[Mod] Reign of Terror

The RoT discord has a channel with all the newly made MI’s posted and which monster drop them.

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Thanks! I’ll check it out.

Are gd items removed yet?

No, and they won’t be


I never understood this logic. No pants. No shoulders. No relics. The majority of components would be gone. Many sets are gone, lots of the off-hands are gone too. The very suggestion is ridiculous.

It’s as if Ram and everyone who worked on the mod built the best log cabin–with insulation, running water, electricity. “But log cabins didn’t have running water or electricity or insulation! I want my bare bones log cabin!”

Just don’t use them I guess? The way I see it this mod is pretty comfy.

There more to it then that. Ram intended this initially as a faithful d2 remake, so yes, no pants, no shoulders. Which doesnt matter if the other items are fine. You can simply set those slots to never be hit and you wont notice it either for having no armor there.
As more devs joined the team and D2R was announced, a different direction made more sense. Some people want it straight up a d2 remake, some people enjoy this hybrid.
Those who want the pure d2 experience though… I’d now recommend just get D2R :grin:

I recently did a clean new install of GD and decided to give this mod another go.

I was surprised when I didn’t get a free mercenary as before while questing in Normal A2. There’s of course the chance that I just deleted it on accident, but normally I’m paying some attention to the rewards :thinking: I did get the one from A1 though.

Act 2 merc always had to be purchased no changes there. The only ones you get as a quest reward are from Act 1 and Act 3.

Items: The Grim Dawn classes are in the mod and they have been balanced. It stands to reason, because this game IS Grim Dawn, that it would have Grim Dawn items. The Diablo items are added as a supplement. So all necromancer 1 handers are for the Grim Dawn version, as Diablo itemization is done differently, with the exception of uniques. It makes no sense to remove the GD items and it’s all in the change logs, updates, and vision given by the modders many times on this page.

I am making a note of this as it seems to be the #1 complaint.

I’ve stopped working on graphics awhile as there’s too many distractions in my life, and I’ve been playing this mod instead. I am going through Act VI a third time fully and I am QUITE PLEASED with the current state of the mod. It is the definition of balanced.

Act VI itself is BEAUTIFUL and a great joy to play through. I never gave proper comments as I never played through it before. I am playing a golem build with Firestorm as backup, and I’ve experienced none of the problems others have with things like Baal. It’s completely beatable. I didn’t even bother enhancing my items with anything until late Normal or early Nightmare. I am also using skills that destroy immunity, as even in Nightmare it seems to be HIGHLY desirable, even more so than increased damage, BY FAR.

The best parts of the recreation of the original Diablo is music and sound first, level design second, and gameplay third. It’s better than Blizzard’s attempt to recreate it in D3 by FAR. It fits perfectly with the Diablo 2 set, and is currently one of my greatest joys.

I do not like the original Diablo any longer, no matter how hard I try to play mods, even The Hell 2 which practically turns it into Diablo 2, and I simply cannot play it. That mod is by far the most advanced and well featured Diablo mod period, if not the best one. I simply cannot play it. It is too old and Diablo 2 natively is much better. It isn’t even the lower resolution graphics, it’s the gameplay and the way the mod itself is made, which merely amplifies the problems to this ancient game.

I don’t think anyone actually wants the original Diablo recreated with full faithfulness, as you can always pick up the GOG version for that. :smiley: To me this is a PERFECT implementation in Reign of Terror, and it is BY FAR my favorite! Grim Dawn and Reign of Terror are both EXCELLENT bases to bring this all together. I am ultimately satisfied.

Having said that, I believe that itemization could improve with more options.

Concerning areas to be expanded. Level 12 in Act VI and most of Act V are very burdensome in their size. I’d not be offended if you wanted to add more areas after resizing these places. Of course Act 4 has the very large area that isn’t necessary, but I never had any problem with it personally.

One of the biggest traps of this game is to aim for %fire damage or stuff like that, while %damage increases are pretty low on the priority list :wink: .

Happy to hear you’re enjoying it.

I’m open to suggestions. I’ve made quite some adjustments so far already mainly on low level to mid level items to slightly smoothen out the leveling experience just a bit, but if you think there’s a clear area that’s underdeveloped.

I loved the new big rare items like Tiara’s and stuff. Maybe more of that with other item types? :slight_smile:

I think people complain because they keep finding rares with Grim Dawn affixes and none of the items have other affixes. Rings, amulets, jewel’s, and chest pieces always have a chance to roll with a Diablo skill, and it can be build defining until replaced with a set later in endgame. Perhaps that is already enough, as more would imbalance the game?

In Grim Dawn itself I’ve noticed that if you want a perfect item, in say boots for example, you probably won’t get it, because your class only gets skill upgrades from another item type that’s more dominant. It’s a limitation for balance purposes I think. So saying items are mostly only for Grim Dawn may be as much an illusion as a possible reality.

I agree more items are for Grim Dawn, and mostly people, it seems, want to play Diablo classes. But it’s also a biased gameplay style that hurts the fun of others who enjoy the Grim Dawn classes MIXED with Diablo classes! :smiley:

The game IS restructured enough that it should be just as fun playing with both, in my opinion, and limiting the game to Diablo classes only is boring to say the least!

That may be the best I can do, unless someone else wants to expand on that idea. If all one handed rare weapons I find only have skills for Grim Dawn classes, is that REALLY a bad thing if DIFFERENT item types tailor more to Diablo classes like jewelry and chest pieces outside of Uniques and Sets?

I also don’t know what you guys had planned with items, if you are ultimately satisfied with what’s there, or if you want to add more items that bring nostalgia from D2.

And I am specifically talking about rares, since uniques and magic items can be quite powerful in this mod.

To further that thought, Diablo handles +all skills differently and it’s much more common and a main source of power. That varies GREATLY from Grim Dawn that rarely has skill increases in comparison and a much lower cap in all skills. I think, to at least some extent, players do not fully understand the differences between Grim Dawn items and the items in this TC (Reign of Terror) and so believe most items are for GD players. That’s up to interpretation.

For example, it’s been argued in this thread having +skills mostly on magic items is acceptable due to the amount of power increasing a skill gives in this mod is quite high.

Just further explaining this TC has a different philosophy following itemization in Diablo, and that clash is partly responsible for believing the content is largely in favor of GD. At least, that’s my take on it. Just because an item has GD skills on it, doesn’t mean a Diablo class can’t use it and have it be useful.

So I about completed act 6 today and was again reminded at least 3 levels are pretty long. I mean they ARE cool! But in my opinion could be trimmed down in size, if you need to, for more content later. Levels 12, 13, and 15 are quite extensive, though I don’t mind being there for the most part.

Any GD item will remain untouched and so will be just that, a GD item, just like D2 items will remain mainly for D2 classes (I think there is 1 exception). The new custom content doesnt have these restrictions so those items truly are hybrid ones that offer skill bonuses to both GD and D2 classes, like the new MIs currently in the game.

Although I think most comments about GD items is not that they’re bad but immersion breaking.

Yea that’s what I’m getting from the handful of RoT haters out there. Seems to be primarily that these folk often consider themselves “purists”. The way I see it tho, if that’s the case, why would you be considering touching a mod of a game you love, built in a completely different engine, anyway… If you’re such a hard core purist?

Maybe it’s just me but it’s a bit ridiculous the logic trap some of them take themselves down with that.

But what do I know. I don’t need a one-for-one replication in my mods… if the modders are getting respectably in the ballpark, who am I to complain? And from what I’ve seen, RoT is not only respectably in it, it is respectably deep in it. And thats good enough for me.

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I agree.I gave d2r a try.I got mainly to support the devs but it doesn’t scratch the itch like this mod does.I don’t have much time to play but the time i spent,i enjoy.Like the saying goes.Haters gonna hate.If you want a one - one diablo.Play the original…

People are not force to play this mod.I appreciate the fact that you can see the hard work and dedication ram and dev team put into this.Just for some keyboard warrior to crap over it.There’s 2 options.Play and shut up or don’t play and still shut up.

Yes critics are good and it also help the dev team to work on improving the mod(i don’t see how it can be improved tbh)just for someone ranting about it not being diablo.Here’s a question…Does diablo 2 have multiclass system?It’s a different engine.I played many versions of d2 and this mod and medianxl mod is by far the best.

PS:I still have the crash in underground passage.I re downloaded stand alone and the 2 updates.I reinstalled my windows and i reinstalled grim dawn and amg if if doesn’t work now,I’ll put my gaming pc in the yard😁.Just joking but i hope it works.

There have been several fixes, some more weird than the others, but they also dont work for everyone. And some luckily dont have any issues with crashing at all.
Try switching between x32 or x64 versions, try the CPU affinity fix, try tweak some graphical settings and lastly, which is the weirdest fix I’ve seen someone post (but it did work for him…), try to move the crashreporter.exe from GD’s folder elsewhere. His theory was that something causes the crashreporter to think the game is crashing, while it doesn’t have to crash. No idea if that can even be the case but hey… it worked for him.

ah thank you i will give it a try.Even when i get the error i can still move etc but i can’t go through to the next part.I don’t think this is causing it but i am running with an older graphics card driver mainly because they 90% of the time optimized for rtx cards.I did try 32bit.I still have to see if it works after the reinstall.I am alittle scraped for time at the moment but will be free tonight.

I will see if i can get it to work.Btw i love the druid wearbear build.He was my favorite character in d2 and you did him justice.

Thanks, really goes to show how bad my memory has become.

Regarding the GD items discussion: Most of the items don’t seem that alien in a D2 world, with one exception of course, the guns. And we’re not talking about the first bulky portable versions that appeared around the late 14th century, but repeating firearms, like revolvers and lever-action rifles. I can see how that might be irritating for some players who come into this with only D2 on their mind.

Never bothered me to be honest and seeing that many people main a D2 class with either a D2 or GD support, they’ll end up using D2 weapons most of the time anyway. Getting rid of the guns would also neuter the demo class, at least in spirit.

I got two things on my mind as well. First, the mercs. I decided to try my hands at a pure pet build again, last time I played one before the difficulty adjustment update went live. I’m currently level 61 and my merc is sitting at 68k life, while my skeletons have merely 24k. Still they can out-tank my merc by a mile. I just fought Andariel and Duriel on NM and the only “pet” that goes down consistently is my merc. That wouldn’t be too bad, but the extremely long CD pretty much only gives you one recast per boss fight. I don’t see any way to make him more tanky, what does he scale with except player level? Because his damage scales with player bonuses, he’s already useless in that regard for me. The least he could do for me then is to stay alive as long as my other pets at half his health.

Second thing is the leveling progression. This is the first time playing since Act6 got introduced and I’m having a really hard time to keep up with the mob level. I just entered NM Act3 and even with semi-clearing maps, I find myself 4-5 below mob level. I remember last time I played it was pretty smooth up until hell mode, then it started to drop off. Early Nightmare seems a bit early for having to grind XP, or is that the way it’s supposed to be?

Regarding Act 6: Overall I did enjoy it, really felt like D1, including the drag towards the end. I remember D1 fondly mostly for nostalgia reasons, the gameplay felt rough even back then and it fizzled out at the end, with the last 2 levels basically just consisting of square impassable walls and a barrage of monsters coming at you from every angle. I think most would agree that D1 hasn’t aged nearly as well as the successor. This might not be that big of an issue if your’re playing a fast-moving/teleporting char, but if you have to leg it then it becomes quite the walk without much interesting scenery along the way.

So maybe you could keep the spirit of the game but streamline it a bit more towards the end? The levels get ludicrously large and we have to remember that in this mod it serves just as an act, not a whole game in itself. So you’re already a bit tired from those expansive areas from Act 5 and then Act 6 is looming on the horizon…maybe that’s a bit much, I don’t know. A crazy idea (I don’t expect you to do any of this) would be to cut Act 6 from the back and insert it (maybe in a slightly abridged version) as a prologue at the start. That way you could play the whole story in the right order and it would show new players how big of an improvement D2 was. Right now it’s the other way around, you got a brilliant D2 and then a rather basic D1 (that’s on Blizzard of course, not on you) at the end. And you also would seperate the arguably two longest acts from each other (of course you have looping, but it would still be better than 3 times in a row).

Sorry for the long post, but that was going through my mind when I picked this wonderful mod up again after a lengthy pause.

I agree with some points but we can’t expect the dev team to turn it around.This mod has been in the making for i think 5-6 years and personally i think they did a hell of a job.Would i prefer act 6 as act 1 of course because i grew up with d1.Hell i still play d1 with mods.Thing is it will take to much time and ram are also busy developing his own game.

So it comes down to time.We have a saving here.How much crap will you take for the money you will make.In this casee how much time will it take.What i like is it’s d 1 and 2 combo on a newer engine.I play d2r and it’s nothing compared to this.You can’t slap a ferrari sticker on a punto and expect it to go faster.This mod is more satisfying because i get lost in thought.I am like a mousr i am all over the place.I play dom so i am not to worried for level scaling(maybe bosses will be harder)but normal mobs will not be that much a problem if you focus 1 attack skill at the start

A lot of people think it’s a 1-1 copy of diablo.That cannot happen.It can if it was intended that way but Ram decided to keep the dual class system.I don’t mind guns as it feels like diablo with new age weapons.I was never one for a bow.I am just exited to see where this mod is going in the future and when will it be the end point.But it’s a hella fun mod.I am even getting my family to play it as all of them is diablo fanatics

I thought it was QUITE a fun twist to have the original Diablo a high level area! :smiley: I saw a few comments about not liking the story, but I think that’s fun as well. :slight_smile:

I also noticed a lack of XP and I had to farm in an attempt to make Act IV Nightmare less difficult, and then I was ok all the way to the end of Nightmare. I was rushing forward just like in Normal mode, not hitting any side areas and simply getting it done to get the extra passives.

I expect the transition to Hell to be easier than usual from the extra content, not quite there yet. :smiley: