColdCrow) still take an effort to kill.

Hi all,

Anyone knows whatā€™s up with the Wiki ?

Already answered above, the wiki went down because of the host.

Anyway, I got to dark wood without a crash on my third attempt. All I did was restart steam, didnā€™t even restart my computer or close my multiple browser tabs. Itā€™s fine now. SCRATCHING HEAD. :thinking:

I have to say i am in love with the druid.I am still pondering my second class.Meby a shaman.But i focus on single class till sheā€™s max.I wasnā€™t much for a summoner cept earth/nature in tq and i started playing a summoner in Grimmillion/DoM.The wolfs of the druid reminds me of the wolfs in tq.

Where i am not i just kite the nasty bosses and let my pet kill them.Itā€™s a weak way to play but i am not running away,I am just tactical retreating :grin:.