[Mod] Reign of Terror

Hey man. Thanks,
It’s up to you. I suppose at least?(Don’t really know) Personally, I wouldn’t touch anything from the base folders of RoT, but if you want the filter to only affect RoT and not the base game you may have no choice. I would still do a backup of the files just in case though. You may want to let me know how did that turn out for you.

Update is downloadable here:
Hotfix ReignofTerror_0. - Google Drive This update included the previous updates. Needs version or higher to update. Same warning still applies as listed above for Changelog: Monsters

  • Ventar The Unholy (wave 4 of Baal’s minions), fixed his curse doing an unholy mount of damage. Also applies to the version seen in Trial of the Ancients.
  • Desdemona, fixed a voice sound playing constantly on nearly every melee attack
  • Ubers, changed the loottable slightly.


  • Added in a missing new unique, drops exclusively from Hidden Ubers and Uber event.Warning! Classic Necromancer’s Attract curse will be removed with this update. So remove any points from it before applying this update or you’ll permanently lose those skill points.
    Changelog is inside the download file. Update is needed to apply this update
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Good find on vengeance bug, I played for awhile including endgame and still never noticed.

In Sewers level 1 in Act 3 my minions summon on top of the walls in the narrow passageways. Or they spawn there, not sure which, when they catch up. Other places in the game are awkward but this is the one I am remembering. Didn’t really affect me much.

This is a 100% minion build with no other DPS, I have alot of them. I got a Grim Dawn achievement for summoning 18 minions at once. Now it is a bit less.

The walls were on the south side of the sewers.

I never used rainbow filter. Is this a standalone mod for RoT?

I’ve also played this mod way more than base GD. But most of my game time is idle at night so I have no way of measuring it. It says 16k hours, LOL.

I have adjusted the download link to to update and adjusted the message (included the changelog in the message). [Mod] Reign of Terror - #7166 by Fuzzydunlop

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Blockquote I never used rainbow filter. Is this a standalone mod for RoT?

Yes. Not only though, it will also affect the base game. One file in specific called tags_items.txt. It’s used to change item type names(legendary → unique, epic → set), item type(staff → bow). And potion colours to Aqua. Every other file of these thrown into the Documents\Settings folder affects RoT only.
Should anything get ruined between updates in your experience you just remove all the files. I will be deplying fixes within a day and update my post with a ever-raising version name or hotfix count.

Blockquote I’ve also played this mod way more than base GD. But most of my game time is idle at night so I have no way of measuring it. It says 16k hours, LOL.

I did not play as much because I’ve only learned about this mod existence a bit over two years ago when I gave it a first try. I have ~3,5k hours on it right now. I want to believe it’s enough of a sample to make an accurate rarity filter. :wink: We’ll see.

Are you open to balance suggestions? I think the Decoy ability of the amazon should have its cooldown lowered, either the base cooldown or by leveling it up, or make it last longer

EDIT: Also, why is there a Bow Runeword that has a modifier to power strike, a melee only skill?

Edit2: And why do you hate Bowzons? Some of the sets have real nerfs to Bowzon in it (why the fuck even have negative bonuses in sets to begin with?) like this: Total Damage Modified by -25% to Strafe

@Moonpaw That’s the point. It’s not melee only. if an item has modifiers to a skill you can use that item with the skill disregarding the base rule. Like you can use Execution on Executioner’s Justice for example.

I am open to balancing suggestions.

I do not. Sometimes modifiers get a damage boost one-way or another, and instead of just a straight buff, it’s a trade-off, get some somewhere, lose some elsewhere. If you’re talking about M’avina’s set bonus to strafe, I think this was an oversight, as it used to grant bonus arrows as well, and anything with bonus projectiles usually had their total damage reduced. But it’s lost the bonus projectiles, but didnt lose the damage reduction, so i’ll adjust that.

I completed all the quests at act 6, but I only have 32 devotion, how can I know which quests I missed?

You maybe miss “Halls of the Blind” on level 7, or “Gharbad the Weak” on level 4, or “Zhar the Mad” on level 8.
Here is my completed list of all quests in act 6, 99/99 devotions collected.

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Since, these is finally a progress in this mod in aspects as balancing and there are no chaotic changes here and there, just for the sake of changing something, “because I said so”. Good job.
But there are some issues as well.
First the droprates on world, mini uber, uber, mini terror and terror bosses have gone much worse, same goes for ToA. It is about 5 times as hard to farm an endgame items/BiS items.
Second, I’ve been told that Diablo The Prime Evil’s spawns are finally fixed and we will finally fight something else than azmodan and butcher. Well, in 50+ runs against Prime, he always spawns Azmodan 1st and then Butcher and then usually only butcher.
Third, it must be since the mod creation, but whirlwind is not always working. Sometimes you click on the mob/boss, but your character stays still, doing nothing, you have to let go the WW button, move and press the WW button again for it to work. I assume it must be the same with Eye of Reckoning, since they are using one and the same template, no?

The prime spawns issue is known and will definitely be fixed for the next update.
Whirlwind and Eye of Reckoning use the same template.

Same or not, the issue with whirlwind i described still exists.

And if its part of the skill template/how the game handles things, there’s nothing I can do about ot either.

it is what it is, damn, ok, I just have to bear with it, thanks

Somehow did I manage to hide/disable my mini map that sits in the top right corner. Anyone know how to bring it back?

Triangle button on the righthand side by your mana bar.


omg, thank you

I have Ravens, wolves, skeletons, and now up and coming, skeleton mages, and a bear.

With Nature’s Guardian in the passive tree (north side) I can only use my wolves as a target. It could be because their primary target is the character itself, and I have no defensive skill to attach to it, so I am just wondering why only one minion type.

Same with Healing Rain.

The primary problem I have with this minion build is superficial in that of the icons themselves. A white icon with white text telling me how many ravens, wolves, and skeletons/mages I have. They move around alot and it is difficult for my eyes to find them. Is there a way to change the font for the numbers that go over the icons (Something darker please so it doesn’t blend into the icon)? Otherwise I am fine with the art style.

EDIT: Interestingly those passive skills allow bone mastery that would attach to my minions, a possibility if I get enough skill points to max Necromancy mastery points.

Have discovered a bug on Diablo The Prime Evil, happens in 1 of 50 runs. So, right before the stage where he summons a boss for 1st time, he keeps on recasting his trap, you cannot attack by any means, unless you have some pet(s) or aura to damage him and bring him to the next stage, then after he summons, currently always Azmodan, you get stuck - cannot move, cannot attack, cannot use skills, basically you are afk there. As I see it, it is perma trapped bug.
May be some (additional) cooldown on the trap cast will fix this?