[Mod] Reign of Terror

For some reason in i can’t hear any ambient sound, only music(in previous version it was OK). And music cannot be turned down by “Music Volume” slider in options - now it uses “Ambient FX Volume” slider.

Baal’s healing comes from the vitality meteors. Dodge those and he wont heal. If you have several pets including a mercenary, he will heal for every target hit.

As always, getting more resistance reduction is usually the biggest damage boost you can get, so with the swap from lycanthrophy to Grim Ward, that’s a good indication of why you now dealt much more damage, and could outdamage his healing. Baal also has a passive which gives him a chance (i think 25%) for 35% bonus resists for any reaistsnce type, basically making him (nearly) immune for 25% of the time, unless,you undo that with more RR.

Those instant heals sound more like a bug though. If you can upload your character on grimtools and post the link, i’ll go through any potential gear/skills which might cause an issue. The “Prevent Monster Heal” does have the opposite effect on some monsters, making them regenerate quicker instead of stopping it altogether.

The Butcher cleaver is new. I used a +3 all skills mace to kill Baal, the Butcher’s Cleaver to kll Leoric. Both acted the same. I never really noticed any regeneration effects much, just a major heal that occurred often on both bosses.

In Nightmare it worked to attack Baal’s clones and not the real one, then he didn’t instaheal and I was able to kill him. Otherwise, it was the same behavior.

If there is a “prevent monster heal” in the game I never saw it. I did try negative health regen as an amulet addon, it did nothing so I removed it. I assume regen is a separate mechanic from the healing, it’s not an over time effect, it’s instant and always to 100% health.

Not sure why it says 52 skill points remaining, maybe a bug of grim tools. I’ve had the game running for days but it still looks like it loaded it properly.

Just to make sure, you didn’t die? Dying heals bosses back up to full life. Either way, thanks for the reply, i’ll have a look

Not normally dying no. The heal is when I’m alive. :smiley:

EDIT: Usually the boss fully heals after you die. Many bosses will go to 50% health if you almost kill it and die yourself instead.

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Since the numbers in the wiki were long outdated, I created an updated overview some time ago. I had it uploaded on imgur, but the feedback wasn’t positive, so I took it down again. Maybe that was caused by me using/altering D2:R assets, don’t know and don’t really care either way.

So I’ll just upload it directly, maybe it will help you out. The original is 4K, but apparently it automatically gets converted to FHD over here. Hope the font is still legible.

Edit: Here’s the full size in a zip-file
rot-mercs-01.zip (1.6 MB)


Wow! This is useful tab! Thanks! :+1: :+1: :+1:

Thats actually perfect, why would there be negative feedback? It literally gives you every piece of info for each merc, and the asthetic is nice. Appreciate you doing that for me as well as any other who sees that post, its exactly what people new to the game or have shit memory(hi) need.

I downloaded it and briefly looked at the low res version. I’ll fully check it out later. Thanks!

Don’t people know the “R” in D2:R means Reign of Terror? :rofl: :sweat_smile: :laughing: :grin: :wink: :yum:

FAN BOYS. Gotta love 'em. I would assume it either confused people or your shameless rip, LOL, of the artwork. :rofl:

OMG, so funny I literally can no longer speak…

In the meantime D4 was bigtime and now it literally gets 10 views on Twitch (I don’t watch it but it’s a good metric of popularity to a title) chiefly because of endgame. D4 gets boring at 70. RoT gets dull around level 92. A mod that out-does a billion dollar game. Ya, this image is damn upsetting for me. Why does the mod have to be so damn good?! :roll_eyes: :rofl:

Blizzard shame. LOL. Actually, I’ll buy D4 in a year or two. I bet it’ll be fun! :smiley:

EDIT: RoT seems to be somewhat niche. The funniest thing out of all of this was Blizzard being forced to squash a rumor with a rather emphatic post of their own, “NO, Blizzard is NOT making an Act VI for D2:R!”

EDIT 2: Rumor is Blizzard has already moved on and D2:R gets no more love as it did the first 2 seasons.

Bro D4 is so busted Bliz is doing 2 2 hour live streams going over every single thing that they changed in the next season, the desperation is already showing. I knew it was going to be shit yet I bought the digital deluxe idiot package to play early :frowning:

I tried to play D2:R a couple weeks back, its age shines no matter how you play it. I tell many people that this is the true D2:R. Maybe Ram can fix D4…

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The saddest part of all of this is D4 fails in the EXACT same place D3 did, endgame. The only difference is D4 messes up worse because instead of being too challenging and unbalanced where SOME of the game audience thinks it’s good (Kripp’s world’s first hardcore), instead everyone hates it because it’s just so bland and boring.

Yes, that is why many never returned to D3, too little too late. And what WAS improved in D3 killed the intelligence and complexity of itemization that made it so addictive to begin with. Then every new item was a clone of a preset template.

It’s tough being a AAA developer. Modders have it easy, we are happy anything comes out period. We don’t give them money and we can’t take advantage of them as tomorrow they may be gone. Alot of good will. Alot of gratefulness and praise, like we are rooting for the underdogs. Because we are!

The idea of buying D4 in a few years is to give them a chance to make it right and to give reward for effort taken. Not at all to consider the current state of the game. D4 is a good experience 1-50. It just needs more, both for replay value to encourage using other classes, and endgame. It’s a tough thing right now, and without using seasonal content as a permanent replacement of old content, the game may never evolve properly, and tons of dev time is lost.

RoT has none of these worries. Seasons they found out, is bad for casual players and many even feel insulted by it. I did try a few D3 seasons and because of the complete inability to support a singleplayer offline style of play (online only is fine, just want to play alone), I never once had a good experience or got any stash tabs. I could have done it, just the time investment was too much and when I’d come back to finish the season was over AGAIN!.

I don’t consider myself casual, but something about seasons never felt right to me. I don’t care one bit about competing, I play to enjoy the experience, not to have marathons. Once I played a hundred hours and it didn’t do any good. Enjoyed it, but got no completion. I literally quit due to no stash space. And now D4 has the same problem? OH DEAR!

When it comes to RoT, I do believe there’s still alot they can do for endgame. I’ve never once experienced an endgame I loved, but at times I do have fun with RoT’s for what it is. At least there’s SOMETHING different to do! :smiley: Uber Tristram had my FIRST experience in this mod, I’d never seen it before. In 20 years I only completed hell twice, and when I did, I did nothing after. Eastern Sun mod, classic Tsuru version that finished a few years after the Perfect Cell original that inspired LoD expansion. I played both.

For me mods is what makes D2 so good. D2:R is neutered. RoT is where it’s at. D2:R has a few decent mods and I’m a bit excited to try them, but they are just text mods, which means all you get is item stat changes and balancing, literally nothing else.

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D4 fails in a couple places - endgame like you said, itemization is HORRIBLE, QoL is bad, and coding was done by interns. The game will be good one day, but that one day is years from now. Bliz sold 10 million copies at launch, so they already won. The fact that Diablo Immortal has better QoL, more content, and plays just as well as D4 is sad.

Seasons I enjoy, but I see them for what they truly are, a way for the devs to get players back in the game and hopefully spend more money. Played almost every league in PoE, if done right, they enjoyable. If not, you may as well just play your standard characters. Im like you, I like playing a lot of characters. Thats where GD moddding scene shines, we could probably play DoM and Grimarillion till the end of time.

I highly recommend Last Epoch if you are looking for a new arpg. Still in beta, but its getting close to 1.0.

I’ve played Grimarillion alot. Haven’t tried DoM but looks freaking awesome. Problem is RoT keeps me too involved so no Grimarillion at all lately. I’m a Diablo nut, I can’t help it, LOL. Love this remake.

I own Last Epoch, bought it for 10 dollars in beta. Waiting for it to finish up before I play at all. I’m still trying out Wolcen that’s been retooled ground up, haven’t finished the campaign as my life is very dramatic right now, so went back to more familiar territory. I bought Wolcen in beta for 15.

D4 itemization: Some streamers disagree and say it’s actually quite solid, but they still want more items and after level 70 you already have everything.

EDIT 1: The new additions to D4 season 2 are mighty impressive, especially since the greatest significant changes are not seasonal, they are universal. I personally do not see these changes as a bipolar reaction to the community, and they are a constructive evolution to making a great game. They are listening to the correct feedback.

EDIT 2: I did manage to complete act 6 and get to endgame content with my melee druid I talked about earlier that was stuck on Baal. Melee does seem more limiting and he can die despite high hitpoints, however, he doesn’t exactly have capped resistances either!

The idea and enviroment design of act 6 are nice, however descend 16 floors is too much, it’s quite shallow and tedious.

Still a lot of bugs and performance issue, and end game monoliths are just boring, loots are downpour but totally randomize and you spend ~20 hours to find a piece of decent upgrade. Main campaign is a joke. Not like GD when you can target farm and make quick progress.

Act 6 is a slog, its the only part of the mod that I am not fond of. It is a little better than earlier patches, just not big on the environment. Its a me issue.

To each their own, but some bad takes there. Its still in beta, all that is expected. Mono’s are no more tedious then GD’s “end game.” “Loots are only downpour” if you have a bad filter, thats on you. These are arppg’s of course they are randomized, its what makes people continue playing. 20 hours for an upgrade is a huge cap unless you have god tier gear in your stash.

If you cant tell LE has the core of what makes a quality arpg, then there isnt much to say. Comparing a 7 year old game which improved over time to a game still in beta is weird. LE is what D4 wished it were.

The main reason I haven’t played Last Epoch is knowing the campaign was never finished. I never saw any update that said it was. So I can’t see how someone would say it’s bad at this point.

Act 6 progression in RoT is different because D1 is a dungeon square game and alot of the feel of it being D1 is going through that. After awhile you do get used to the maze style. It would actually be boring if it didn’t have mazes and you could just go everywhere in the first 8 levels. People complain of the layout of those levels. 9-12 is fairly straight forward in comparison, and then multiple levels square again that lack the maze quality of levels 1-8.

The majority of the D2 campaign has a clear path within each level that indicates progress, but really it’s about the same as D1 with a square box and completing each section, it just doesn’t have dungeons as it is a dungeon, and perhaps that makes it feel more limiting.

D2 is all about going to a dungeon and then going back outside, and it feels more dynamic that way. Plus the levels are more organic and less artificial feeling, unlike the D1 levels.

I think most of the D1 quests don’t contribute to the story, and they mostly all feel like side quests. The D2 quests all feel a part of the main plot. That can also make the D1 levels feel more mundane.

EDIT: Thinking about it more today, Act 6 has a bit of sensory deprivation. Too many of the levels feel the same, particularly early on.

A few things to look out for. Centaurs instead of clay golems. Where are the catacombs? I suppose they are there, in part.

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Do you mind if I snag this picture on post it on the RoT discord? [Edit:] Actually, nvm, as things will change for some of them. Still looks great though!

Patience… patience… :slight_smile:


The game is great, just thinking of ways to improve it visually and logistically. :slightly_smiling_face:

EDIT: Confusing, you were talking to two different people. I get it now, LOL.

Future 1.2 Is there a plan to add Charms?
