[Mod] Reign of Terror

No problem, have fun! There is a lot to learn with this mod!

Been playing D2R and was tempted to try this mod. How well does it play with the Controller? I know Normal GD works great with controller support, but how does RoT? Any UI issues?

It works probably the same as regular GD, but some people have stated they have UI issues when assigning a skill to RMB (the fix is the change resolution to assign a skill, then switch back). No idea how that plays out on a controller. Also the stash is very big, meaning UI size might be too big for some as well.
But with some changes to settings, it should work (but i cant say I’ve tried it myself)

It works perfectly well with a controller, it is the only way I play.

Here is rainbow filter for :sunglasses:
tags_rot_ui.txt (113.3 KB)
Place this file in “~Grim Dawn/settings/text_en” folder. Create folder, if you don’t have it.


The new GD update is out, which means new animation changes for any two-handed weapon. This also means, these new animations need to be added to the RoT custom animation file. Until then, equipping any two-handed weapon will freeze your charater in place. Weapon swap, or equip a one-handed weapon, to keep on playing for now.

Enemies are also affected by this, so expect many T-posing enemies if they are using a two-handed weapon.

I hope to have it patched sometime near the end of this weekend or early next week. Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:


The patch also affected my main character somehow (lvl 74 physical druid barb with werebear and maul). He used to have 400.000 sheet dps, now its down to 93.000 without me having changed anything. Monsters in early game seem to hit a LOT harder now too? At least thats what it feels like

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No matter what loot filter i use with WanezGD all items are just white on the ground and/or no color highlights for the affixes. Any ideas? Haven’t played in a while, did all the usual reinstalling of files, all up to date, even verified game files through steam just incase. No luck so far though.

A few posts up someone posted a rainbow filter setup for RoT. Try that.

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Could be, i dont know what exaclty changed with the GD patch but there has been some shuffling in GD with physical damage that monsters deal.

I dont know what couldve caused a change in the sheet dps like that though, changed your LMB/RMB perhaps?

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The rainbow works with that recent file as you mentioned upon viewing items in the characters screen but items on the ground are still all white no matter what i do.

I figured it out. Its because two handed weapons seem to have an attack speed of 0.00 now. The tooltip doesnt even list attacks per second anymore.

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Reign of Terror update is here
This update addressed the issues with two-handed weapons caused by Grim Dawn update, but also includes many more changes.
The download link, until Ram updates the main post, , can be found here for now: ReignofTerror_0.7.5.0.zip - Google Drive
The changelog.txt is included in the file.
Installation as usual: Open the .zip file and extract it onto your …/Grim Dawn/mods/ folder. It will ask you to overwrite files. Overwrite them when asked.
It’s been made relatively quickly because of the two-handed issues.

If you find any bugs or issues, it’s appreciated if you report them here or at the Reign of Terror discord.


Update is out. Use this file if you have not yet downloaded in my post above this one. ReignofTerror_0.7.5.1.zip - Google Drive

If you have downloaded, use this file for just the hotfix: ReignofTerror_0.7.5.1_HF.zip - Google Drive
Changelog is updated inside the patch, but it’s a fix that made it impossible to pick up items while a spear was equipped and it fixed some animations for bows and spears when using the new floating Chthon transmute set (or Myth Trang Ouls pants)


How or where do i farm for runes? Im painfully starved for runes and cant make any runewords i could actually use on my level

Depends on where you are and how strong your character is.
The countess drops guaranteed runes but not that high ones but you can transmute them higher.
Else worldbosses are a good source untill you can kill the ubers in hell.
Other than that, its just RNG so keep killing monsters and you’ll find them.

And how do i get a tor rune? the highest i can craft at the cube is zod

Qal and Tor runes are very rare runes which can only be found.

Bows are now/still? called Staffs in the tooltip

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Wow, holy shock aura from the paladin got nerfed very hard. Used to say 81000 for me on the tooltip, now its down to 37600 with some added electrocute dot

Edit: Probably because of the changes. My one handed weapon has “+3 to holy shock”. Its the unique one handed Mace called Stormeye