[Mod] Reign of Terror

Well done.

I am curious how you are going to replicate those kick-skills.

There is a kick animation that Iā€™m aware of.

Yep, itā€™s the same one we use to knock down doors.

Assassin: ready for test.

yeeeey iā€™ll check it out right now

yeeeey iā€™ll check it out right now

edit: claw mastery doesnā€™t enable dual wield :confused:
dragon talon deals no damage

edit: claw mastery doesnā€™t enable dual wield :confused:

  • Description fixed. Dual weild now unlocked by default

dragon talon deals no damage

  • Fixed.

I have my suspicions, that damage multiplier no ā€œDragonā€ skilllsdo not apply. Probably skill template change required.

Very good work DenisMashutikov ! very close to the DII skills !

Soā€¦ as some of you are aware, I no longer work on the Reign of Terror mod due to copyright issues. However, that doesnā€™t mean I stopped moddingā€¦ noā€¦ quite the opposite.

Here is a little sneak peek at my current project - endgame dungeons:

I hope you continue with this new project, manā€¦ your work is great, keep it up!

Wow, that is really awesome! Diablo 2 is my favorite arpg and creating it in Grim Dawn is just feels great.

By the way, can i share this mod on KP. About the site:


That last pic is f***ing awesome looking :smiley:

Sad you canā€™t continue RoT (at least for now :wink: ) but, this new project looks very promising :slight_smile:

That looks really cool!

Ram! Tell us about the special boss!

I know it is in hold and you are waiting Blizzardā€™s approval. I just want to mention the project to spark more interest.

Sorry but i didnā€™t understand what the video is about :o Is it an extra boss for your mod?

Nope, I made it only for fun.

I may add some minor easter eggs but thatā€™s as far as I can go since I want to keep the project ā€œseriousā€.

Yes, I still working. Barbariaun Update: https://yadi.sk/d/mRm3ZCaFzc55q

I think this is last upd. posted in that topic, later I will start own.

Iā€™m assuming there isnā€™t a way to make the Barbarian able to dual wield two handers? Havenā€™t really tried the mod yet but that seems like something that is beyond the scope of the mod tools.

Yes. Unfortunately Barbarian canā€™t dual-wield 2-handed weapons.

Itā€™s been almost half a year since I announced putting the project on hold.

I didnā€™t cancel it because I knew that one day I will regain my motivation to finish it.

That day has come a week ago and during that week I managed to finish 2 new areas plus improved some of the old ones.

I also imported Titan Quest assets, so now I have more stuff at my disposal to make the maps even better.

That being said, you can expect a new sneak peek soon.