[Mod] Reign of Terror

99 devotion points is the cap. You get the remaining 66 by also finishing nightmare amd hell difficulties.

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I think the cooldown reduction part of this torch is broken, it always reduces cooldown of Leap to 0 seconds.

Doesnā€™t really answer the question if I can restart the campaign with my LVL 58 char, or if I have to make a new one.

All mods give you access to 3 difficulties in Grim Dawn at the intro screen before you load your character.

It will say Normal Difficulty or Veteran Difficulty on the left. Click that and change to Elite or Nightmare, depending on what it says. If you havenā€™t loaded a character that session, it will say Elite. Difficulty selection is different than in Diablo 2 or Diablo 3 or especially 4.

You will have a new campaign (same one as before) with the quests all over again.

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Oh. Well you keep playing with your own character into new difficulties of course.

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Hi everyone, im new in reign of terror. there is a fast leveling guide, method or mod? in grim dawn i used to fast level with lokarr set method. thank you!
great mod by the way!

Here is a cut and paste from an old leveling guide that I think holds up well:

General Leveling Information

  • All this information is mostly to cover leveling through normal as nightmare and hell is mostly refining your build.

  • For a smooth leveling, you want to put a lot of points early into a skill that will let you clear many enemies at once at a good speed.

    • Once you feel like your first skill is clearing fast enough you can alternate skill points between maxing it and increasing the mastery bar towards the next, better leveling skill. When you unlock the better skill you can then respec all your points from the 1st skill into the new better one thus not having the downtime of starting a skill from lvl 1 again.
      • While you increase the mastery bar, you can always put 1 point here and there into buffs and passive, however they are not worth maxing early most of the time (more specific info in each class section).
    • You should aim to get around 1800 AR by the end of Normal, ~3000 by the end of nightmare and ~4000 by the end of hell.
    • Around 6000-6500 effective AR (your AR + your DEF debuff on enemies) is suggested to comfortably clear the top of the end game content.

AR-Attack rating, it isnā€™t armor.

Iā€™d add that making use of the enchantments from drops you can put on items and the runes at the levels they unlock at can extensively boost your leveling/clearing ability.

Carefully consider your second class pick and if it synergizes with the planned build further. The old better choice was Paladin/Sorcerer(ess?). The mod has been expanded since and now thereā€™s good synergy to pretty much any damage type with mastery skills for specialty.

Try not to overstretch your build. Donā€™t make it too ambitious, as you may never get to maxing all the skills. Make it simple unless you know exactly how many skill points there are and you have it planned fairly well. Prioritize the playstyle you want as early as possible or you may never get there. Iā€™ve made that mistake and my build turns into something I never thought of, but then again that can be part of the discovery. Just not very efficient, LOL.


fast level + enjoy the game experience.
work for me! thank you!

Max your poison resist for Andariel. I may not remember, but chaos resistance might be needed for the countess. Or maybe it is vitality?
Duriel, Mephisto, and Baal all use cold damage. Mephisto also uses poison damage.

Runewords with the cube that create +skills is a priority and always gives the best bonuses over Damage %.

An Act 2 merc with damage or one with attack rating can be good for all classes. Vs prayer which can also be great. If you wield the elements act 3 mercs have excellent synergies once you get to act 3! I used the act 2 attack rating merc personally until Uber Tristram where I realized the act 3 merc has better survivability, both due to not fighting melee, but having good life regen compared to say a really powerful act 4 merc.

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It bears repeating that you can plan your build in Grim Tools if you like.
I usually plan out my masteries and devotions, though I am no theorycrafter.

I let gear be a surprise and adapt the build if I find something that alters other skills to suit me.


Can we get a fix for Paladinā€™s vengeance skill next patch? The skill clearly states that it would use both mainhand and shieldā€™s damage if using a shield but this does not seem to be the case

Fixed it for next update. :saluting_face:

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Hopefully these ā€œwooden stakeā€ creatures will be fixed in the next update.

Apart from the barbarians, theyā€™re all fixed in current patch. The nightclan should be working in Updates and fixed the two-handed animation issues.

The nightclan work.

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Indeed, the Night Tribe is functioning normally.

I think I tested that on a bould with over 20% cdr, that explains the cooldown vanishing. Nevermind then.

tiny bug: the unique 1 handed sword ā€œSwordguardā€ doesnt appear in the illusionist screen

Hello, Iā€™m not sure, but I might have discovered a little mistake. Iā€™m currently playing a Pala, and I cannot assign Zeal to any attack devotion. I donā€™t know if itā€™s intended or just a slip.

PS: Iā€™m loving how this turns out. I must say, after mods in TQ, in Starcraft, this is the most well done D2 mod. Thank you for the effort you are putting in this project, we truly appreciate it.

LE: My bad. I only tried in Grimtools, in-game itā€™s working. Sorry.

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Hello guys! :slightly_smiling_face:
As you know me (or maybe you donā€™t), I am quite experienced with the mod and have been playing it for thousands of hours till now (over three times as much as Iā€™ve played the base game per se). Based on the RoT discord chat that Iā€™m active on (beginners, frequently asked questions, etc.), I have decided to spend the last few days planning out a loot filter for the mod! Though technically it is a rainbow filter, yes, it is different in regards to being specifically designed to distinguish items by rarity, quality and type instead. I welcome everyone to discuss possible improvements in my discord DM (raksokekw). That said, here below is a picture list of features:

Should you want to download this is a link for the loot filter with regular item texts in brown colors:
text_en.zip (111.2 KB) RoT version (

This is the link for the loot filter including rainbow filter for stats inside the item:
text_en.zip (135.9 KB) RoT version (
(Please notice the colours for stats are slightly altered compared to the default rainbow filter, as they include a larger margin of powerful stats unused by the base game, arbeit present in the mod, and those are highlighted by strong colours such as Indigo or Grayish Magenta)

Unzip and drop the folder to:
C:\Users\ ā€¦ \Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\Settings(folder file called text_en in here)


I will give it a go, thank you for the contribution! My only question is it not going in the RoT resources folder like any other filter we would use?