[Mod] Reign of Terror

I kill The Summoner, but Horazon’s Journal didn’t show up at any of his four spawn points. Is this a bug?

Could be. Usually starting a new session fixes this though

Yeah thats coming in the next update, ive replaced all bonuses to shock/freeze by fire so youll get some bonuses back

Hotfix is here.

Install instructions are as per usual: download the file, and extract it onto your Grim Dawn/mods folder, overwrite when asked. Needs or higher.

This update fixes several issues reported so far. As always, if you find any bugs or have any feedback, I’m more than happy to hear from you.
The patchnotes for and are added to the changelog file inside the patch file.

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I assume id have to find the Stormeye scepter again before its +3 to holy shick becomes +3 to holy fire, right?

Oh, and bows are still labeled as Staff

And Paladin Skill Vengeance only attacks with mainhand, not also with offhand (shield) Unless the tooltip is wrong

Checking out the mod again after having last checked it out 4-5 years ago and really happy to see how far it’s come along and that it’s still being worked on. Aside from some t-posing goatmen who frankly added to the experience I’m really enjoying all the steps taken to harmonise the features of grim dawn with d2 to produce something that is its own flavour. Cheers!

Updating to 7.5.1 solved my teapot goatmen so not a bug report!

For whatever reason I have, however, found something like 25 polished rubies in my first run of the countess tower and almost nothing else, so either I’m just rolling weird dice or the drops are a lil off

Two posts above yours is the update for, which fixes the last few t-posing monsters, and some more.

The polished rubies and polished amethysts have replaced health and mana potions, so any time one of these drops, it wouldve been a potion. This has been done since the GD now has the heals as a skill and so the potions were useless.


All good, makes sense and I will just turn my armour red. Ty for the updates!

uhm. So busy I forgot all about this mod >.<. Will start this mod sometime when I am not busy. I have 17 websites to build in 14 days. :cold_face: New world record incoming :grin:

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Just noticed the recent patch fixing the two hander issue and all, been out of the loop and was playing an old version for whatever reason -_- Stacking items, loot filter of my choosing, two hander issue all good now :wink: game feel worlds better.

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I’ve also not been playing the mod since seeing alot of items were broken. I need to correct Fuzzy on stating the UI issue with selecting primary and secondary mouse button skills has to do with the resolution. It does not at all on my PC, and it is something entirely different.

I loaded the latest patch and tried going from 5k resolution to 1440p native, and the UI still wouldn’t select skills. The problem is 200% UI increase that stops you from selecting the skills, not at all the screen resolution. So change the right and left mouse button skills and then go back to the 200% if you prefer that.

The other skills on 1-8 or whatever works just fine on any UI scaling including 200%. It is just the right and left mouse skills.

Anyway, the UI problem may have been the main reason I wasn’t playing and couldn’t remember or hadn’t figured out how to resolve the issue. Outside of simply trying new games for once.

Going from fullscreen to a window also makes no difference.

UPDATE NEXT DAY: I feel compassion fo the GD modding community as a whole currently. The next expansion is just over the horizon. Mods like this are good for Crate’s bottom line if it requires all DLC to play, but it also creates an enormous amount of work for modders, who by their nature of borrowing an IP in good faith, receives no funds for doing it. And updates of a mod with official updates and expansions impending, makes it more difficult and more work.

In the situation of this mod, mod makers have been able to use their skills more effectively in other projects that may one day give their own pockets a measure of wealth, or at least pay the bills. And possibly realize their own creative freedoms as a result.

This world is tough. Any effort to me is impressive.

first of all , I love grimdawn and diablo , and so after I finished base grimdawn I tried this mod , first class I choose was classic necro and I found it normal , damage is normal everything is good so I change to gd necro and everything goes wrong , skele damage is massively bonker like on first zone they already does 1k damame per skele , is it intended ? because it ruin the fun ,at least for me , thanks in advance

I haven’t played that in this mod, but I do know overall most of the effort went into the original D2 classes. The GD classes were underpowered by far and they were buffed to be able to compete.

Your input might be the first given. The GD classes weren’t even balanced much until more recently.

Could very well be that they are overtuned. Balancing is always a big part in every update. And ill admit, i dont really play pets so theyre a bit of a blind spot for me. I’ll have a look at their damage numbers.

Big issue with armor “Ephemeral” crafted from cube. Armor has “Aura of Evanescence”, that balanced to be toggled on/off when needed, but GD 1.2 changed that auras cannot be toggled off anymore, so this aura just eat all mana in no time and when mana reach zero, aura starts infinite on-off-on-off loop and makes ugly “aura on” sound 10 times per second, what makes item unplayable.

Having a bit of a struggle , the mod works perfectly did all the steps.

  1. The “Bull monsters” from Stony field or whereva they would be they stay static with their arms up (they do die make sounds etc but dont move just standing like a rag doll).

  2. Because issue , I finally found some runes, trying to make a runeword but the wiki site does not work on rune page, and dont know exactly how to proceed, do I just right click my rune words and follow same as in D2 ?

You have to use cube. Right click on it in your inventory and this creates cube-anvil near your personage
Grim Dawn 2024-07-07 18-54-42
Click on it, and you will see standart anvil crafting menu with Diablo related crafts/runewords.

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thank you for the swift reply mate, great mod

Make sure you are on the latest update. The goatmen, (bull monsters) have been fixed in a recent update.

Does anyone know how to reach the super bosses in the end game? I’ve beaten hell, and i see on grim tools where they’re located but i have no idea how to get there. I already have a handful of keys too. Googling how shows no results on reddit, youtube, nowhere. EDIT: Im guessing you need the full set of 6 i think it is and use them where you initiate the cow level as well? I can’t seem to locate the key of death while we’re at it. Thanks again!