[Mod] Reign of Terror

Ultimately, it’s Ram’s decision, but a static/non-animated transparent image overlay sounds incredibly annoying and distracting to me. Knowing Ram’s high quality standard for ‘a mere mod’, as some people describe it, I don’t think he’ll agree to it. I’m also fairly positive he’s spend more than enough time looking at all the possible ways to implement this and came to the conclusion current implementation is the best :smiley:
An ‘aura’ surrounding/beneath the play can be made for it but that hardly fixes the issue at hand (not transforming). But this will just add to more effects in addition to your merc aura, heart of the oak aura’s, other class aura’s etc.

All right. My main gripe with it is there’s nothing after initial transformation as a reminder of what form you are in, which to me is pretty bad in itself. That’s why from my viewpoint a static transparent image is better than it is, which is nothing basically.

There are already 2 additional indicators after initial skill usage: colored aura glow and UI buff icon. Earlier versions had the wolf / bear image looping above player character, however it has been changed because it was too distracting and didn’t look that good.

Character model / armor swap is out of question due to various issues these methods present in GD engine so the current implementation stays as is. The only thing that could be potentially improved is the aura fx and initial image texture.

Sounds good, thanks Ram. :smiley:

so i played now quite “a bit” and got some questions now, if any kind soul could help me out.
thanks very much

  1. most, if not all lvl94 items cant transmuted except for myth.aldurs set ( why this one works and not other lvl 94 like trangoul. ?

  2. would it be possible to transmute all or most set items for a high(er) cost price in future?

  3. iam looking for the trinket “pythonic” , which one of the three hidden ubers in act6 can drop it?

  1. None of the D2 mythical sets is supposed to be transmutable, Aldurs will be fixed in the next update.
  2. There’s currently no plan to allow myth. D2 sets to be transmuted. However, next update is going to add regular D2 sets and the new “dmg-type” endgame sets into the “random” set transmute pool.
  3. All act 6 hidden ubers share the same charm (trinket) loot table, so any of them can drop it.
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Been trying to figure out how to make runewords but i just can’t. You can only add 1 rune to any item (even to ones with x sockets) so i’d be happy for some explanation.

You need to use the Horodric Cube you find in Act 2, same as in Diablo 2. Right click it and it becomes a vendor at your feet that allows the crafting recipes that include runewords.

Also you can upgrade and downgrade runes there as well. So the system is way better then D2 original. You just need to find the item with the right amount of sockets, and you will be fine.

To add a bit to the above comments:
Socketed items serve only as a crafting base, GD wont allow more than one component per item. Runes are used as either components or crafting ingredients, just like in GD (same goes for gems).

Unlike D2, you use the cube here for all craftings, and as such, you have a neat little list of all possible runewords and gem/rune upgrades.

You can retrieve either your rune or socketed item at charsi (or other blacksmiths) at the salvage table. You lose the other one.

I’ve just reached hell and everything has become a damage sponge. I’ve farmed up most of the best gear I can so there’s very little I can do to increase my damage at this point. Running Necro/Sham.

Health values seemed fine in normal but started to get out of control in nightmare. It’s not much fun just waiting around for the enemies health to slowly drain down. Is health scaling being looked into?

Everything is always up for balancing, but as there are plenty people who rince through most of the content, it doesnt seem like it’s that much of an issue, but rather something build specific. Not every build performs equally well. Regardless, most builds should be able to clear the content. There are some things quite different from how the mod is approached compared to D2 or basic GD. Blindly following either “method” will often get players stranded at some point.

As for your build, necro+shaman, there is a lot of build variety possible with just 2 classes so that doesnt mean much.

I’m playing a typical summoning build so that’s disappointing. Guess I’ll shelve the game for a few months. Hopefully some balancing gets done in the meantime to fix it.

Double GD classes rarely, if ever, will perform better than d2 classes. This goes for summoners as well. Regardless, with a few exceptions, summoners usually perform well.
You can ask for some specific build advice in the discord. It might be build or gear related.

Based on your comments I cant really adjust it and dont see a reason too, as I dont know if it’s a poor build/gear or an actual issue. Else, try a hybrid pet + summon build. Grasping vines and Bone Harvest I found working well with pets.

Love this mod, way better than D2R and prefer it by far. You’ve done amazing work on this mod.

I got one possible request though. Could it be possible to get a smaller maps patch for acts 4 and 5? I know a probably really crazy ask but the sizes of Plains of Despair, River Of Flame, Bloody Foothills, Frigid Highlands, and Arreat Plateau in particular are shockingly long. The design of them is great otherwise it’s just those areas are crazy big and really kind of take the fun out of playing them pretty quick.

What about Level 12 in Act 6? :grinning:

These particular maps were made by FluffyUnicorn who has just recently returned to modding after couple months break. He is currently working on adding details and QoL to existing maps so some of the extremely large areas might get trimmed down to be more enjoyable.

These maps are large but no more than in D2. There are perfect place to farm and gain exp. then don’t change anything and it is always possible to go straight on.

That is not correct, the original had significantly smaller maps when it comes to the ones mentioned above. Layout might be similar in some cases (such as Bloody Foothills for example), however the overall scale is much larger in comparison.

I should also add that removing some parts of the existing areas will make space for potential map expansions because right now, RoT is very close to reaching the “map tile limit” which is still present in mods.

I agree with the fact that mods are size limited this true for all games when i make mos for TL2 i have to split il in 2 and i was not alone to do that.
You reach a very good balance at this time even if you launch act 6 a bit earlier, now it is good.
That sure if you want to add more contents or maps, you have to delete some other parts and as GD do not accept more then 1 mod you can not split it in 2, it is a pity but it is.
note: en français cela serait plus facile pour moi !

Yeah I haven’t made it to Act 6 yet, lol.

But yeah if he’s adding QOL to the maps then hopefully we can see the maps shortened. I mean there may be more but those are the ones I noticed. I mean the design is great but the depth is just crazy especially if you wanna blast through Normal/Nightmare I mean through Act 3 is great and then you hit Act 4+ and it’s just a tremendous slog which is pretty jarring for sure.